Product Release Notes
Control Center
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- February 27, 2025
- December 18, 2024
- November 13, 2024
- October 23, 2024
- September 18, 2024
- August 13, 2024
- July 25, 2024
- July 10, 2024
- April 17, 2024
- February 22, 2024
- January 24, 2024
- January 18, 2024
- December 6, 2023
- October 11, 2023
- August 16, 2023
- July 13, 2023
- June 8, 2023
- April 13, 2023
- March 16, 2023
- February 8, 2023
- January 17, 2023
- December 1, 2022
- November 17, 2022
- November 9, 2022
- October 25, 2022
- September 14, 2022
- August 18, 2022
- July 14, 2022
- May 24, 2022
- May 12, 2022
- April 27, 2022
- April 20, 2022
- March 29, 2022
- March 10, 2022
- March 3, 2022
- February 24, 2022
- January 27, 2022
- December 29, 2021
- December 9, 2021
- November 4, 2021
- October 28, 2021
- September 9, 2021
- September 2, 2021
- August 11, 2021
February 27, 2025
See Full Details-
Bug fixed on the Store Daily Sales Summary List Report where the different types of tax types could be reported incorrectly.
Bug fixed in the Price Change Report, where the QOH was calculated incorrectly.
Bug fixed where the scanner wouldn't activate in the handheld for the print label module.
Bug fixed where devices with very low-resolution screens would cut off the manual search at the top of the screen.
Bug fixed when creating new product with the setting "Prompt for Notes on Item Changes" enabled where the page would give an unneeded error message.
Made the new Control Center site design the default view.
Bug fixed where the gift card balance line on receipts verbiage made it seem like the remaining balance rather than what was used.
Bug fixed where the auto clock out time set wouldn't allow past 11PM.
Bug fixed when creating an invoice adjustment from verified invoices where an invoice surcharge would be incorrectly copied.
Bug fixed where uploading a large invoice attachment, it would error out when attempting to download at a later date.
Bug fixed when copying a negative invoice, the total cost and excise tax totals were displayed incorrectly.
Bug fixed on Price Change History on the Product Edit page where it did not include changes to products from the Pending Products module used to sync from Warehouse.
Bug fixed where the cost change report included some items with links that had no changes in rare scenarios.
Bug fixed in the handheld where the Print Labels module wouldn't activate the scanner.
Bug fixed on UI design when viewing the mass update for pending products synced from the Warehouse software.
Bug fixed where when creating a future (unapplied) invoice, the date range could not extend to the future to view in the grid.
Bug fixed to keep pop-up windows with the same consistent design in all modules.
Bug fixed on invoice summary totals where >2 decimal places were shown. 4 Decimal places will be in the details.
Bug fixed when middle clicking an item in Mass Updates, where it wouldn't load the product edit page but instead open another Mass Updates page instead.
Bug fixed on some coloring highlights when viewing orders in the new design.
Bug fixed on the handheld within the Lottery Reconciliation module where certain longer UPCs didn't scan.
Bug fixed where a commission and advertisement was needed when creating an uplift, when it should not be needed.
Bug fixed on the Scheduled Time Clock Entry report where it would display one hour ahead if run via scheduled reports.
Bug fixed on the House Account Balance History page, where house charges would show an incorrect timestamp.
Bug fixed where the Manual Discounts Report gave the option to "Group by Store" but did not give the option to print more than one store.
Bug fixed where when printing a daily recon within the POS where the dialog box from printing that would appear behind the POS application itself, thus making it feel frozen.
Bug fixed in the Executive Comparison Crosstab Report where time zones were not calculated and converted correctly.
Bug fixed when viewing invoices "Other Information" where surcharges and misc fees were being doubled.
Bug fixed where the Cycle Count Variance Report would extend beyond the page, thus cutting some fields off.
Bug fixed on purchase orders when adding an order quantity >1000.
Bug fixed when mass updating discounts, the manage button to choose locations was not present.
December 18, 2024
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Added new toggleable columns in Mass Updates for Discounts, Buydowns, and Commissions; these are a true/false column type.
Expanded Failed Scan Notes functionality in the POS and CC, having each additional scan for Price, Description, and Notes be an additional row under each respective hyperlink in the Failed UPC Scan module.
Added roll up and sort options in the Monthly Sales Report.
Added tooltips in the Scan Data Module.
Added the option to have proactive Scan Data reminders for sending files.
Added the ability to both see and add missing items/vendor parts from the EDI processing preview rather than just giving an error that the part is missing.
Added an option in the POS to require a driver's license scan when a birthdate is manually entered and doesn't meet a specified age.
Added a new "Discounts Count" column in the product discount preview page, showing the number of discounts an item is in.
Added new options and variations to the Out-of-Stock Report
Added a new cycle count definition type to count by a product's location.
Added multiple reporting filter options for the Sales Trend/Comparison Report
Added options when printing Reconciliation Reports to print reconciliation reports associated with it (shift to lottery, lottery to shift).
Added a UPC hyperlink for the Slow Seller Report's UPC column.
Updated the Non-Sellers Report to show items that may not have ever been received by an invoice but were added to inventory by other means.
Added sanity checks when deleting item(s), providing the user a prompt, whenever an item is linked in any way with other items (sales links, parent/child, aliases, etc).
Added a Mass Update option to the employee listing page, taking over and giving additional functionality to the prior Mass Assign Location button. This allows several employee options to now be mass updatable.
Added the ability to show the parent/child QOH on the Non-Seller Report like the reorder grid, separating both values instead of giving a decimal value on just the parent UPC.
Added logic when sending an EDI Order to remove items with a 0 quantity from the sent file.
Added the option to copy last week's schedule in the Employee Scheduler module for the Employee login variant of Control Center.
Added a new filter in the Vendor Parts Mass Update tool as well as the Vendor Parts List Report to filter Vendor Parts with no cost and Do Not Order parts.
Added a base date to the Random Sales Report to compare the number of weeks to.
Added page totals to the Transfers Report as well as updated the verbiage for the report totals.
Added a new report titled "Manual Age Entry and Age Visually Verified Sales Report" that will list all sales that fit the criteria of the title.
Added two new Buydown options, "Dollar Amount" where there is a dollar amount limit and "Dates and Dollar Amount" where there is a dollar amount limit within a date range.
Removed fields on the E-Journal Report when they are not in use, an example being Delivery Charge.
Added a roll up option to the Item Ranking Report.
Added a sanity check when attempting to delete an item with a QOH. There will now be a confirmation prompt.
Added account information on the POS Diagnostics and top left of the POS login screen.
Added a date and change notes filter to the Cost Change Between Dates Report.
Added an optional customizable message in POS Global Settings for the CFD during age verification prompts in a transaction.
Added separation in reports for credit card surcharges and non-cash fees.
Added the ability to force a driver's license scan as an option on the POS Flag.
Added an option to print an UPC alias when printing labels.
Added a Product Tag Import as an import format.
Added a Total Item Quantity field in the Transfers grid within the Transfers Module.
Added a cancel option when converting Vendor Return Worksheets to an Adjustment.
Added Discount Sets to the Discounts Grid with sort and search options within the Discounts Module.
Bug fixed where credit invoices with excise taxes didn't properly display with negative values.
Bug fixed where the quantity value on a transfer worksheet could overlap cost & pricing if the quantity was 8 digits or more.
Bug fixed where pagination didn't function properly when viewing results of the advanced search of transfers.
Bug fixed in various custom filters and store filters in the Department Comparison Report
Big fixed where when removing items from a Price Exemption, the numerical item count affected didn't update.
Bug fixed in Mass Updates when updating an item's field and using the "Match" option caused the action to not occur.
Many bug fixes across the user and employee module with sorting, grouping, mass updates of employees, and printing views.
Bug fixed where the employee who reconciled a spot check doesn't have their name show on the record.
Bug fixed in the logic of the Gift Card Summary Report where it did not match the Gift Card Sales Detail Report when it should have.
Bug fixed on the Gift Card Sales Report not properly summarizing data on a location.
Bug fixed where the credit card surcharge fee wasn't separated accounted for in various reports and the GL export.
Bug fixed where the Control Center Print Manager didn't print from the ZD411 label printers.
Added a new behind the scenes limiter to prevent the same report from running simultaneously, in case the same report is run in >1 tabs.
Bug fixed where on the Top Sellers Report, when ordering by profit it did not order properly.
Bug fixed where the Suspicious Dates Report could have an issue with an employee who worked multiple stores in the date range that fit into the report results.
Bug fixed where in the Uplift Sales Report, when showing unique uplifts per receipt the report results wasn't following the set option.
Bug fixed where the 52 Week Sales Report didn't calculate sales values per week correctly.
Bug fixed on the Shift Reconciliation Variance Report, the time stamp column was not properly converted to the assigned time zone from UTC.
Bug fixed where the Sales/Trend Comparison Report didn't properly apply the date filter.
Bug fixed when doing a lottery reconciliation in Control Center, the cursor placement could be lost as text is input and the fields are refreshed.
Bug fixed where some reports that were very large (record amounts exceeding 30k) new logic is applied optimize where exports do not take as long.
Bug fixed in the Commission Sales Report when generated in the Employee login of CC and grouped by location and employee.
Bug fixed when printing the suggested transfers worksheet where it would not show all needed data - it will now prompt to exclude empty stores and print only the values that are needed for the suggested transfer.
Bug fixed in the Buydown Sales Report to properly filter only based on specific vendor filter and not include other vendors when the item is shared across multiple vendors.
Bug fixed on the Department Sales Comparison Report in summary mode where the dates within the results were offset by a day.
Bug fixed where when copying a vendor part kit, the location assignment option was missing.
Bug fixed in reorder grid where the row was an item that was last received >365 days ago and highlighting that row caused an incorrect highlight color.
Bug fixed where the mass update feature in vendor parts did not allow >2 decimal places for the cost.
November 13, 2024
See Full Details-
Added new toggleable columns in Mass Updates for Discounts, Buydowns, and Commissions; these are a true/false column type.
Started the process of revamping uplifts to be simpler to manage, tying them to system discounts where multiple different spiff options are now available.
Added options to enable/disable retail scan data and updated the module to show buydowns and discounts that are flagged to be included in the scan data report.
Added additional options on generating purchase orders with the Days of Inventory and Hybrid methods when including sold items with a 0-order quantity.
Added a highlighted color on rows in purchase orders where the item on the row has not been received in >365 days.
Added the ability to add a parent/child item directly from the product edit page if a record doesn't exist already.
Added an optional summed QOH column in mass updates that sums all locations QOH together like on the product edit page.
Added all return worksheet options that an employee has to the standard users, so they can go through the entire return worksheet flow if needed without employees being required.
Added additional columns to the Pay In and Pay Out report, as well as the receipt number now links directly to the E-Journal Report for that receipt.
Added a new Brand Sales report.
Added option on Warehouse Return Forms within the POS to drop items with a 0 quantity that the warehouse had rejected.
Added a new optional column in mass updates for Reorder Aliases.
Added a filter by selection option in Mass Updates, allowing filter by directly selecting items in the grid.
Added grand total lines on the System Discount Details Report whenever there are groupings added.
Added a vendor filter in the Back Order Items filter options.
Added a brand-new custom filter option to Mass Updates
Bug fixed on the Purchase Analysis Report where the Totals label always showed Vendor when it should show otherwise.
Bug fixed where a product created via a product template didn't show the user account who created it.
Bug fixed on orders where when sending the print results of a purchase order as an email in the CSV or Excel format, an error would be received.
Bug fixed where sorting by tender type in the Tenders module didn't function.
Bug fixed where the time stamp on the Pay in Pay Out Report was incorrect due to not converting the time zone correctly.
Bug fixed in the Item Sales Report on discount filters not properly filtering when percentages are rounded up.
Bug fixed where a text field didn't function properly when doing location overrides on Credit Card Departments to Skip Fees on while the browser is in Incognito Mode.
Bug fixed on the RJ Reynolds Scan Data Report where discount multipliers wouldn't report correctly.
Bug fixed on very rare case on the RJ Reynolds Scan Data Report where multipack discounts in certain scenarios wouldn't report correctly.
Bug fixed where when scheduling an Item Sales Summary Report and the time was from 12AM - 12AM, the report would be returned as blank.
Bug fixed on the Time Clock Entry Report when printing by a single location and filtering by a location group with the page break option enabled, no data would be presented.
Bug fixed in Maintenance when viewing customers where it unintentionally showed store mapping assignments of customers.
Bug fixed in the Current Drawer Levels Report where a blank result would be given when generating the report and then trying to open it as a PDF in a new window,
Bug fixed on the Cycle Count Coverage Report where it didn't allow an export of an Excel file.
Bug fixed in the Receiving/Invoices module where searching for items wouldn't populate the grid below with invoices that the item is contained on.
Bug fixed on the Commission Sales Report where data wouldn't show if a commission was deleted.
Bug fixed in Return Worksheets where if changing the reason on an item in an existing row would duplicate that row.
Added a filter in the Department Sales Report to filter by E-Commerce sales.
Bug fixed in the POS Global Device Settings resolving a simple typo.
October 23, 2024
See Full Details-
Bug fixed where when searching by a phone number in the vendor module of Control Center didn't product expected results.
Bug fixed where the filter option Include in Sales Reporting did not function as intended.
Bug fixed with the Disclaimer Acknowledgment Report where the acknowledged and sold values were populated incorrectly.
Bug fixed where an older than current last cost would show on a vendor return worksheet.
Bug fixed where excise taxes on invoices did not properly follow excise tax caps if the rule was set.
Bug fixed on the backend of Control Center to prevent duplicate requests on the vendor part search on invoices if the user presses Search or Enter multiple times before the result is given.
Bug fixed where when editing a scheduled report and having the times of 12AM - 12AM would cause the report output to be blank.
Bug fixed with the Media Detail Report visual formatting when printing filtered by a tender and showing account codes.
Bug fixed when adding item to a working order or purchase order where it showed the incorrect last cost.
Bug fixed where when extending the category width in Mass Updates, it did not retail the width upon reopening the module.
Bug fixed when trying to use Mass Updates to update the Manufacturer / Brand field when searching by the same field.
Bug fixed where the Suggested Transfers permission existed for Employees and Employee Groups when it should not have.
September 18, 2024
See Full Details-
Bug fixed when using the Buydown Mass Updates and updating a quantity styles buydown date, where it gave a false positive change result.
Bug fixed where a product's min/max quantity wasn't properly restricted to 4 digits.
Bug fixed where the backend API for CC and Warehouse integration wouldn't properly function for showing changes in the Warehouse side to existing products.
Bug fixed where when viewing the change history on the product edit page, if a cost and price were changed together, it wouldn't show in all scenarios in the history.
Bug fixed where in certain scenarios when changing a linked item, the other side of the link wouldn't automatically sync also.
Bug fixed when scheduling an order to be created as a transfer always failed.
Bug fixed where vendor parts tied to inactive items could be received via an EDI file, causing discrepancies.
Bug fixed where an error would prompt on cost changes on an invoice when trying to apply and there was a vendor part tied to an inactive product.
Bug fixed where when erasing the lottery starting ticket number in CC and then adding the same value caused a discrepancy.
Bug fixed with the Remove Background tool in E-Commerce Tools where the tool wouldn't function.
Bug fixed where when adding an item alias, it wouldn't save with a check digit.
Bug fixed where when editing a very long report name in scheduled reports and saving it would cut into the action button.
Bug fixed where the exclude tag filter on suggested transfers didn't function.
Bug fixed where in some scenarios when doing a reconciliation with auto populate tenders enabled, some tenders didn't auto populate.
Bug fixed when viewing the change history on the Product Edit page when a cost and price were changed together, where the change wouldn't show up.
Bug fixed with a typo in POS Settings under the Product/General tab.
Bug fixed where commission campaigns built against categories wouldn't show on products on their respective Product Edit page in CC.
Bug fixed where the Customer Activity Report had an incorrect tooltip.
Bug fixed where expected cost field on invoices didn't allow negative values.
Bug fixed in new CC design where the GL export utility drop down window selection appears behind the preview element.
August 13, 2024
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Bug fixed in with background error when searching in "Manage Report Favorites".
Bug fixed where trying to save an Item Sale Limit with no name didn't properly give an error.
Bug fixed where a FTP connection didn't give an error when trying to save with no name given.
Bug fixed where in product categories, the special characters ' and () were not allowed.
Bug fixed on the POS Dashboard in Control Center where cancelled sales were included in totals.
Bug fixed where the scheduler module saved time periods incorrectly in certain scenarios.
Bug fixed by adding an error prompt when trying to save/reconcile a no definition cycle count with no scanned items on it.
Bug fixed where meta titles in the e-commerce module wouldn't enforce unique meta titles.
Bug fixed where categories wouldn't sync to the POS in certain scenarios.
Bug fixed where the Employee Scheduler report where if the start of week day was changed, the report would be inaccurate.
Bug fixed on the Product Edit page in Control Center when creating a new vendor part where the "Save & New" option wasn't functioning as intended.
July 25, 2024
See Full Details-
Added the ability when adjusting pricing types and the prices within to affect more than a single pricebook zone.
Added the ability for Retail Scan Data Reports to assign both individual and multiple locations to a single FTP file send, rather than giving only the options for all or individual.
Added a new toggle in discounts and buydowns to show prices on current values and queued values if queued changes exist.
Added a "Manually Reviewed” Yes/No toggle on invoices that can be used one time per invoice to mark it as reviewed, just like the Cycle Counts "Manually Review" toggle.
Added an option to quickly filter items in the discount trigger lists via a variety of different item properties.
Added Register X details to the Register Z Report, showing employee names and time stamps that a Register X was done.
Added the ability to scheduled cycle counts via a standard user account with applicable permissions.
Added a font size option when exporting reports.
Added a new import format for updating existing vendor parts called "Vendor Parts Updates" that changes vendor part numbers from one value to another.
Added the ability for a standard Control Center user to have the same options as an Employee Control Center user when it comes to creating and managing return worksheets.
Added email as an option to purchase order EDI delivery methods, allowing the PO to send a file in the assigned format to an email address.
Moved the department selection window in the Retail Scan Data Report to the main screen from behind the "Generate Files" button.
Optimized the query used to run the System Discount Details report, allowing it to run faster.
Added the ability to have a 4th decimal place for tax rates.
Added a "Roll Up Units" checkbox for the Purchase Analysis Report for all 3 return filter options.
Added colors to invoices where there is a value on the difference field (expected vs received) to make it easier to see any variances compared to the purchase order the invoice was received against.
Added the ability to create custom time clock types, allowing more detailed types for clocking in/out.
Added the Florida tiered tax rates tax option for taxing in the state of Florida.
Added a Child QOH column to the Top Sellers Report
Added several new columns to the Manual Discount Report, giving much more detail into each manual discount given in a transaction.
Added 3 new columns to the Daily Reconciliation overview page in Control Center: Cashier, System, and Manager, which shows their respective summed values tied to that Daily Reconciliation.
Added a hyperlink to the Daily Reconciliation Details page in Control Center that allows quick navigation to both the Shift Reconciliation Report and Register Z Report for each shift contained in the Daily Reconciliation.
Added shift start/stop times on the Shift Reconciliation Report, Shift Reconciliation tab grid in Control Center, as well as when viewing the Shift Reconciliation Details in Control Center.
Added a summed totals for all variations of groupings in the Top Sellers Report, as well as a page break option.
Updated the name of PC Payroll to ExcelForce across the system to match the payroll company's name change.
Added the option to define "X" on the Inventory Evaluation Report, where "X" can be user defined now to filter items with a QOH greater than, less than, equal to, and combinations of these.
Added a variable for "Parent Price" for printing labels via Dymo label printers.
Added the ability to better manage backorder items, with multiselect options to delete.
Added the ability for a standard Control Center user to have the same options as an Employee Control Center user when it comes to creating and managing return worksheets.
Added ability when copying Discounts to prompt copying whitelisted customers.
Added logic to reorder generation to filter out stores who are not assigned the vendor for whom the order is to be generated for.
Added TaxJar integration to Control Center for FTx Commerce usage.
Added a "Current" option to list reports for Discounts, Buydowns, and Commissions, where current is used for records where they are active, not completed/ended, and in between the start/end dates.
Newly created employees will now have older Dashboard Messages filtered out, hiding anything before the created date of that record.
Added time clock to the employee login of Control Center, allowing employees to now clock in and out via the web browser.
Adjusted the recently added Manufacturer column on the Worksheet Details Report from the last column to the 4th column.
Added a toggle when auditing Daily Reconciliations to toggle between system details and manager details, giving the option to see system expected values and manager input values.
Bug fixed where the ability to delete applied invoices ignored all permissions for employees.
Bug fixed where banned customers were ignored by the POS and allowed transactions as normal.
Bug fixed where the new CC design doesn't properly prompt a notification when applying an invoice total are not equal to the expected values.
Bug fixed where renaming a store would impact the Inventory Evaluation when run against that store, giving incorrect values.
Bug fixed where in some situations the Top Sellers Report when run to show 50 items export wouldn't match the report preview.
Bug fixed where adding an item to an invoice then deleting it, the deleted item would still be shown on the invoice print out in certain scenarios.
Bug fixed in the Purchase Analysis Report with the "Exclude Vendor" option being used, where it used to select/include it.
July 10, 2024
See Full Details-
Bug fix where printing multiple transfers created from the Suggested Transfers module wasn't possible as it was in the legacy software's Director.
Bug fix where handheld permissions, if changed, would not update for employees after they were initially set and saved for the first time on the handheld itself.
Bug fix where when using mass updates with the queue enabled and selecting >1 page of items, if using the "Choose Actions For ()" button it would totally bypass the queue and the changes are applied immediately, thus removing the scheduling functionality.
Bug fix where the label print manager did not support Dymo label printers.
Bug fix with the handheld when creating orders, they were actual purchase orders and not temporary orders that can be converted to purchase orders.
Bug fix where when rolling back costs and/or prices from the Item Change History a hidden limit existed, and if trying to roll back beyond that limit it looked as if it was successful when in fact it wasn't.
Bug fix where the Print Item List with Vendor Information Report included dupes when filtered by tags.
Bug fix where the POS panel numerical digits style between phone and numpad style couldn't be altered.
Bug fix where exported Item Sales Report to the xlsx format exported the incorrect store number for the printed/exported data.
Bug fix where the Non-Seller Report did not pull all items that it should show in the report in certain cases.
Bug fix on Suggested Transfers where when changing pages, it removed all entered items and values previously entered, thus causing an incorrect transfer.
Bug fix on purchase orders where when clicking to view the next page, the next page opened at the bottom of the page rather than the top of the page.
Bug fix where cost changes applied on invoices did not apply on any vendor parts and items past the first page visible on the invoice.
Bug fix where the Time Clock Entry Report reported incorrect times due to time zone differences.
Bug fix where favorite reports did not allow any export type outside of PDF and would immediately error.
Bug fix on the E-Journal Report where the sale amount equal filter didn't function.
Bug fix on a text capitalization issue for consistency on the POS Flag page.
Bug fix where orders could be generated without issue or warning, breaking rules when a vendor minimum value was set and not met
Bug fix on a calculation issue where two reports - the Reg Z Report and Daily Sales Report - gave different values for the same fields thus making the reports not
Bug fix on the Register Z Report "Combined Total" and "Tender Total" did not match, when those values always should match.
Bug fix where purchase orders done by a vendor with thousands of potential items assigned to a vendor would take >20 minutes or timeout before it ever completed.
April 17, 2024
See Full Details-
Added an alternative Item Sales Report rollup display option, showing parentQOH|childQOH instead of decimal values
Added a new Weekly Sales Report
Added a page break option between locations and shifts on the Mass Z Report
Added logging and reporting of the User Adjusted Count field in Cycle Counts
Added the ability to disable areas in Product Edit / Mass Updates pages that doesn't need to be shown based on preferences
Added a register filter to the Ejournal Report
Added an optional change notes field to Discounts, Buydowns, Commissions, Uplifts, and Products
Added a group by store option to the System Discount Details Report
Added a tax-exempt status to E-Journal Report
Added additional options to Non-Sellers Report For invoices vs sales
Added margin dollars and percentage to the Monthly Sales Report
Added optional email notification for Failed UPC Scans on POS
Added new columns to the Vendor Return Reason Report
Added a new report to show the 52-week min/max with 10-week sales data
Added a new import format for min/max values
Added a new Time Clock Edited Entry Report
Altered the extended price on Item Returns Report to factor in discounts/buydowns to match the POS receipt values
Added more detailed feedback on the email confirmation when sending scan data to manufacturers
Added the ability to filter to subcategories in the Category Sales Report
Added additional columns to the Summary Sales Report - Transaction Count and Average Transaction Amount
Added ability to mass update Vendor Part Primary Part
Added the return reason in entered on a product return in the E-Journal and Return Reason Reports
Added an optional change notes field to Transfers, Worksheets, Purchase Orders, Invoices, Verified Invoices, Adjustments, and Cycle Counts
Added manufacturer column in the Return Worksheets Module grid and Reports
Added the ability to edit/delete scheduled changes in Mass Updates
Added the ability to group by links in the Inventory Evaluation Report
Added the ability to apply automatic cost/price changes from Invoice Cost Changes
Added a permission to alert a user and employee on transfers if there is a 0 QOH as well as a QOH column for client users
Made user and date / time stamps consistent across the inventory module for various edited and applied values
February 22, 2024
See Full Details-
Single Pack Loyalty Code for Scan Data
Item Analysis Changes and Optimization on Product Edit Page
Item Sales Report Filter by Reg # and Reg Z #
Inactive Items and Reorder Aliases
Uplift Reports Show Inaccurate Transaction Timestamps
Cycle Counts Issue When Using "User Adjusted Count" and Not Scanning item
Error Message Pops Up When Not Needed
Backorder Issues Specifically with Invoice Verification + Adjustment Invoices
Editing Shift Recon All Lottery Games Show Bin as "N/A"
Mass Updates Zone Price Update Issue with Default Zone
Cursor Focus to Search Field When Entering Item on Transfers After Item Added
January 24, 2024
See Full Details-
Added the UPC to Transfer Analysis window on the Product Edit page in Pricebook
Added Pricebook permissions to view information but not alter products for employee users
Added a notification system for various actions / lack of actions in the POS and CC
January 18, 2024
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Added the ability to preview how a buydown alters the pricing on more than a single zone from the buydown edit screen
Added the option to group sales together based on date range in the GL export utility
Added a hyperlink to the coupon details report from the Ejournal Report when transactions have coupons
Added a group by register option to the Ejournal Report.
Moved the "Remove Products with Zero Qty" option on purchase orders out of the cogwheel it was previously located in
Added a closeout item adjustment option when adding items to an adjustment
Added the ability to see the user/password hidden values on scan data FTP connection strings
Added a filter to the Product List Report for products where the track inventory flag is set to false
December 6, 2023
See Full Details-
Added option to group the inventory evaluation report by parent/child links
Added an in-store location field to products to designate aisle/shelf/bin
CC & Handheld - Added supplier deposit overrides as a vendor part option
Added new permissions to allow an employee user to view the pricebook but not edit it, including viewing mass updates
Added new columns to the Daily Sales Summary Report based on reconciliation data
CC Handheld - Adjustments on the handheld will now allow negative values to be input
Added top item limiter to the Item Ranking Report
Added "Allow Waste" yes/no toggle to Mass Updates
In Pricebook, the Item Analysis now shows seconds on the timestamp
Added ability to view FTP users and passwords behind a show/hide button
Resolved an issue where after updating HH permissions they didn't properly update on the HH
Resolved an issue where a vendor part location assignment wasn't respected on reorder generation
Resolved an issue with returns not factoring properly with taxes on the Register Z Report when cashiers entered a blank note
Resolved an issue with the Negative Items Report not matching the Register Z Report with returns
Resolved an issue where a LNS coupon shows as used where the customer never redeemed the coupon
Resolved issue when exporting a Slow Sellers Report as a CSV that is limited to 10 items giving more results than intended
Resolved issue in some scenarios where a register Z number was being used as a register number in LNS transactions, thus causing tokens to not be received
Resolved issue where Summary Sales Report didn't show values for both manufacturer and store coupons
Resolved an issue on the Store Daily Sales Summary List Report where sales tax would be miscalculated in certain scenarios with flat tax and occupational taxes
Resolved issue on Department Sales Comparison Report where filtered data didn't match the department sales report
Resolved issue with System Discount Report Layout when generating details only limiting to a single page
Optimized queries to make the item sales report generate faster when running against smaller sets of items
Resolved issue on false positive numerical values in the queue on mass updates under certain scenarios
Added "Link Qty Sold" column to the Sales/Inventory/Non-Sellers Report
Resolved issue where transactions that were marked as waste didn't show details on the Inventory Adjustment Report
Resolved issue where sometimes discount groups couldn't be deleted
Shift reconciliation notes that are longer in length can now be shown when hovering the mouse pointer of the notes
Resolved an issue where cycle count hybrid report exported to CSV didn't show the child quantity
Resolved issue where uplifts scheduled for the end of a day ended earlier than scheduled
Added clearer error messages in Control Center for vendor part cost import
Resolved issue where pending discounts showed incorrectly as active in system discount report
Resolved issue where the cost change report was incorrectly showing records that had been deleted
Resolved incorrect expiration date on printed coupons from the receipt printer
Resolved issue where syncs were delayed and would allow redemptions on blacklisted items in some scenarios
Properly ordered the SMARTtill reports by timestamp and receipt number as well as removed credit card transactions on the Employee Detailed Variance Report
October 11, 2023
See Full Details-
Change the text of "Add to Sales" to "Include in Sales Reports" on Departments
Added the ability to mass update Tenders
Added the following reports to the employee login of Control Center: Crosstab Sales, Employee Sales Report Summary, Executive Comparison Crosstab Report Summary, Location Sales Report, Summary Sales Report
Added a new optional setting to roll cost & price changes up to parent level when done on the child item
Added a sale simulator for Control Center to preview/test transactions
Added the ability to get POS device logs from Control Center
Added optional POS Flag overrides based on location for both department and item levels
August 16, 2023
See Full Details-
Added "Item Ranking Report" that ranks location sales from best to worst on selling filtered items
When printing buydowns from the buydown module, items assigned to the buydowns are shown in their applicable area, along with the standard price and price after the buydown is applied
The CSV price import now can round up to 5 or 9
The CSV cost import now can update the primary vendor part cost
When viewing/editing products on the "Product Edit" page, retail prices can now be altered by markup
The accounting export can now be scheduled
When updating prices in mass updates, subunit/child prices can also be altered based on the link quantity if the parent/purchase unit price is being updated
Additional Filters/Columns for House Account Sales Report
Setting a product's minimum or maximum value can now be done based on pricebook zone, on the "Product Edit" page as well as in "Mass Updates"
The "Invoice Cost Change" report now has more grouping and sorting options
When setting the margin or markup on the "Product Edit" page, keyboard commands can now alter the price and the following is now an option: Enter = exact change, Shift-Enter = round up to .09, Alt-Enter = Round up to 0.5, Shift-Alt-Enter = Round up to .99
When viewing dashboard messages, a new search option is now available for searching through the "Source" section
Added the ability to mass export return worksheets, like how the invoice export functionality works
The transfer details page as well as its reports now show more detail of who did what portions of each transfer
Added the ability to filter the transfers module by complete, partially complete, or not started alongside date and time filters
Added option to capture read receipts on dashboard messages
Added the ability to see and filter what employees verified invoices on the standard invoices grid
Added a show details checkbox on the invoice summary report, giving an option to show less, more summarized information than before
Added new filters to the Non-Sellers Report
Added the Buydown Group Filter to filter buydowns in Buydown Report
Added a delete purchase order permissions to employees so PO's can be deleted in the employee login of Control Center
Ability the ability to assign locations When copying vendor part kits
Added the ability on Scheduled Orders to see the orders generated by the scheduler
Added a new category list report
Customized column ordering will now be shared between standard purchase orders and working orders
Added the ability to reset to the default layout on worksheets after custom columns are applied
Added the original order quantity to the Altered Items on Orders Report
Added subunits being counted in the inventory projection report
Added a hyperlink to Customer Receipt Report from Ejournal Report for LNS users
Updated the logic of the Department Sales Comparison Report to show differences when compared to date range #1 always
Moved the KB help button in Control Center
Added an action filter to the POS Override Report
Expanded backorders to function with automated ordering as well as working orders
Added bold, italic, and underline fonts to dashboard messaging
July 13, 2023
See Full Details-
Added the ability to group the Inventory Evaluation Report by links
Added sortable options to the filter columns on System Discounts, Buydowns, and Campaigns
Added notification options for the Uncounted Definitions Report
Added the option to include subunits on Inventory Evaluation Report when filtering by vendor
Added the ability to print a more realistic receipt printout to the E-journal Report
Added additional information to the Lottery Reconciliation Report
Added the ability for transfers to be "aware" of other transfers, giving QOH warnings when appropriate
Added the ability to filter the pricebook queue by users rather than just showing all changes
Added queue warnings when changing costs/prices on items when the same item exists in the queued changes
Added a signature line to the printout of a transfer
Added failed UPC Scans module link to the Dashboard Messages module
Verified invoices now will affect backorder items
Added filters to the Mass Updates for Vendor Parts
Added ability to price changes to labels via label printing module in Control Center
All submodules in the inventory module now have sortable columns on their respective work grids
Added a user auto-logout option to Control Center based on a login defined time
Added new vendor part filters to the vendor parts module
For the Cycle Count Totals Report, added ability to select multiple stores as well as additional filters
Added the ability to alter the store number when copying an adjustment
Added a roll-up option to the Inventory Evaluation report
Added the ability to have simple system discount limits without loyalty requirements
Simplified adding/updating vendor parts on the Product Edit page
Added a summed total deduction option on invoices to show when a user set value doesn't equal what the invoice has
June 8, 2023
See Full Details-
Added column filtering and reordering ability to inventory module with user caching of last used options
Minor field changes and additions to the Daily Sales Report
Added ability to quickly swap to linked item on product edit page when viewing the Transfer Analysis and QOH & Sales hyperlinks
In item analysis, added hyperlink to show who started and reconciled cycle counts
On invoices, when adding an item, a current QOH has been added to the pop-up window
On reorders, when printing the order guide, there are no various sort and grouping options.
Added ability to print shift reconciliations for the employee version of Control Center
The memo field on a purchase order transfers to invoices, and is now viewable in item analysis
Adding items and editing items on invoices is now a faster process due to backend optimizations
Added an optional open date to locations
Added the ability to "Run Now & Queue Order Job" on scheduled orders
Added the option on deleting applied invoices in the employee login of Control Center to back out quantities
Added a waste button on the Inventory Movement Report
On imports, cost and prices can be imported separately from one another
Added option to include non-sale transactions on the Ejournal Report
Attached the knowledge base in Control Center
April 13, 2023
See Full Details-
Added a new report to show any time an override was used during a POS transaction called the “POS Override Report”
Added new coupon report to show detail of coupons taken called the “Coupon Report”
Added additional filters to the “Employee List Report”
Added new report that shows any items altered on an order called "Altered Items on Orders Report"
Added new report to show all reorder aliases tied to items for ordering labeled "Reorder Alias Report"
Added new lottery reports to see lottery bin assignment called “Lottery Game Bin Assignment Report” and lottery safe values called “Lottery Safe Report” for corporate users in Control Center
Added the quarterly/yearly option to scheduled reports
Added department filters to the “Tax Exempt Report”
Added functionality for breaking down merged invoices to individual stores that were created from merged orders
Added column filtering and reordering ability to inventory module with user caching of last used options
In reports the last used set date range will now be preserved between sessions
Added the employee scheduler visibility to the employee version of control center
Added the ability to unfinalize and edit a daily reconciliation for users with the reconciliation admin permission
Added the ability to edit notes for adjustments and transfers after they are created
Added the ability to print unsaved transfer records
Pricebook names are now sorted properly in mass update's action tools
Added the ability to star dashboard messages
Added clarity on messages when deleting items from the pricebook if the item cannot be deleted
Added return worksheet notifications option to point of sale settings in Control Center
Added more detail to the cycle count grid showing who started/reconciled count
Added additional columns to the cost change worksheet to provide additional information
Added ability to quickly see and filter if a cycle count has used the user adjusted count feature from the grid
Added new setting to force dashboard message acknowledgement for ability to use POS
Added a new setting to require a driver's license scan for a LNS redemption
Added discount sets, a grouping method of discounts which limits a single discount to be applied where multiple exist in a set
Added price changes notification ability to be printed from the receipt printer
Added a manual refresh QOH button to orders
Added option to prompt cashier to request customer use debit rather than credit for certain transactions under a specific dollar amount
March 16, 2023
See Full Details-
Vendor Return Worksheet Problem With Standalone Parts with >1 UPC Quantity
Discount "Points" Description Rename / Verbiage Changes
Sales Numbers Showing on Wrong Day on POS Dashboard
Adjustments and Transfers Not Refreshing in Item Analysis With Item Change
12-Week Sales Report Rollup Links Problem
Location Drawer Variances Report Incorrect Data
Mass Update Discount Field Sort Ignores the Year
Buydown Filter By End Date Not Working
POS Dashboard Shows Incorrect Sales Data
Generating Orders Problem With Items With Negative QOH
Reporting Against Return Worksheets Reasons
February 8, 2023
See Full Details-
All return worksheet types can now be converted to adjustments
Added a mass update tool for vendors Learn More
Added the ability to do a daily reconciliation in Control Center Learn More
Removed the Set Uncounted to Expected Qty button on cycle counts when the employee is set to the blind permission
Resolved issue where sometimes scheduled reports did not trigger and send email
Resolved issue on PM scan data report using the single ftp option from using an incorrect file name
The items sales report rollup values now properly display decimal values if needed
The invoice detail report now shows correct cost on vendor part partials (decimal values)
Resolved issues when comparing Daily Sales and the Register Z report involving pay outs
Resolved issue with employee import not functioning in Control Center
Resolved issue with vendor part import in Control Center
Removed cancel sales from adding to sale statistics on the product edit page
Resolved mass updates problem when using filter where QOH = 0
Resolved issue on buydown report when run by invoices to only include applied invoices and not unapplied / deleted invoices
Resolved issue on inventory evaluation report where applying buydowns didn’t properly remove values from costs and prices
Resolved issue where EDI orders couldn’t be send manually outside opening the order itself
January 17, 2023
See Full Details-
Added a minimum piece count option to vendors for setting a minimum quantity requirement for ordering
Added new features to the Failed UPC Scan module when scanning unknown UPCs from the POS
Added an employee permission to allow/disallow cycle count deletion
Added a Creator/Changed By column in Pricebook
Within Item Analysis rows are now highlighted when clicking on them
Added a Creator/Applied By column to the previous invoices grid
Added an option to update a driver’s license number within Control Center and POS for loyalty customers
Added option to Daily Reconciliations to deduct the change bank from the deposit
Added a button hyperlink on the deposits report that links to the daily reconciliation
December 1, 2022
See Full Details-
CC - Added new features to the employee scheduler
CC POS WPF - Added option to prompt cashiers to sell subunit items when purchase unit items are sold
CC - Added features to make the vendor return worksheets more efficient
CC - Added a lock function to the employee scheduler
CC - Added the print report options to the shift reconciliation page in CC for employee users
CC POS WPF - Added new Daily Reconciliation setting to always include
CC POS WPF - Added system discount sets
CC - Resolved problem with vendor return worksheets with standalone parts with >1 UPC quantity
CC - Resolved potential queue pricing problem
CC - Resolved all ordering problems for the "Hybrid" ordering method
CC - Resolved issue where the media detail report failed to run
CC - Added the ability to input two different loyalty codes for PM scan data reporting
CC - Resolved issue where transfer analysis would freeze in the browser
CC POS WPF - Resolved issue with dashboard messages where employees could see other employees replies
CC - Resolved math calculations on the department sales and sales tax reports not matching in areas they should
November 17, 2022
See Full Details-
Added new statuses for vendor return worksheets
Added to the employee scheduler new features
Refunding loyalty points redeemed in transaction instead of giving cash back
Added a new "Buy X Get Y for Z Dollars" discount type
Added Item & dollar limits on system discounts
Added new discount types: "Buy X Get Y% Off"
On the Department Sales report system / total discounts are now separated
Added new reconciliation reports
Made the process of vendor return worksheets faster/more user friendly
Added ability to convert vendor return worksheets to orders
Added a new report to show coupons taken during transactions
Added a new option to limit system discounts without loyalty
Added expanded price change notifications/messages to cashiers
Added more details to effective price hyperlink in Control Center
Merged the department purchase report and purchase analysis report by adding options to the former
Added a new option to generating orders for 0 QOH and that had sales in the date range of the order
Added the ability to lock the employee scheduler so it's un-editable
Added excise tax cap and additional percentage options on invoice excise taxes
Added discount receipt text limit extension in control center
Added system discount sets
Added new option to prompt cashier to sell child items when parent scanned
Resolved copying invoice from store to another invalid invoice error if a deleted invoice with the same number existed for the copy to store
Resolved potential queue pricing problem
Resolved problem with vendor return worksheets with standalone parts with >1 UPC quantity
Resolved importing vendor part cost issue
Corrected average cost calculation issue on product edit page
Resolved incorrect retail pricing on inventory evaluation report pulling from a deleted pricebook zone
Resolved mass updates price change issue not updating for users who didn't make the change
Resolved issue with scheduling multiple cost/prices at same time
Resolved issues with scheduled reports not showing same columns of data as regularly run report
Resolved all ordering problems for the "Hybrid" ordering method
Resolved issue where the media detail report failed to run
Added the ability to input two different loyalty codes for PM scan data reporting
Resolved math calculations on the department sales and sales tax reports not matching in areas they should
Added purchase club information for PM scan data functionality
Added a scan data field name to system discounts for scan data reporting purposes
Added a new report to show all suspended sales
Added more detail on coupons taken in on the coupon report
November 9, 2022
See Full Details-
Added to Employee Scheduler New Features and Enhancements
Added Uplifts By Date/Time
Added Ability to Change the Carton Count Limiter Message Warning
Added FIFO Inventory Method Support
Added Permission to Give Managers the Ability to See Shift Recons in Employee CC
Added Item # Search to Adjustments
Added Hyperlinks in Item Analysis for Invoice/CycleCount/Receipt/Adjustment Records
Made Copying Buydowns/Discounts Consistent to Each Other
Added Vendor Filter to Some Sales and Inventory Reports
Added Ability to Process EDI Receiving With Backdate Option
Added Customer Search in Ejournal Report
Updated Account Export of Products to Match the Product Import
Added Filter Purchase Analysis Report for Adjustment Invoices
Added Ability to Allow "Select All" in Filters In System Discounts
Added Blacklisting of Products Ability for FTx Retail
Added Ability to Convert Vendor Return Worksheets To Adjustments
Resolved Issue in Some Instances Where "From Store" Transfer Didn't Properly Apply
Resolved Issue Where Inventory Evaluation Report Sort By Name Ascending Doesn't Work Past 1st Page
Resolved Issue Where PM Scan data - Management Account and Chain Name Were Not Pulled from Location Configuration When Doing File Download
Resolved Issue Where Transfer Analysis Freezes in Browser
Added the Display of Reg Number and Z Number When Doing Shift Recon in Control Center
Resolved Issue When Printing Dashboard Message Thread Would Show Comments When They Were Supposed to be Hidden
Resolved Issue Where Department Level Discount Value Could Be Removed if Page Saved Too Fast
Resolved Mass Update Tag Filtering Problem
Resolved Error When Saving Buydown Group When Group is Deleted
Resolved Issue With New Brand on Item But Item Doesn't Show New Brand
October 25, 2022
See Full Details-
Ability to Audit Shift Recons
View All Items By Vendor in Mass Updates
Transfers - Making "Apply To" Unusable Until "Apply From" is Complete
Page Break for All Reports By Store
Highlighting Cost Changed Rows on Orders and Working Orders
Add Empty Manufacturer and Empty Brands Buttons on Their Respective Pages - Anthony - Corporate
Add a Link or Shortcut to the EDI Setup Page from the EDI Import Page
Cycle Count Warning/Prevention of Saving With Open Records
Invoices Making/Saving Changes to Not Reset the Entire Invoice Page and Lose Your Place
Store Admin Login & Permission Type for CC
Inactive Item Wizards Report Missing
Cycle Counts: Connection time out message when starting new cycle count.
Timeclock Module Doesn't Display Local Time
Vendor Return Worksheet Problem With Standalone Parts with >1 UPC Quantity
Importing Vendor Part Cost
Dashboard Performance Report is Pulling Incorrect Numbers
September 14, 2022
See Full Details-
Added new uplift transactional details report
Added a new report to show price exceptions and details
Added ability to mass add stores to price exceptions
Added view vendor parts on products page in employee login of Control Center
Added new statuses for vendor return worksheets
Added accounting code holding areas for transfers and GL exports
Added page change tracking
Added several small QOL changes such as keyboard shortcuts and "Save and Add" to vendor report worksheets
Added the ability to make change notes when changing values on an item on the product edit page
Added the ability to use backorder items when reordering
Added ability to set price against cost + sales excise tax in mass updates
Added the ability to merge multiple orders from multiple stores to a single order for a single vendor
Added a new transaction age validation report in sales reports
Added ability to mark items as non-transferrable on the product edit page
Added an employee notes section
Added an optional reminder to notify users when discounts
Added ability to have more than 1 category in the manufacturer sales report
Added ability to mass add employees to locations
When editing scheduled reports
Added new columns to the Daily Sales Report for more information
When adding vendor parts on the product edit page
Added ability to upload image for product collections for FTxCommerce
Resolved issue with certain logos on receipt printers
Added setting to show/hide certain statuses of working orders for employees and the employee CC
Resolved scenario where cycle counts didn't prompt to refresh inventory movement
Resolved issue on printed Z report where incorrect starting till values were posted
Resolved issue where certain loyalty discounts were improperly flagged as multipack discounts
Added a refresh of item movement when opening an unfinished cycle count
Not able to audit daily recons in control center - Brittany - Corp
Resolved issue in loading system discount details when many items were in the discount filter
Resolved issue in loading buydown details when many items were in the buydown filter
Resolved issue where restriction of vendor parts was for all stores and not individual stores
Resolved potential issue where invoice verification adjustment invoices generated were incorrect on item quantities
Resolved issue where user was unable to apply invoice without updating the cost
Removed limit of open department max amount
Resolved issue where copying adjustment kept the original date and not using the current date
Resolved broken text of category display when filtering by manufacturer
Resolved issue with roll ups on the suggested transfer module
Added missing options in vendor part kit mass updates
Resolved incorrect dates reported on the manual discounts report
Removed cap on min/max value of UPCs in the product edit screen
Resolved buydown report issue where returns were displayed incorrectly
Resolved issue where the tax report displayed the incorrect tax rate
Resolved media detail report issues when compared to the daily sales report
Resolved issue where tax rate on the sale tax report was incorrect
Resolved issue on the invoice summary report where the page break option was not working
Resolved issues in logic of the register Z report in regard to discounts
Resolved issues in store daily summary sales report
August 18, 2022
See Full Details-
Added start/stop times to Z's on the register Z report
Resolved calculations in item sales report to properly match daily sales and register Z report totals
Resolved customer count totals on location sales
Resolved sorting of sales tax report when grouped by date
Resolved issue on buydown report where when running against invoice data
Resolved issue on monthly sales report when filtered by items where in some cases it would include items not in the filter
Resolved issue on uplift sales report where time zone calculations where incorrect in some cases
Resolved calculation issues with the purchase analysis report on cost totals when comparing to other reports
Resolved issue with non-seller report showing incorrect last sold date showing the report run date
Adjusted the register Z report to add missing and additional columns to better explain totals
July 14, 2022
See Full Details-
New tags can now be created in mass updates when mass assigning tags
Added ability to reduce costs/prices by mass on items in mass updates
Added ability to print from the item analysis window in the product edit page
On the invoice cost change report
When scrolling down grids in the system
On the cycle count variance report
In the cycle count reports
Added option in vendor part mass updates to mass assign specific locations
Added quick dates to the monthly sales report
Added new cycle count definition types: variances from cycle counts
Added a summarized option to the hourly sales report
On working orders
Resolved issue on PO's where manually adding an item that was already on the order (and not editing that row) did not append
Resolved issue where saving an employee schedule did not save
Added logic to prevent a single employee from being scheduled at the same date/time at multiple locations
Resolved issue where mass updates didn't use the queued cost when updating retail prices against margin or markup
Resolved issue where if clicking save too fast on an item on an invoice that has excise taxes
Resolved some margin reporting issues on the department sales report
Resolved PDF generation error on sales tax report
Resolved some issues with margins on invoice reports
Resolved issue with saving invoice on a copied invoice
Updated some labels in the hourly sales report
Updated the pricebook zones comparison report to use 4 decimal places
Resolved filtering issue with invoice date ranges
Relabeled headers on the transfer cost comparison report
Resolved issue with backorder items report and receiving negative quantities on invoices
Resolved a date range issue when showing data for the 12-week sales report
Resolved issues when comparing invoice detail report to purchase analysis report
Resolved buydown sales report issues when buydowns are filtered using categories rather than individual products
Resolved some discrepancies on how totals were calculated when comparing monthly sales reports
Resolved issue with cancelled sales on tax exempt report
Resolved issue with reasons/notes to the negative cashier report
Resolved issue with sale tax report displaying the incorrect tax rate
Added ability to earn loyalty points on open department sales
Resolved issue with house account payments showing up in department sales report as open department sales
Updated commissions report to be dynamic on campaign dates rather than data written historically for results
May 24, 2022
See Full Details-
Added a new report to show suspended sales
Added option to hide specific working order statuses from the employee login
Resolved display issue on monthly sales report
Resolved potential issue where some EDI formats didn't calculate the correct cost when processing
Resolved issue when printing Register Z Report it incorrectly showed starting tills
Resolved issue with effective price and buydowns using the "Child Include Part of Parent" option
Resolved potential issue on cycle counts when the breakdown of a parent to child item didn't properly calculate
Updated Commissions Report to be dynamic rather than based on historically written data
Resolved potential issue where saving cycle counts didn't auto-refresh
Resolved issue where certain formatted images would print through the receipt printer
Added a report to show the number of coupons taken in
Added more options on the new coupons report
Added a new report to show price exceptions
Added option to view vendor parts in the employee login of Control Center
Added option to apply cost changes from invoices to multiple price book zones
May 12, 2022
See Full Details-
39552 : 356518
Resolved issue when setting was unable to allow sale of items with price set to $0 not working in certain scenarios
26725 : 315363
On shift reconciliations
33788 : 335598
Added a flashing pop up when users have unread messages that they ignore every 30 minutes
34713 : 330166
Added optional setting to have the POS play a sound after a transaction is successfully tendered/finished
34865 : 330605
Added a report to show all manager overrides performed on the POS
37132 : 352019
Added option to add a credit card fee after tax is applied to the sale
37137 : 352028
Added option to automatically partial tender gift cards when used if the gift card total doesn't cover the entire transaction amount
38014 : 354423
Added ability to store fake IDs as blacklisted IDs
38174 : 354646
Added ability to start and resume remote sales
39472 : 355515
Added option to give reasons for not adding/signing up a LNS customer to a transaction
55414 : 393055
Added option to bypass manager requirement to override a JUUL limited transaction
53640 : 389190
Added ability to have disclaimers on specific items rather than entire departments
50865 : 384917
Added option to require forced license scans for PM products
59024 : 400528
Resolved locations being out of numerical order in the sales tax report
56841 : 394872
Resolved issue with allow cost change permission set to false on invoices
36958 : 351717
Added the scan store module to the POS
50687 : 384225
Added the additional books option to lottery reconciliation and lottery safe
58998 : 399986
Removed additional information printing on receipts from POS instead of item description
55687 : 393387
Changed the available credit message for house accounts to make it more clear
58324 : 396828
Resolved issue where applying loyalty coupons from customer's account gave an error message
58714 : 397068
Resolved issue with setting combination prompt on exit and force clock out on exit pos
58923 : 400325
Resolved issue where using quantity multiplier gave different dollar amounts than manually scanning items
59167 : 400529
Resolved API parsing error in offline mode
59254 : 400728
Resolved force clock in option to use POS when in offline mode
59530 : 401217
Resolved issue "Child Include Part of Parent" option on buydown not showing the buydown in a price check
37676 : 353434
Added hyperlink on price check screen to provide more system discount details
37680 : 353435
On price check screen
48757 : 379122
It is now logged whenever the POS is closed and cashiers log out
59037 : 400549
Removed ability to type in alpha characters in check number field
59042 : 400378
Resolved issue on printed Z tapes not matching certain values in reconciliations in regard to pay outs
54815 : 390744
Resolved issue where ISC250 was signature capture wasn't functioning in the POS
59422 : 401185
When activating lottery books
59648 : 401279
Resolved issue where multiplier button didn't work when the button text was changed
58993 : 400120
Resolved issue where the system prompted the credit card fee after the customer would swipe their card
36046 : 347179
Resolved issue where lottery safe didn't save properly
April 27, 2022
See Full Details-
Manually added items to orders now create and have a reorder log attached to them
50924 : 384973
On adjustments
54100 : 389991
The invoice export now allows export by location groups
55893 : 393495
Both orders and working orders now show the days left in inventory on a dedicated column
56650 : 394172
In the invoice summary report
57079 : 395064
Added option to send a dashboard message to a specific employee to where other employees cannot see on the standard user CC
57432 : 396190
In cycle count coverage report
Resolved potential issue in reconciliations settings where emails would not send out
56506 : 394676
Sped up loading of price exception items
56515 : 394685
Resolved issue where price exceptions would function when added by manufacturer and categories
57084 : 395543
Resolved potential issue when using verified invoices with prepaid sales tax
57088 : 395489
Resolved performance issue when adding items to orders in specific scenarios
57180 : 395938
Resolved potential issue when running department sales report against vendors not filtering properly
57426 : 395975
Improved performance of employee scheduler
58919 : 397669
Resolved filtering issue of employees within employee scheduler
April 20, 2022
See Full Details-
5157 - 254850
When searching for items to add to a purchase order
52044 - 386081
Added a new reverse selection option for scheduled reports; example: All departments except x
54108 - 389989
When printing and exporting return worksheets
55022 - 391405
Added ability to mass send EDIs
55088 - 391303
Added a preview option on commissions to see what items are involved in the definition
55486 - 390988
Added header information to all pages of every report system wide
55512 - 391322
On Avery 5160 labels
55521 - 389909
Added filter in Vendor Parts to not show any parts from a deactivated vendor
55533 - 393187
Added option to exclude returns on the buydown sales report
55872 - 393746
Added ability to group printing invoices by department
55876 - 393760
Added option on adjustments to toggle between purchase/subunit
55920 - 393484
Added a toggleable on/off option on vendors to keep track of backorders
55924 - 393483
Added a new filterable report to see all backordered items
56170 - 393690
When using buydown Mass Updates
56392 - 394573
Cycle count variances are now highlighted in different colors
57075 - 395593
Added "Brand" column for CSV imports
57458 - 396277
Added ability on E-Journal report to use a date range with the last 4 of a credit card number filter
53345 - 387612
Added gift card history reporting
56499 - 394674
Resolved potential problem where pricing exceptions would show the retail price as $NaN
56511 - 394322
Resolved potential issue where in some cases price exceptions would not save
57261 - 395972
Resolved potential issue where in some cases text was not allowed when searching for vendor parts in the employee vendor parts page
57422 - 395588
Resolved a potential issue where in some scenarios on specific EDI formats
58060 - 397106
Resolved a potential issue where in some scenarios on specific EDI formats
March 29, 2022
See Full Details-
54792 : 391001
Resolved scheduled reports issue to respect specific time values when choosing daily/weekly/monthly
52032 : 386165
Resolved the product pricing list report running very slowly
55001 : 391311
Added an IP whitelist for logging into Control Center to prevent logins at non-specific locations
55811 : 393641
Resolved issue in the item sales report reporting the incorrect item QOH
55967 : 393813
Resolved some issues with House Account Department Level Discounts not working properly
56215 : 394334
Resolved issue where vendor part numbers could not start with "0"
56410 : 394584
Resolved issue where the naming scheme on EDI formats wouldn't function
56414 : 394383
Resolved potential issue with file naming scheme on certain EDI formats
56433 : 394580
Resolved issue on copied orders where the vendor has the EDI Auto flag set to true
56553 : 394775
Added store number as a required field for locations
56856 : 395256
Resolved issue when loading a product against a template
56865 : 394861
Added alert to adjustments when trying to adjust an inactive item
56954 : 394327
Resolved issue when trying to mass update a sales link
50916 : 384823
Added sanity checks and warnings to return worksheets and using subunit level items
55072 : 391306
Added an E-Journal report link in the media detail report
55076 : 391293
Added the cashier name to the media detail report
55092 : 391344
Removed limits of locations in suggested transfers
55100 : 390749
Report quick date presets now follow the start of week day set in global settings
55880 : 393692
Added "today" quick date toggle for creating new buydowns
55916 : 393486
Added start & stop date filter for Uplifts to easily filter
54096 : 390008
The price list report now has the option to remove tags
54104 : 389990
In adjustments
54127 : 389969
Added ability to delete a dashboard message from within a thread
53337 : 388542
Added several new fields for mass updating product fields
54568 : 390571
Added checkbox to group by date for excise tax reporting
26011 : 315391
Cycle Counts now can be performed while invoices/transfers/adjustments are applied
53722 : 388695
Added in a new daily sales report
57160 : 395872
Added in ability for vendor part kits to accept 4 decimal places
March 10, 2022
See Full Details-
55955 : 393732
Resolved issue where the invoice sales prepay tax wasn't applying to the invoice total
34856 : 335601
Added a prompt on orders to notify when an item is already added and on the order
35203 : 345040
Added the ability to mass merge orders for a single store / vendor
38005 : 353306
Added option to page break by store on reports
39477 : 355007
When mass updating categories
41168 : 358145
Added permission to prevent employees from viewing costs on orders
50857 : 377916
Added more detail to the transfers grid
54123 : 389987
Added search option to dashboard messages to search content rather than subjects
4727 : N/A
The POS Device list now shows POS panels in the grid
36339 : 305923
When creating a new buydown
36360 : 316735
Added an option to open links in new tab
41176 : 357433
Added a preview feature for pricing imports to review changes before applying
50704 : 384824
Added a prompt when saving vendor parts if a parent item exists and the number of units is >1
50861 : 376530
Added ability to view discount button usage from the POS on the negative cashier report
52974 : 387972
On suspicious dates report
55080 : 391093
Added option to filter to specific tax rates on the sales tax report
March 3, 2022
See Full Details-
55764 - 393539
Resolved issue when printing dashboard messages and it showing incorrect store numbers
54810 - 391096
Resolved issue where when employee permission for cost editing is set to false
36343 - 347510
Added a corporate and store flash report
38225 - 354706
Added new options to create product templates
41152 - 358803
On the buydown and system discount grid
46684 - 374657
Added ability to schedule reports for bi-weekly
48772 - 379124
Added an order PLU option to vendor part kits
49453 - 383065
Added mass update option for locations on the following areas: discounts
50841 - 384813
Added ability to print items within a discount
53333 - 388545
Added a counter for item aliases on the product edit screen
53329 - 388585
Added ability to manually create gift cards in CC
54123 - 389987
Added a search option to dashboard messages to search the contents of a message
February 24, 2022
See Full Details-
52594 - 387253
Added new fields to the product import CSV format: vendor | part # | part # of units | dept | cost | price | child upc | num units in child
53998 - 389731
Resolved issue where scrolling with mouse wheel in the excise tax field in an invoice caused lag and changed the value
54003 - 389853
Resolved issue where tooltips would get stuck on the page and stayed until a page refresh
54414 - 390479
Added open department sales only option to the employee sales report
54484 - 390499
Resolved issue where the Inventory Evaluation Report wouldn’t group properly by department when chosen for individual department totals
54573 - 390743
Resolved issues with item sale restrictions when using the manufacturer code option
54666 - 390662
Resolved issue where when printing the barcode shelf label report
54703 - 390899
Resolved an issue where deleting an item wouldn’t clear linking
54787 - 390869
Resolved issue where the inactive item wizard wouldn’t give more than one page of results
54865 - 391098
Resolved issue where certain results of the department sales report would be cropped off the page
54961 - 391300
Resolved issue where when trying to save the vendor part on an item template would cause the save button to not function
55007 - 391340
Resolved issue where when viewing buydowns in the grid would show the incorrect filter count
55068 - 391283
Resolved store ordering issue in the inventory projection report
55119 - 391410
Resolved issue in the Adjustment Details report showing the incorrect retail price sum
54204 - 389980
Taxes can now be to three decimal places rather than rounding to two
53273 - 388386
Resolved issue where taxes being applied to a manually discounted item follows the POS Global Settings rule: before or after the discount is applied
47368 - 375918
Resolved issue where system discounts when assigned to multiple subcategories wouldn’t trigger in the POS
January 27, 2022
See Full Details-
47867 - 376398
Added option to hide the following columns in the cycle count variance report: variance amount
48768 - 379125
Added filter in mass updates to filter the grid by items with aliases
50700 - 384821
Across control center
50704 - 384824
Added prompt when saving a parent level item with a part quantity that is greater than one
50708 - 384877
When filtering by locations
50833 - 384883
Added option to mass delete vendor parts and vendor part kits in their respective modules
50920 - 384814
Printing cycle counts now saves to the user rather than the browser session
51420 - 385484
For invoice summary reports
51914 - 386008
On the item analysis window
52048 - 386078
On the purchase order grid in the reorder module
52052 - 386072
Added date filters to the buydown and discount screens in then products module
52056 - 386064
When saving a cycle count
52060 - 386062
Added ability to assign multiple locations/location groups to price exceptions rather than one by one
52064 - 386200
Added new search options for adding items to working orders such as categories and manufacturers
53161 - 388222
On the item sales report
52812 - 387716
Redesigned and cleaned up the vendor parts mass update window
53073 - 388028
Resolved issue on transfers that allowed multiple rows of the same item to be added
53408 - 388845
Resolved issue with client login not allowing the loyalty code to be saved in the retail scan data reports
53412 - 388898
Resolved issue with pricing exceptions not being updated at store level upon being edited in Control Center
53465 - 388924
Added ability to have half percentage commission amounts
53556 - 389039
Resolved issue where if a user is deleted while logged in
53268 - 388360
Resolved issue where the vendor part import tool wasn’t updating the retail price
December 29, 2021
See Full Details-
49955 Bug: Employee
Employee is not able to login first time if location permission has selected ALL LOCATION
50916 : 384823
Return Worksheet Sanity Checks / Warnings
50912 : 384870
Next Item / Previous Item Button on Products Edit Screen
50837 : 384879
Copy Vendor Part Kit Option with Options
50694 : 384820
Deleting Inside Message Thread
50245 : 384477
Modify Snapshot Job - Chunk into DB to reduce locking and allowing queue to run multiple at a time
49826 : 383824
Add Functionality for Margin/Markup on Product Pricing Import
49822 : 383841
Enhancement request - Min/Max Updates with Mass Updates
48477 : 377919
Item Templates Having PBZones for Cost - Erika - Corporate
42682 : 364138
Enhancement request - Template allows item to be created without a category
41156 : 358798
Buydown/Discount screens allow to see different link types
35207 : 338825
Button to allow specific changes to apply with Queue on Loyalty Plus Discounts
52144 : 385772
Bug with the Invoice "copy" feature
51923 : 386068
Items Allowed to be Created Without Department
51586 : 385474
Server Error running top sellers report grouped by departments
51026 : 385086
Reports to show time report was ran for
50928 : 384865
discount summary report not working
50241 : 377917
Inactive Wizard Logic Review
49222 : 382881
Suggested transfers not working
47707 : 376562
Template allows same upc to be added twice
51941 : 386069
Vendor Dropbox Not Populating Randomly
December 9, 2021
See Full Details-
39878 - 357236
Added logins and permissions report to the "List Reports" module
39923 - 357261
Added lottery starting ticket change report to the "List Reports" module
47801 - 375184
Resolved issues with negative cashier report with some cancels and voids being blank
50932 – 384113
Resolved issue where when trying to change date / invoice number before processing an EDI file
39009 – 355002
Added visibility of cycle count scan details
48538 - 377581
Resolved issue where buydowns didn’t show on pricing exceptions
49024 - 382001
Resolved issue where vendor parts for a specific vendor could be on a different vendor’s invoice verification
51033 – 331223
Resolved permission issue on certain FTP setups when processing EDI files that did not allow EDI downloads
49222 - 382881
Resolved issue with client login where suggested transfers didn’t allow transfer creation to occur
49531 - 383260
Added "Excel Data Only" as a report export option
49449 - 383285
Added report to see items ineligible for discounts as a print report type in Mass Updates
49457 - 383064
Added ability to mass update buydown locations
49830 - 383482
Added ability for employee’s logins to merge orders and not require a client/admin login
50249 - 384360
Added ability to edit dashboard message
November 4, 2021
See Full Details-
48796 : 379101
Resolved issue when saving custom filters in the department sales report
47801 : 375184
Resolved issue in negative cashier report where percent off
48144 : 377346
Added a new report to show items removed with the remove 0 quantity button on POS
47475 : 375965
Added the E-Journal report for manager logins in Control Center
45180 : 373132
When printing reports
47007 : N/A
In Product Pricing List Report
46481 : N/A
Product manufacturer field now respects setting if requirement setting is toggled
October 28, 2021
See Full Details-
47873 : 376568
Resolved issue where departments were not visible when selecting within House Accounts
47861 : 375798
Resolved issue where certain filters of the inventory evaluation report wouldn’t print
47570 : 376394
Resolved issue where the purchase analysis report wouldn’t separate by department if the filter was chosen
47368 : 375918
Resolved issue in system discounts where two subcategories with differing point values would not work
46725 : 374757
Resolved issue in scan data where locations had separate credentials saved and would not send automatically
45312 : 372822
Visually cleaned up cost/price change history
42522 : 364418
Altered vendor part kit toggleable options to be pricebook zone specific rather than shared across all pricebook zones
42081 : 358054
Shortened column width on invoices and now allow descriptions to drop to the second line
40235 : 358100
Added the item multiples report
39710 : 356915
Added options on system discounts to force classify discounts a certain way on retail scan data incentive reports
44255 : 366701
Resolved API issue where exception would show when doing a receiving verification
48155 : 377205
Resolved filter issues for EDI receiving format 5 (Renfro)
48447 : 377909
Added the Excel Data Only export format to reports
46707 : 374696
Added date range option when printing the performance dashboard report
46445 : N/A
All numeric values are now right aligned
45686 : 372669
Added the ability to include tags on the price list report via Mass Updates
45581 : 372658
Added a QOH field on the vendor parts grid in the Pricebook module of CC
45211 : 372660
In the system discounts grid of the Pricebook module in CC
45200 : 372663
Added the ability to scheduled dashboard messages
43009 : 364847
Added ability to save system discounts with the triggered flags is enabled but not triggered items are saved
43005 :: 364849
Added ability to sort by description on verified invoice worksheets
43001 : 364850
In system discounts
42556 : 354498
Added ability to mass delete EDI files
41213 : 357432
Added ability to search by vendor part in adjustments
41172 : 357945
Editing an invoice can now be ordered by the date added column
41164 : 358632
Added ability to search by last 4 digits of a credit card in the e-journal report
41160 : 358656
Added a last checked in column when viewing POS devices
36415 : 350202
In reports when filtering by location group
September 9, 2021
See Full Details-
39005 : 355521
Resolved issue where mass tagging items in mass updates sometimes excluded items that were assigned to be tagged
39718 : 356918
Added print by price changes and invoices for barcode/shelf label report
39884 : 357243
Added new report for the negative check file
39927 : 357264
Added the discount details report
39931 : 357263
Added the open reconciliations report
41672 : 362591
Resolved issue on handheld where creating an invoice and appending items causes cost issues
42518 : 364417
Added min order quantity
36356 : 316403
Added filters used to generated reports for easy viewing
38132 : 354542
Added new order type for 0 QOH items
38879 : 355643
Added ability for item sale limits to be applied in mass updates
38883 : 355642
Added ability to group printed invoices by major category or department
39520 : 356538
Added grouping for inventory evaluation report to group by department and show each store’s separate total below each department
39544 : 356527
Added alerts to buydown/discount creator that a record is about to expire
September 2, 2021
See Full Details-
42686 : 364115
On the register Z report
45304 : 373152
Added option in inventory evaluation report to factor in buydown values
39998 : 357422
Cancel sale reasons input by cashiers will now show in the negative cashier report
August 11, 2021
See Full Details-
41079 : 360845
Joining several POS Global Settings together and hiding unless toggled on
37971 : 353639
Tax rate changes are now kept track of and reportable
37975 : 353624
Added a new report option to Product List Report to show newly added items
38891 : 354402
Added filter by manufacturer to system discounts report
39531 : 356537
Added deposits report
39535 : 356536
Added reconciliation variance report
39548 : 356526