Product Release Notes
Legacy POS
Important Update for Legacy POS Users
Starting December 2025, some features in Legacy POS will be limited due to new requirements. While we'll continue to ensure the system runs smoothly with minimal updates, we highly recommend switching to Cloud POS for enhanced features and automation that will save you and your staff valuable time.
Imagine what you could do with those extra hours in your day!
Filter Releases By Date
- January 27, 2025
- August 12, 2024
- March 11, 2024
- January 22, 2024
- June 5, 2023
- February 6, 2023
- July 1, 2022
- March 22, 2022
- October 18, 2021
- June 9, 2021
- March 15, 2021
January 27, 2025
See Full Details-
Updated logic to only allow single redemption per transaction and not do loyalty check when license is scanned when local lookup just occurred
Updated price-check logic to use plu.posflag when present
Added support for sending EDI orders via SFTP (ensure to use WinSCPnet.dll/WinSCP.exe from 11/25/2024)
Price Check Shows only the cash discount price - Updated Logic to show price for current mode
Additional Information not displayed when price checking item and changing to parent/child product in screen - Updated logic to resolve issue when switching items
over tax issue on exchanges- Updated logic to resolve issue.
Allow waste not functioning properly with Items with Buydowns - Updated buydown logic to exclude waste items
Recon details empty when using auto-recon - resolved issue (passed in last recon # instead of current one)
Need sounds for Credit card transaction for failure and partial amount - Updated logic to add sounds for successful, declined, and partial amount sales
Resolved issue with displaying total amount due when subtotal 0 and single item on sale
Update PAX integration logic to try and get card type from BIN if card type of OTHER is passed back from processor
Resolved issue with CRIND receipts not always printing from reprint receipt screen
Updated phone number lookup in cloud loyalty to use "api/v1/access/customers/find" instead of "api/v1/access/customers" and filter in body so that control center searches all accounts for customer record instead of just my account
Updated coupon check in cloud loyalty so parameters are in body instead of querystring and to use POST method to handle special characters
Changed HA lookup to not initially populate grid
Added setting to customize personalization+ receipt description
Added setting to display message to cashier when personalization+ discount fires
Update settings UI to allow enabling phone # lookup via terminal with PAX POSLink
Added option to use serial (USB via serial) communications with PAX POSLink credit card integration
August 12, 2024
See Full Details-
Added setting when using CC for CFD to display as images instead of URL
Discounts are not showing with Pricechecks - Updated UI
Updated DataCap void by record # to use the original reference # and added additional logging while setting all variables for this - Added setting to use returnbyrecordno instead of voidbyrecordno
cloud loyalty lookup variables not reseting on slow/local lokups - Reset variables on receipt initialization and added sanity checks
Limited discounts not validating - Updated logic to pass parameters via a temp table to handle large volume of limited discounts
March 11, 2024
See Full Details-
POS v2.51.135
updated offline mode to resolve issue with pushing reg sale data
updated to allow setting of PAX timeout under credit card settings
Added discount detailed logging when log detail is enabled
January 22, 2024
See Full Details-
Added logic to show the balance/transID of all gift cards on the receipt
Added setting to ‘Do Not Automatically Prompt for Card Swipe' option in POS settings when PAX device is chosen
LNS Integration Rewards - Updated logic to prevent double clicking Redeem points
Issue with Z-Tape - Updated logic to wrap each module in try block to skip past issue and catch error and write to the log where it occurs.
- Added setting/logic to enable Altria's personilization+ loyalty discounts (setting is in loyalty settings when cloud loyalty is enabled)
- Added support for LNS swag shop digital coupons
- Added setting to prompt customer for debit or credit on pin pad when using PAX
- Added logic to handle discounts on returns with a receipt for scan data reporting
- Added logic to get/store LNS customers in the local DB and perform subsequent lookups asynchronously
- Added logic to handle lingering pre-pay fuel sales
- Added logging for starting till details in shift recon
- Resolved issue with resizing full screen CFD after receipt clear timeout when using CC
- Minor fixes and improvements
June 5, 2023
See Full Details-
- Added logic to not prompt for notes when combining identical items and prompt for void notes is enabled
- Added logic to handle manager popup when manager permission is derived from group
- Updated naming schema when registering device in Control Center
- Added logging to troubleshoot license registration error
- Added logic to handle exceptions when getting OS name
- Added logic to handle waste with discounts
- Added logic to handle smart till reset (new button)
- Added logic to force item selection on cloud coupons if not already selected
- Added additional logging when registering a device
Added new parameters for LNS coupons reporting for free item or $ off item
February 6, 2023
See Full Details-
"Updated logic for control center URL migration"
"Updated logic to ensure that a record number is not sent to the processor on voided transactions,Added support for PAX POSLink credit card devices, Added new setting to always sell parent items as child items, removing the need for prompt"
"Updated Return Worksheets to allow child vendor parts with _EA to be added to the worksheet even if the part is set as do not order"
"Corrected an issue where loyalty discounts were stacking when it should not"
"Corrected the issue of being unable to process two return worksheets for the same vendor at the same time"
July 1, 2022
See Full Details-
"Added Support For Discounts Sets"
"Added ini setting (in [POS] CFDAlwaysUseFullResolution = 0 or 1) to control whether or not CFDs will try and use resolution or full screen mode,Display Settings - corrected settings UI to show resolution independently of uplifts being checked"
"Licensing - Updated electronic license logic to only get active adapter's MAC address"
"Returns Worksheets - corrected an issue that prevented partial parts from being added to worksheets,Returns Worksheets - corrected an issue that would create worksheet entries with no PLU in some cases"
"Stop Pumps button - Changed caption from STOP ALL PUMPS to STOP DISPENSING"
"Digital Signage - corrected an issue with Control Center calls that prevented monitor content from downloading in some cases"
"Price Check - Resolved issue with price checking items with more than one discount assigned"
"LNS - Added logic to force receipt printer cut during LNS post sale logic (coupons,balances,etc)"
"Price Check - Resolved issue with price check on non-item discounts"
"Fuel Integration - Updated fuel logic to not log non-fuel transactions (dispenser status events and SSC messages) to log table of DB"
March 22, 2022
See Full Details-
"Added button to view/print test mode log,Added logic to handle Altria loyalty club discounts"
"Added logic to handle fuel test mode transactions"
"Fixed department numbers when checking for unfilled prepay sales"
"Added logic to check for unfilled prepay sales on recon start"
"EBT/Food Stamps - Updated logic to deduct coupons from EBT eligible amount"
"Updated daily recon to only preview unfinalized recons"
"Added logic to send DVR to IPAddress"
"Settings - corrected a minor display issue in the settings screen,Register - corrected an issue that prevented buydowns from showing on the Price Check screen if the item qualified for more than 1 buydown"
"Removed ablity to print unfinalized daily recon"
"Reconciliation - corrected an issue that caused the recon report to erroneously display numbers as negative in some rare cases"
"Added back in logic to optionally retry fuel prepay command postpay"
"Receipt - Corrected an issue that caused a receipt to show "Buydown Applied" when an archived buydown would have been eligible for the sale"
"Transfer Holding Area with GL Code - Merged in logic to allow holding codes for each store instead of global"
"Register - corrected an issue that prevented Change Due from printing on some receipts"
"Reconciliation - Added logic to set safe drop diff on startup is editing is disabled,Taxable Sales issues - Updated logic to validate coupon amount before asking for item/recalculating taxes,Reconciliation - Updated logic to handle hard coded starting till when setting cash in drawer values,Price Check - corrected an issue with House Account discounts that caused and item's price to display incorrectly in the price check screen."
"Returns Worksheets - updated to disallow "Do Not Order" items from being added to a worksheet,Lottery Recon - corrected an issue that caused recon to show incorrectly show variances in some cases"
"Uplift Advertisement Artwork Not Visible to Customers - Moved uplift image to front and added code to bring to front of Z order"
"Updated HTTP Posts to control center authorization to uppercase "B" in bearer"
"Fixed issue with loyalty screen in settings"
"Sales Tax Calculations - Resolved precision issue on price check when displaying sales tax"
"Added logic to disable CC fee on fuel sales"
"Offline Mode - Added sanity check when pushing offline mode data (if more than 10000 pdetail records, user must enter support code to continue),Fuel Discounts Support - Added setting and support for cash discounts per gallon,JUUL requirements - Added setting to disable the JUUL manager requirement.,Allied Fuel changes to create and update FuelSale table on Prepay start"
October 18, 2021
See Full Details-
"House Accounts - corrected an issue that could cause house account charges to double-post in some instances"
"Discounts - added support for Altria Loyalty Plus discounts"
"Receipt Display - Added logic to always use comment field instead of sub comment on part of carton"
"Receipt display - corrected an issue that caused blank spaces in the buydown names in some cases"
"Cloud Loyalty - when returning by receipt with a receipt that had an open redeem coupon used, POS now properly adjusts the return amount, and returns the points for the coupon back to the customer"
"POS Receipt Display - added an option to expand the receipt display,Receipts - corrected an issue that prevented all buydowns from showing on receipts in some cases,Fuel Integration - Added Fuel Buttons To Take All Pumps Offline/Bring Online,JUUL Producta - added new JUUL products to JUUL age verify functions"
"Corrected issue with download DataCap params not being visible on settings screen"
June 9, 2021
See Full Details-
"Discounts - corrected an issue with percent off discounts that could prevent them from firing in some instances "
"Settings - added setting to hide receipt numbers when printing"
"Choose Salesman Button - Added check box that will display salesmen that are not clocked in,Loyalty - added an option on the loyalty lookup screen to temporarily disable loyalty lookup when scanning an ID for age verification,Invoices - Added option to group invoice reports by Department,Transfers - Added logic to online pending transfers to use a holding area,Buydowns - updated receipts to show all applied buydowns on each item,Credit Card - added a setting to add percent-based credit fees after tax,Settings - Added setting to print receipt when a void is done,Gift Cards - updated gift cards to automatically partially tender if the card amount is less than the sale total,Loyal & Save - Added setting to prompt the user if the referral field is left blank.,Suspended Sales - added logging to make suspended sales reportable,Invoices - added a setting to append date to invoice numbers to compensate for vendors reusing invoice numbers"
"Returns Worksheets - Updated logic to prevent a transaction to occur while the return worksheet popup is open,Commissions - corrected an issue that prevented a commission from being applied to a sale if an "Open Department" button was used,Discounts - corrected and issue that caused percent off discount to give too much of a discount on items with and "item value" greater than one,Loyalty/Discounts - corrected an issue that caused sale totals to be incorrect if a free item loyalty coupon was used for an item that was also on a system discount"
"Credit Cards - Added a setting to play a sound when a Credit/Debit transaction is completed"
"Register - added scroll buttons to UI in order to compensate for scroll bar sometimes being hidden"
"Register Z - corrected an issue with Store coupons not subtracting from totals on Z tape"
"Labels - Added option to print label via Dymo helper.,Age Verification - Added support for CDL licenses."
"EBT - Removed first tender requirements in foodstamps.,Pindpads - Updated logic to blank out IP if setting is disabled."
"Reconciliation - Added logic to prevent button from being pressed twice."
"Reconciliation - Added detail logging of all reconciliation button events/actions."
"EDI Return - Updated logic when sending EDI to check for negative qty before checking if the item is Do Not Order."
"Return Worksheet - Fixed form grouping order."
"Reconciliation - Updated logic to reverse sign when creating shift reconciliations."
"Updated settings logic to blank datacap IP addresses if use IP is unchecked."
"EBT - Removed first tender requirements for coupons."
"Debit - Added setting to disable credit types."
"Starting Till - Changed logic to close POS when cancelling.,Return Module - Update Worksheet to make the items grid visible,Loyalty - Added support for special chars and spaces in non-cloud loyalty."
"Credit Card Fee - Added Debit type tender to also collect credit card fee.,Buydown - Updated logic for when there is more than one buydown where at least one uses part of carton.,Lottery - Fixed issue with rounding amount to 2 decimal places preventing completion of sale.,Shift Reconiliation - Updated filter to show store coupons correctly.,Return Module - Added totes count to return module.,Coupon - Updated logic when processing Juul coupon to resolve issue.,POS Permissions - Update logic in POS to exclude changing permissions of cashiers or creating new cashiers.,Lottery Reconciliation - Updated logic to get correct starting number when activating a new lottery game.,Return Worksheets - Updated logic to resolve issue with worksheet not showing item packages.,Restrict Sales Tender - Updated logic to resolve errors.,Online Lotto Sales - Updated logic for open department sales using a loyalty coupon.,Partial Authentication Transactions - Changed the scren color from Red to Orange.,Offline Mode - Updated logic to bypass schema update if in Offline Mode."
"Pinpads - Added secondary IP address setting to differentiate between pinpads."
"Added SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 for legacy windows support."
"Fixed connection string in regsale for pushing offline mode data."
"Datacap - Added datacap IP Port for wifi/iSMP4 devices."
"Fuel - Fixed new issue with secondary registers closing prepay fuel sales completely."
"Fuel - Fixed issue with secondary registers closing prepay fuel sales completely."
"EBT - Updated DataCap EBT logic to pull device ID from DLL and added setting for it."
"Loyalty - Added logic to handle saving return customers prompting for email."
"Daily Reconciliation - Updated logic to resolve duplicate GUID issue.,Auto Starting Till - Enabled ability to cancel out of required starting till."
"Fuel - Added logic to clear .01 issue for ailing pumps allowing customer to dispense .01 more than prepaid for."
"Credit Cards - Added support for DataCap IP address for wifi/iSMP4 devices."
"Fuel - Removed reference to Redist cache and moved logic to DB table (FuelMessageLog)."
"Fuel - Made all fuel pump actions button visible."
"Loyalty - Added setting to exclude loyalty coupons from spent amount."
"Fuel - Changed fuel comm logic to use single queue."
"Fuel - Found and fixed logic with MSMQ timeout and openfuel sale without transaction ID."
"Fuel - Added logic to allow all registers to finalize fuel sales.,Fuel - Added option to manually restart fuel threads."
"Fuel - Changed fuel communication to be token based.,Astro - Added default Astro Client ID and disabled user from changing it.,Cloud Loyalty - Removed Username from object when creating cloud loyalty customer.,Customer Display - Fixed issue with loading CFD."
"Customer Display - Updated customer display logic to use cfsharp browser to handle query strings for resolution swaps (requires CFSharp DLLs)."
"Fuel - Added fuel status change log and logic when processing transaction data."
"Reconciliations - Update logic when deleting daily recon to also delete at corp. As well as update ability for recon admin to delete completed daily recon."
"Uplifts - Moved the uplift timer from the register to the Login screen."
"Lottery - Updated logic to add shift totals together.,Loyalty - Updated logic for onscreen keyboard."
"House Accounts - Updated webservice to handle house accounts."
"House Accounts - Added sanity checks for each value."
"House Accounts - Cleaned up house account lookup error message and added additional logic checks."
"POS Invoices - Added support for invoice misc fees in POS."
"Excise Tax - Defaulted updating costs to true when saving invoices.,POS Invoices - Updated POS reports to latest Crystal Reports version."
"Fuel - Updated prepay variance receipts to show prepay amount and fuel details; Updated prepay receipts to show fuel details.,Fuel - Modified MSMQ to not create queue.,Fuel -Fixed issue with refunding prepay giving erroneous error message.,Modified FTP routine to also handle Active FTP communications so that we don't need to rely on ChilKat DLL."
"POS - Resolved issue with item multiplier not showing on the register.,Loyalty - Updated how value of loyalty points records in database."
"Fuel - Added second multicast address for fuel communications."
"Fuel - Added non persistent MSMQ for fuel communications."
"Button Customization - Updated logic to default to medium and load saved details.,House Accounts - Updated Receipt Report.,Added TLS 1.2 support for downloading archive, affecting Windows 7 / Vista machines with .NET 4.5.2.,Fuel - Added force refresh of displays from CC at startup.,House Accounts - Added Department Level Discount Max Per Month.,Sales Links- Created new popup on price check screen that displays all the linked items and a total price after them all.,Invoices - Added ability to set invoices as negative invoices.,Fuel -Refactored fuel communications to use MSMQ instead of directly talking to Allied."
"Receipts - Updated logic to handle less than 10 receipts.,Return Worksheet - Updated the selecedt worksheet to display the date instead of the GUID.,Juul - Updated manager override so it will switch fields when entering dates."
"Version change for release,Fuel - Schema update for fuel communication changes.,Fuel - Updated Fuel Prepay returns to use product department instead of prepay department.,Loyalty - Updated logic for required phone numbers on customers.,License - Added logic to create a temp license for 14 days when unable to communicate with server.,House Accounts - Updated logic to correct issue with maximum discounts for a house account per month."
"Receipts - Added logic to handle less than 10 receipts"
"Fuel - Added new fuel logging and communication methods."
"Fixed exception when opening POS with drawer must be closed setting in certain scenarios"
"Employee Groups - Changed logic to get cashier permission from group."
"Fuel - Added logic to check pump status before performing Z."
"Employee Groups - Updated logic in permissions.,Loyalty - Added condition to disable 99 dollar price amount for cloud loyalty."
"Fuel - Added logic to handle fuel sale stacking locally when autopayoff is true."
"Fuel - Added request for pump refresh when prepay is paid off for multi register location.,Fuel - Added confirmation response to secondary registers with Allied DIS transaction data processing."
"Fuel - Added setting to DisableDispensingStatus to increase performance."
"Reconciliation - Added negative check for check deposit, forced to save with manager parameters."
"Reconciliation - Added error message if cash deposit is negative to all deposit worksheets."
"Fuel - Added logic to only allow refunds and payoffs once when autopayoff is enabled."
"Astro Loyalty - Updated astro API to include client ID when logging in."
"Fuel - Added logic to handle $0 payable fuel sales with auto prepay enabled."
"Fuel - Added logic to manually subscribe to Fuel events if subscription notification isn't received within 3 seconds."
"Fuel - Resolved secondary registers trying to process Fuel sales."
"Fuel - Fixed issue with postpay sales pulling CRIND open sales when checking status."
"Fuel - Added support for auto payoffs on Fuel sales."
"Fuel - Updated administrative logic to execute timers."
"Flat Tax - Corrected issue with House Account being tax exempt when a flat tax is present. "
"Fuel - Added option to refresh on a timer rather than on events at the pump."
"Fuel - Added setting to retry sending fuel actions up to three times after a sale is posted."
"Fuel - Added administrative options in pump details to resend commands and manually claim or payoff and history of commands sent to pump."
"Fuel - Updated logic to fuel pumps when closing and reopening register."
"Manual Discounts - Updated sales data sent to Control Center.,Waste - Added function to waste any items that are sales linked."
"Taxes - Corrected tax calculation for buydown tax amounts."
"Loyalty - Added loyalty lookup when verifying age via driver's license."
"Daily Recon - Corrected report to show manager starting till amount.,Price Override - Corrected override pop up to accept input for onscreen keyboard.,Credit Card Settings - Added support to prompt for swipe when using Heartland"
"Credit Card - Added logic to throw error when Heartland response invoice number doesn't match requested invoice number"
"[version change for release]"
"Loyal N Save - added "Loyalty Full Lookup" permission to enable users to look up customers without using phone numbers,Shift Reconciliation - added support for printed shift recons to abide by the "Shift Recons Are Blind" setting,Login - corrected an issue that allowed a user to type letters into the login prompt,Loyalty - correcte an error message that was appearing when looking up a customer with an unrecognized gender,Temp Price Change - corrected an issue that prevented typing in a description for temp price changes"
"Orders - corrected an issue that caused order quantities to be cleared out in some instances,Out Of Stock Warning - added support for some items to be exempted from the out of stock warning,Cycle Counts - added support for customer filters in cycle counts,Receiving - Added support for Invoice Edit Cost Permission For Invoices"
"Uplifts - corrected an issue that caused uplifts to fail to refresh in some rare cases ,House Account Charges - added a message to alert the user if they are trying to partially tender with a House Charge,POS Panels - corrected an issue with the "Dollar Discount" button that was causing an error message on setup,Drivers License Scanning - corrected an issue that would allow age verification off an expired ID,Restrict Sales Tenders - added support for restricting a department to one of several tenders (previously, restricting tenders limited a department to only 1 tender),Astro Integration - added support for deducting points from a customer's account on a return (requires receipt number to be used for the return),Fuel - Added Fuel Admin Console and Diagnostics To POS,Credit Card settings - corrected an issue that caused CC settings to clear when "This Register is untintegrated" was checked."
"corrected an issue with the "On Reg Z Show Recon" setting that prevented changes to the setting from saving correctly,Taxes - corrected an issue that caused the POS to charge too much tax in some very rare instances"
"[version change for release]"
"Register Sanity Check - Added IP address check when starting POS to verify multiple registers aren't using the same register number,Reconciliation - Added recon bucket for Debit Cards,Register Z - added a setting to launch reconciliation immediately after a Z is run,Enhanced Loyalty - corrected an issue that caused too much of a refund to be given when an item was returned that was originally purchased with a loyalty coupon,System Discounts - corrected an issue that caused an error message with some setups of triggered discounts,Astro Loyalty - added a message when creating a customer with an email/phone number that already exists on Astro's site,corrected an issue with the receipt logo path not visible"
"Flat Taxes - added support for showing flat taxes on the register Z when no other taxes are applied to that tax bucket,Scan Store - added support for a new employee permission to allow/disallow access to the Scan Store feature,Astro Loyalty - corrected an issue that would allow a customer to erroneously get multiple rewards on the same transaction,System Discounts - corrected an issue that prevented a loyalty customer from getting a discount more than once a day when the daily limit was set higher"
"Cancel Sales - Added an option to cancel out of entering notes on a cancel sale (this prevents the sale from being canceled),License Scanning - added support for tracking whether a license was scanned or the birthdate manually entered on a sale,Reconciliation - corrected an issue that allowed some system fields to be edited on reconciliations in some cases"
"Returns Worksheets - added a notification popup when a returns worksheet has been returned from the warehouse,Reconciliation - added a requirement that reconciliations be saved before printing,Enhanced Loyalty - added support for additional lines on loyalty coupons,Open Dept Sales - added an option to prompt for description on Open Dept sales"
"Fixed - disabling system discount when using a house account UpLifts still come up offering the system discount - Added Check for Disabled Discount,Reconciliation - added logging for any changes made after a reconciliation is initially saved,Starting Till - added setting to hardcode the starting till amount for reconciliation purposes,Register - added an option to print receipts when there is a "You Saved" amount,Register - Added support for tracking whether items were scanned or manually added to a sale"
"Linked Items - corrected an issue that caused linked items to be added to a return twice in some instances,Price Override - added support for preset Price Override descriptions,Price Check - added department information to Price Checks,Sell Item Multiplier - corrected an issue when selling multiples of an item using a POS button that prevented the multiplier from applying to all selected items,Adjustments - added a notes field to adjustments in POS,House Accounts - added support for optionally requiring passwords to ring up House Accounts,POS - added an option to require a manager login to close POS,Register - added support for preset descriptions on No Sales, Cancels and Voids,Reconciliation - corrected an issue that prevented dailty reconciliations from being removed at corporate when they were removed at the store,Reconciliation - added an option to auto-populate Credit and Debit on reconciliations,Register Z - added a prompt when running a register Z with no transactions"
"Integrated Loyalty - added an option to disable printing balances on loyalty receipts,Label Printing - added a prompt when printing a label for a Pik-a-Pak priced item to allow the user to choose which price to print,System Discounts - added support for stackable discounts,Receiving - added quantity on hand to the invoice report,Orders - added support for creating/editing orders in POS,Timeclock - added a setting to force the use of biometric logins for timeclock,Registers - corrected an issue that prevented the "# Credit Card Receipts" from applyting to debit card transactions"
"Invoices - corrected an issue that caused invoices to be blank when converted from an order,Cycle Counts - added support for "Cycle Count Read-Only" permission,Enhanced Loyalty - added the ability to use an unused coupon from the "Customer Coupons" screen,Scan Store - corrected an issue that prevented this module from adding Adjustment records when changing quantity on hand"
"Compile for next release"
"return module - Fixed EDI issue"
"Ticket #236138 - Fixed precision issue"
"Ticket #237626 - DL Scan not populating information correctly into Loyalty forms - Found and fixed issue with parsing"
March 15, 2021
See Full Details-
v 2.1
"fixed bug where change due wasn't displaying correctly,added logic to optionally send unknown items to corporate via messages,finished Mercury debit interface,fixed bug in price check from scanned item,wired up price check QOH detail printing,added ability price check from item search"
v 2.2
"added support for blind X/Z's,change status messages in auth screen,added support for open price type (5),added logic to use license scan as receipt DOB if scanned first and customer age > 21,moved age verified to bottom of receipt,moved loyalty info above footers on receipt,re-worked settings testing of receipt printer,added password (FasTrax0!) when testing popping of drawer,modified pct discount to prompt for item,modified scan events to be timer based to allow multiple events to fire,added support for journaling a debit tender,modified receipt to show debit tender info,fixed bug where if you just press the store or manuf coupon button it was tendering the sale out for the full amount. ,added a check to AddTenderToSale when its a coupon it requires a tender amount. "
v 2.3
"finished wiring up training mode,fixed bug where item search by vendor part was not working"
v 2.4
"wired up new system discounts"
v 2.5
"finished KIT integration,finished eLiquid formula integration,fixed bug where Alpha PLUs where not working on the PLUSale button,fixed bug where debit was not working unless cashback was turned on,fixed bug where training mode allowed popping of drawer on safe drop screen,added support for portnumber when using datacap (usb is zero, other are comport #),added check for alpha character when expanding barcodes"
v 2.6
"added ability to change price of item (temp price change button),added ability to turn off signature for small sales,added option to use old style system discounts,added option to not allow Z'ing when there are suspended sales,added option to print extended description on receipt if extended description starts with **,added line break between items on the receipt"
v 2.7
"modified temp price change button to check permission"
v 2.8
"finished House Account CostPlus & DeptLevel Discounts"
v 2.9
"added tender count to reg x/z,added auto push when coming back online,finished offline mode,fixed small bug in system discounts - there is still a bug when applying multiple discounts,wrapped up most of offline mode,fixed bug where Z tape wasn't showing tax info unless tax sales was > 0"
v 2.10
"wrapped up transfers,added logic to support weighted item price type with tare (prc_data.price_type = 6),finished wiring up adjustments,Fixed a bunch of bugs in Sytem Discounts and it appears to work fine now.,Added new button type of House Account Lookup to the editor."
v 2.11
"fixed bug where employee name was wrong,added logic to prompt for coupon value on free item coupons"
v 2.12
"added option too view sent messages in cashier home,added option too view sent messages in POS messages"
v 2.13
"modified weight prompt to use dropdown list"
v 2.14
"added logic where if using Epson serial printer, Register X/Z's print a line at a time"
v 2.15
"added logic to support popping drawer with Epson serial printers"
v 2.16
"fixed bug where open dept sales qty was not being added to z_entry_qty in z_totals,added logic to print using old epson serial format when reprinting a z tape"
v 2.17
"modified Z tape to seperate negative departments"
v 2.18
"modified eLiq formula to support 32 MG PLU,added clear tender button to POS"
v 2.19
"Added Coupon Tender Mapping for Manuf Coupons which also needs the table CouponTenderMapping I am going to start working adding the schema change and a entry form.,Changed form titles and other misc corrections.,Fix Also add and 0 as an option on the number of credit card receipts for John and Nick.,Management form changed the customers button to house accounts and made sure it was looking up the house accounts only.,Fixed a bug in Customer Lookup was allowed when in the middle of a house account payment.,Added House Account Payment"
v 2.20
"added support for logging coupons in pdetail,added support for opening attachments in messages,fixed pricecheck buydown tax bug"
v 2.21
"added logging for safe drop prompt"
v 2.22
"bug fix Negative subtotals was not showing correct change due or logging to tendsale the correctly.,bug fix Item Return was not showing the correct change due or logging to tendsale correctly.,bug fix Scanner was not being disabled while processing a credit card.,bug fix For Qty was getting erased but the label still showed the for qty so I changed the clear function and removed the _forqty=1"
v 2.23
"added support for aliases in price check,added option to print label from price check screen,added module to print labels from POS,moved cash drawer OPOS logic to POS screen only,added store # to settings,added ability to update exporter INI from settings"
v 2.24
"fixed bug where training mode wasn't flashing,modified print label popup to remember last used settings"
v 2.25
"bug fix Changed the Ztender update of in registerfunction so it does not post anything that is negative because it was deducting twice.,SRM found a bug that was doubling the Z_tender amount if changedue was not 0. It was adjusting for debit cash back in the old POS but in the new one it that is handled in the debitcash back amount so I changed it to look at this receipt item."
v 2.26
"fixed bug in bxgy discounts where it was sorting on a string causing the cheapest item to not always be free,added support for aliases in find item popup"
v 2.27
"Fixed DOB bug - Its now validating the birthdate entered on Age Verify Screen and clsRegsale.,Updated MainForm.AddPluToSale to give more detail in the exception log.,Updated the CheckNextDollarValue because it was throwing exceptions."
v 2.28
"added logic for monitored receipt for new webservice to view live data"
v 2.29
"Changed the POS Editor so it save the Goto Panel Name even its not a Panel Navigation button,Moved the Show Subtotal to the bottom of the keypress routine so it can be called outside of panel navigation.,Changed the PriceCheck_QOH so if the PriceCheckShowQOH = false and they browse the remote stores it removes that store from the dataset."
v 2.30
"created seperate buttons for clocking in and out,added popup when clocking in from POS module,added check when tendering a sale to see if there was another tender in progress,added new label type to zebra printing (1.2 x .8),fixed the negative transaction on the tmpTenderAmount at the top of the sub but if it was quick cash or next cash it would overwrite with a positive number so had it check for less than 0 and it works fine.,Did a little clean up in the AddTenderToTheSale on MainRegister_1024x768 form to validate a more.,added report for Reconciliation (shift only),cleaned up 3up label,added working order report,Added logic to optionally send message to corporate when inactive item was attempted to be sold,Added Auto Tip and related functions to support it."
v 2.31
"fixed bug where discounts were not using date filter,added functionality to auto print cancels,added detailed timeclock logging,fixed bug in timeclock module from POS where the rowid if the current cashier was being overwritten in certain scenarios,fixed bug where tax was not carrying precision to 3 decimals causing rounding issues in certain scenarios,changed logic to prompt cashiers for value of coupon when scanning buy x get 1 free coupons,fixed bug where some fields were still editable in recon when reconisfinal flag was flipped,made timeclock from POS to close after clocking in,After changing the when the show subtotal was called I placed the system discounts call below it so i moved the order and now it does system discount first then show subtotal and works fine now."
v 2.32
"Coupon Tenders no long tender out a sale.,Added support for un-expanded Plu Aliases,Changed logic when the sale is a negative sale it calculates the change due correctly and the adds the store and vendor coupons in the change due"
v 2.33
"changed tax precision back to 2 decimals to fix rounding issues,fixed bug in discounts were the dataset was using the offlinemode connection string"
v 2.34
"Fixed another negative sale issue. -150 payout and the cash pressed the $100 quick cash it would tender the sale and give wrong amount."
"Added - If My.Application.Info.Version.Revision > 0 Then tmpVersionNum = tmpVersionNum & "." & My.Application.Info.Version.Revision to the splash and about screens so we can start tracking updates internal.,Added this releasenotes file to keep track of all changes made.,Bug Fix #32961 - SRM Added + .01 to the tmpAge so it allows the sale on the birthdate- If Math.Truncate(tmpAge + 0.01) >= currentSale_AgeRequired Then,Bug Fix #32951 - SRM added more linefeeds because it was cutting the receipt off at the bottom."
"fixed bug where house accounts payments were not getting a proper start time,Bug Fix #32952 - SRM Added exit sub on the if add function returns under age.,Bug Fix no bug created - SRM testing the underage sale i found that it prints the default date that Zack told me about this morning so I changed the initnewreceipt to set it to the current date time.,Bug Fix Bug #33013 - SRM Check Tender Amount not showing on the receipt - CurrentReceipt.CheckTendered was not getting set in the clsTenders.,Bug Fix Bug #32922 - SRM Cancel Sale writing 0.00 amounts to the database - Found the saletotal was getting set to 0 in the cancelsale routine so remmed the lines (saletotal & taxtotal).,Started working on setting the properties from the tenders table to overtender & force tender amount. not working."
"Added if statement so it will only reset the value if its default. If the first tender set it to pop then it does not get reset in the next one.,Bug Fix Split Tenders did not always pop the drawer - Added if statement so it will only reset the value if its default. If the first tender set it to pop then it does not get reset in the next one."
"added decimal support to weighted items"
"added support for returning coupons,modified return receipt logic to show "return value" to take into account returning items on discount,added support for remembering last search type used in POS screens (description, UPC or Vendor Part)"
"Bug Fix Plu POS Flag Name was not overriding the Dept Flags so added checks in the clsPlusSale and it will now override the Flag information."
"Bug Fix New System Discounts not calculating correctly when using the Qty - I changed the clsPluSale added logic and if the forqty >1 then it adds each item as a separate receipt item."
"Bug Fix when voiding system discounts, the system discount was not being removed"
"modified item return logic to prompt cashier for type (w/ or w/o receipt) and allow them to manually enter receipt number to show items available for return"
"modified item return popup to allow scanning of receipt/item from there,disabled scanner when choosing receipt or receipt items during returns"
"Bug Fix House Account Payment and Lookup visible not following the cashier setup info. Added it to the LoadPanelButtons.,While I was in I also added the visible property to the tax exempt and clear tenders. Add new public to cashier to store the clear tenders."
"Bug Fix where when system discounts where being broken into single line items, changing any line would change all instances causing display/tax issues"
"Bug fix when returning by receipt, buydowns are now included in return value"
"Added support for check verification,Bug Fix age verify was only validating that the age had been verified and if tobacco was sold first it would allow liquor to be sold after it. Now it stores the age in the receipt header and if not allowed returns under age.,Bug Fix after fixing the VisualSVN conflicts and updating it would not ring an item up unable to locate the sql server. Found the PLUDS.GetForSale connect string was set to PushOfflineConnectionString changed to FasTraxConnectionString."
"Added Support to the pdetail inserts for pump_num column because Zack wants the BuydownGUID to write to this column. The BuydownGUID was already being assigned the ID value so added a new item to the reciptitems of BuydownID and changed all pdetail insert,While testing these changes I found bugs with the clsBuyDown.AdjustBuydown the PrcAdj update with looking at the BuydownGUID but the the clsregesterfunctions was passing in the BuydownID. So changed the call so it passes in the correct BuydownGUID.,While testing these changes I found the following bug the prcnameadj update was not passing in the plunumber so changed the dataset and values being passed in.,Added Support for retry of transactions - All the table insert & updates that would cause the sale to die now retry twice before it prompts with the error message and ask if they want to retry. Added a public of insertRetry = 2 so it can be adjusted if ne"
"Added LogoffCashierAfterSale as boolean to the possettings and if checked it will display the a login (reused the ManagerLogin) and if they press cancel it will take them all way back to login screen.,If they enter a new cashier number it will load that cashier info and if they exit the pos screen it will refresh the cashier home screen displays. I added a new variable on the CashierHome to handle that screen closing when needed."
"Bug Fix Item Return on register 2 never found - The PdetailDS DetailsForReturnTableAdapter had pushoffline as the connection string and I changed it and it seems to work now"
"Added ability to edit loyalty accounts from customer popup (click the customer icon when there is a customer selected),fixed bug in pricecheck when using part of carton for buydowns,fixed bug in debit cash back where button tag was incorrect for 0 hardcoded entry,began EMV implementation for DataCap,added DB permissions to actions,added support for using integrated loyalty,modified addplutosale to include dept.pointsperdollar,added support for Verifone VX805 via DataCap"
"Added New House Account Receipt Report, Launch Module for Print House Invoices type, Added new Pos Settings of PrintHouseAcctInvoices and combo box values of (None, Automatic and Manual),None turns off the print house invoice button in reprint receipt / Automatic it prints every time after a sale is completed and enables the print house invoice button in reprint receipt,Manual it turns on the print house invoice button in reprint receipt"
"Added ckAllowOverTenderStoreCoupon to the Settings and AllowOverTenderOfStoreCoupon to currentregister to support this and in clsTender.Addtender if true then it allows you key in the dollar value of the total amount due + taxtotal.,Bug Fix Scanned Coupons always giving the generic message even. I changed the mainform.addtender to look for a result code of other and it just displays the message in the retrun. clsTenders.GetScannedCouponValue first moved the check for ,disounttype=0 above the check for the item in the sale because the 0 is a cashier intervention also changed the return to other instead of fail so main form can pick it up.,Bug Fix Misc Tender not showing on the receipt. I added a check in the RefreshReceiptWindow to add the Misc Tender Amount,Bug Fix Gift Card Returns not working correctly. clsDeptSale.AddOpenDept if the sale was a return it was not reversing the dollar amount. If you did a item return for a Gift Card Sale it would add money instead of taking away. I also had to update the Ten,*** Gift Card Fix Requires a new TenderProcessor to placed at corp,Bug Fix Tendering of Negative Amounts not taking tenders into consideration. It was not adding the tenders back into the subtotal amount when comparing so add them. Also removed an extra if statement it was looking for a return on a sale but all the ic wa,Bug Fix Sales recording start time of the last sale. The initnewreceipt was changed to set the starttime to now when a new receipt gets inited after sale. The old logic set it to 01/01/1901 and the deptsale and plusale was looking for that value they were"
"Added ability to print gift cards using receipt printer (enable in settings),Fixed bug when using URL for the customer facing display where the resolution was off,Added ability to view loyalty sales history from customer popup (click the customer icon when there is a customer selected),Added ability to add previously purchased items to the sale from loyalty sales history,Added system discounts to full receipt popup window,Added ability to select all items when doing a % discount"
"began implementing pending loyalty coupons,added ability to cancel out of the open price item screen,added ability to cancel out of the weighted item prompt screen,added QOH in item search (if show QOH in pricecheck option is enabled under settings),added column headers to item search grid"
"fixed bug when scanning license for loyalty lookup, age is stored accurately prevening UNDER LEGAL AGE message"
"Added support for food stamp - Added new form for Food Stamp Payment entry. You can do more then 1 food stamp tender however it has to be in a row and first payments.,Bug Fix Recon button was still calling the shift recon so changed it use the popup_Action_ReconMenu and now the new FTX permissions can disable buttons"
"Bug Fix RegZ/X woud duplicate the tenders details if more then 1 cashier worked the same RegZ. I added a group by to the query and make the qty / amount fields sums,Added POS Editor when editing a dept or plu button it was not loading the already selected items into the list. Plu now adds whatever plus are currently assigned to that button into the Plu's to add to make it easier to add a single item or remove an ite"
"Bug Fix Food Stamp Item returns not working add more logic for returns.,Bug Fix Item returns was not tendering the sale out. Found that the taxes were more then 2 digits and was leaving tiny amounts over so changed the dept/pluSale to decimal.round when setting the subtotals to solve this."
"Bug Fix the weighted items screen was not rounding the final price was setting sometimes leaving tiny amounts over so add the decimal.round to it.,Bug Fix House Account Invoices showing wrong item price when discounts are applied. I changed it to use the detail price. Also the Permission line below was duplicated (was the same on old one) so I changed to only 1 line.,Bug Fix House Account Invoices details was duplicating if the item had more then one vendor part so added VendorID as param so it can"
"Bug Fix when performing a voiding mix/match items,Added support for up to 30 panels,Added support for setting house account vendor for report,Bug fix for rounding of taxes when selling multiples VS single rings (now set to 4 digit precesion),fixed bug where suspended returns were not being processed correctly,added option to disable timeclock,added support for Dymo label printing,added weighted syntax in comment field when scanning weighted price barcode,changed barcoded price to expand to 12 digits,added support for priced barcodes,modified datacap to include partial auths,added TARGET_GM to getpluforsale query to back into cost,changed customerdisplay to show tax and modified colors,added ability to edit loyalty customer,added loyalty customer info to regsale"
"added breakdown button to manually breakdown inventory"
"bug fix when voiding weighted items,added suspend support for pick-a-pack items"
"fixed permission bug with reconciliations,added option to disable weighted barcodes,added option to completely turn off receipt printing on credit cards"
"fixed voiding item with pick a pack price bug.,fixed returning item with pick a pack price bug."
"fixed resume of suspened item with pick a pack price bug.,changed resume sale query so if the item type is 9 shows 0 dollars instead of the prcdataid."
"added CommissionAmount to pdetail for enhanced reporting,added BuydownGUID to pdetail for enhanced reporting,added DiscountGUID to pdetail for enhanced reporting,added CommissionGUID to pdetail for enhanced reporting,added Commission support to POS,added commission flash report to POS,added commission leaderboard to POS,added salesmen button to override employee on sale (shows current clocked in employees),fixed bug in z_taxes regarding 3 digit rounding,fixed bug in z_tenders regarding 3 digit rounding"
"added setting to force timeclock before accessing POS,added setting to choose salesman at end of sale if more than 1 user is clocked in"
"bug fix ring item up with numeric desc '999' and press the x button so added a check for _lastentry=entry,bug fix returns being recorded in pdetail as 256 but with positive dollar amounts so it now checks qty and if >0 it reverses.,added retail price on the house account detail report.,bug fix food stamp tender not recalculating taxes correctly when other items are on the sale.,added the tax exempt sale info to the RegZ for each tax group.,bug fix breakdown button was not expanding the barcode."
"bug fix new system discounts was not rounding to 2 decimals on every discount type."
"bug fix changed new sysdiscounts to allow multi tenders to work correctly.,added new discount list that now holds the all discounted items and shows bottom of the receipt window.,bug fix when negative dept sale is resumed it would make the sale positive now it checks dollar value and reverses when needed.,bug fix new sys discounts not working correctly with deptlevel discounts,bug fix when positive checks where on it would accept any account even not found.,added food stamp flag back to the receipt it now prints an F at the end of the desc if that item is eligible.,bug fix plusale if item was not on a sys discount it was clearing the rcptguid caused issues with temp price change.,added keylock check and modules."
"bug fix changed length of discount names from 16 to 25 on the rcpt,bug fix resumed sale would add linked items twice add ignore option when coming"
"added support for ingenico w/o mercury encryption via datacap"
"fixed bug when voiding weighted barcodes"
"fixed typo in settings (invoices)"
"fixed system discount bug with BXGY Free"
"added setting to disable popping of cash drawer for $0 sales,disabled deletion of applied invoices,added logging to rcv def deleted when deleting unapplied invoices"
"fixed bug in the retry screen when the popsavingale form would time out and close it would close the retry screen with it,fixed bug retry would insert a record more than once so added a delete function to RegSale,PDetail,TendSale and MDetail that deletes based on the ReceiptLineItemGUID (excluding RegSale) before it does the retry.,added structure change 16 to support ReceiptLineItemGUID to PDetail, TendSale and MDetail tables,added more logging to each of the retry sections and now it logs if the cashier hits retry or cancel.,added safe drop timer that fires every 30 seconds to if prompt for safe drop is on also changed the query for the getcashindrawer to z_tender"
"fixed bug when processing credit cards > 1000 via Mercury (removed comma)"
"change I added logic only allow one food stamp tender so changed it back to allow more."
"fixed bug in mercury sig capture the cancel button did not have try catch and was causing a unhandled exception error,fixed bug with safe drops still not always prompting. If you have 2 cashiers work the same reg z it would only pull the first record so changed it to sum it.,change I added math.round to each of sale values in the clsRegSale insert.,fixed bug returns of weighted items and prompt for price change on it would make the item positive removed the price change option for weighted barcodes"
"fixed bug UpdatePoleDisplay the form close was causing exception error object closed so on form close set the object to nothing and on the update if the object is nothing it does nothing."
"added check for partialauths in datacap credit card logic"
"suspend/resume will now take into account % and $ discounts (schema change required),naming of a suspended sale persists if you suspend it again,added Print Sale button to allow the printing of an open sale with tip line (like bar tab)"
"modified price check screen to show promos and changed UI"
"added ability to manually enter datacap transaction via pinpad instead of swiping"
"fixed bug weighted barcode not voiding correctly,fixed bug merc signature capature also had issue with statechange being called after the form closed so added a removehandler for it sig capture"
"added option to charge tax on coupons (store and manuf),added datacap port to settings screen"
"fixed bug Price Check screen would not find non-expaneded aliases.,added aliases label to price check screen if alias was used the label is visible.,fixed bug rouding issue for change due this one is under review"
"fixed bug datacap void transaction would allow 1 try and then cancel the sale so added a retry and warning screens,added open a file or url option to the launch module button,fixed bug old system discounts not showing on the receipt so added the total for the system discounts.,added GS1 Coupon support for the following types free purchase and dollar/percent off.,added support for item return of scanned coupons,fixed item return of a manuf coupon button did not reverse the value.,fixed item return of store coupon button did not reverse and if it was return always gave error of overtendering.,fixed buydown not showing on price check if ended today added >= to the query,added a check in addtender and if no items in the sale and manuf/store tendered <> 0 then it tells the cashier it will make the reg z totals off."
"added EMV for Mercury VX805 Mercury,added a message box when cancel with credit card partial tender,added cancel sale now prints both credit card sale and void receipts,added cancel sale partial tender of credit card if the void was not success it tells the cashier,added 2 new fields to the BuildXMLString_DataCapTransaction to support mercury E2E ,added structure change 18 to adds fields to the discounts table to support the PM Loyalty,added support for require loyalty in new sys discounts CalculateDiscounts"
"added support for limit per transaction in the new sys discounts ApplyDiscount,added syslog dataset and class to support insert record if item was price change,fixed integrated credit card tender was not checking for the tender setup allow over tender,fixed voiding of items or depts with customer dept discounts was was adding the discount amount twice so the void function adds the discounts before,fixed bug in clstenders.addtendertosale when change due and = to > 0,fixed tender qty count if the sale had change due the qty would increase by 2.,added new option to the clsZTender.JournalZTender of DoNotUpdateCount and when the change due is calling it sets to true.,added tmpReceiptItem.PosDetailType = clsDefinedClassTypes.PDetail_DetailType.DET_TYPE_Sale to both clsPluSale & clsDeptSale"
"fixed non integrated credit card tender was not checking for the tender setup allow over tender ,fixed Pos Settings not hide all credit card options when None was selected.,fixed Pos Settings Switching from one credit card processor to another would leave the old setup info in the settings table."
"changed all decimal.round to math.round and made sure each had midpointrounding.awayfromzero set.,removed the rounding for the clsdisounts b x for x dollars because it was cause the sale to be short"
"added new logic to each datacap calls if CreditCardTerminalID <>"" then it uses that TerminalID if is blank then sets to registernum like normal.,removed all the logging for certification stuff in datacapauth form,changed number of debit credit card receipts to print the same as credit cards."
"fixed bug old system discounts was writing the system discount id on ever item that was on a valid discount even if it did not get a discount.,fixed bug in button details it was not loading panel navigate value unless it was a panel navigate button type."
"fixed bug percent discount was only doing formatnumber changed it to math.round awayfromzero like everything else,fixed bug auto tip not rounding correctly so added math.round awayfromzero like everything else.,fixed bug store coupon added math.round in the clsTenders.AddTenderToSale when it verifies tender amount is not greater than the sale amount.,fixed bug balance due issue it would show -0.01 when it should have been 0.00 found that currentreceipt.taxtotal/TaxableBuydownTotal needed to placed in math.round so updated all of them."
"fixed bug rounding issue when percent discount was applied did not happen all the time the clstaxes.RecalculateAllTaxes was rounding and calulateTaxes was not so removed the rounding recalcu.,added made sure each one posting of sales data was rounding the values just in case I missed a statement in the clsRegisterFunctions.,fxied bug in clsTender.ValidTenderSettings overtendering was only passing in the tender amount for for that tender so changed so it passes in the TotalTenderedAmount instead,changed the logic for refreshreceipt items with qty > 1 I check to see if the decimals places are > 2 if so then I show 3 digits. This is was my test case it it was rounding 2 @ 6.09 to $12.17 with a buydown of $0.075.,changed the math.round in showsubtotal.lblSubtotal_Tax.Text/BalanceDue label back to formatcurrency becuase it would only show 0 instead of $0.00."
"fixed bug could not over tender store coupon still.,fixed bug datacap partial auth was screen was showing when it was of by 3 decimal so now it rounds the AmountToProcess in both datacap & mercury also rounds the amount when comparing auth amount to amount to process."
"fixed bug scanning of GS1 coupon not working added it to the check in processtimer event."
"fixed bug not taxing coupons and clear tenders it was not clearing the DeductableCouponTaxableAmount value.,fixed bug while testing the clear tenders the apply coupon to form displayed pressing cancel would still add the coupon to the sale.,fixed bug while testing the clear tenders the balance due above the receipt window was not updating,fixed bug not taxing coupons voiding and item it was still applying the coupon value in clsTaxes I added and check for modeflags voided or wasvoided,fixed bug cls.deptSale dept target margins 500 not using the forqty,fixed bug datacap EMV & Standard was formatting the dollar amount and when > $1,000 the comma would cause the device to prompt $0.01 it now strips the commas out.,fixed bug suspending weighted barcodes using the base barcode number instead of the orig barcode added new rcptitem weighteditemorigbarcode gets set and suspend sale if isweighted=true it stores weighteditemorigbarcode instead.,fixed bug overtendering of house account payment adjusted account balance full tendered amount not just payment amount.,fixed bug while testing my house account payment overtender found the balance was customer labels not updating correctly if switching between customers"
"enhancement added number of house account settings to the possettings and updated the printing of house account invoices so it cycles until done.,fixed bug house account invoice not showing pick a pack pricing correctly"
"added refresh of change due before printing receipt to handle slow receipt printers,began implmenting cloud based loyalty,changed daily recon datasets to use correct connection string,removed form borders on daily recon screens,added proper anchoring on daily recon screens"
"fixed bug where age verify allowed sale the day before the bday"
"bug fix for ingenico 250 devices with EMV Get Signature was failing because it was using the DsiPDCX instead of DsiEMV."
"bug fix for cc partial auth was not stopping the sale from tendering now the the addtender sets the tmptenederedamount = dialog results,bug fix for EMV Get Signature the cancel request was calling the old control so added the if statement however no method on the EMV side so need to figure out a work around right now it just times out"
"bug fix if returning an item and the tender was not setup to allow over tendering it stopped the tender I added a check just before and numbers are negative it reverses them so they pass validation."
"added support for system discount item values,added validation for inactive employees trying to login,fixed bug when voiding open priced items,modified discounts to properly adjust pik a pak items"
"Changed credit card signature options if its a chip entry and pin it will not prompt for a signature.,Also added a new option for the Ingenico 250 devices it no longer automatically prompts if it was chip card. If card was left in the reader the signature request would stop the beep.,Fixed Food Stamp Multi Tender in Taxes.,Added a check in datacap if chip card & cvm = left 3 is pin then no signature needed,Added option to enter a custom text for AgeVisualVerified"
"added option to log DL data from settings screen to capture raw license scan,added option to force a starting till,changed underage message to be a modal dialog that cashier has to dismiss,added pct and dollar discount to X/Z tape,added support for suspending a sale with weighted items,fixed bug when voiding open priced items,CFD now clears previous sale after 3 minutes,fixed bug where pik pak items were not supported in loyalty point scenarios"
"added new items report (launch module button),added price change report (launch module button),fixed bug where food stamp elgible amount did not take temp price changes into account,added forms for customer details, customer coupons and customer menu for loyalty API"
"changed discount limiter to function with limits other than 1"
"added support for Web loyalty trigger amount"
"added support for Web loyalty expiration dates,added support for UST campaigns"
"Created new Console Application to download the Campaign XML file,Created API Class libray separate to make the API Calls,Developed the method for update the current balance according to the campaignTypes,fixed bug where PM and UST item points were both being added in certain scenarios,fixed bug where PM and UST discounts would try to apply if the customer had enough points even if there wasn't an applicable item on the receipt,changed taxes to hold 3 digit value instead of rounding to 2 digits in the calculatetaxes routine,fixed bug where manuf coupons were showing negative balance due when 100% off coupon was applied"
"added support for 16x9 displays (adds 24 more POS buttons),DataCap Fixed the NetEPay bug so added the auto prompt for signature back"
"fixed bug where error would appear if PM or UST points were elgible for discount but no PM or UST item was on current receipt"
"fixed bug where recon notes were not being saved in certain scenarios"
"added amount to load to gift card swipe screen"
"added support for scheduled system discounts,modified WB Zebra label format,added support for selling multiple gift cards in the same transaction"
"added logic to check for open forms before showing safe drop prompt"
"Testing fix of ztender not matching sales totals found in the clsZTender the tenderamount was using formatnumber instead of math.round,fixed system discounts and 100% discounts,fixed customer facing display text colors it was hard for customers to read"
"fixed bug tax manuf coupons off voided an item the sale it was leaving tax amount for the coupon value due added option to deptsale and plusale to pass DeductableCouponTaxableAmount so when it added the item taxes are correct,enhancement house accounts now display the company name instead of customer name,fixed bug excise tax not working correctly,while testing excise tax found that the clsTaxes was adding the buydown amount to the item causing it to incorrect,found more formatnumber in the clsZTaxes so changed to math.round"
"updated logging for the mercury prompt/signature added the lastform/sub just above the log event because it was not showing the correct info in the logs.,commented out the cmdDailyRecon.BackColor = Color.Gray on the popup_Action_reconmenu so the button would be black,edit daily screen still have the control boxes and blue title bars."
"resized the daily recon entry screen now fits on 1024x76,added support for RJR loyalty"
"Removed in an effort to find why the totals are not matching because the old POS was not rounding taxes either,removed the above of both z_taxes & z_tenders,added system discounts, Cost Plus Discounts, Customer Department Level Discounts to the Register Z/X - these are being pulled from z_totals,enhancement added 2 new Possettings NumberofDaysToKeepLiveRcpts and NumberofDaysToKeepArchiveRcpts defaults to 3 and30 this allows someone to change days keeps,added when no keylock now it goes into 14 day demo mode,added new screen OverrideDemoCode,moved all the KeyLock and Demo Code stuff to a new clsKeyLockandCodeValidation,added new timer to main form that sets a variable of _CheckForKeyLockTimeYet to true,added check to the end of addtendertosale to check for _CheckForKeyLockTimeYet=true,added new function that checkforkeylock to main form"
"changed working order descriptions to pull from vendor part instead of PLU,fixed BgGy free discount bug where only 1 free item was allowed,fixed discount schedule bug where day was being ignored if hours matched,changed WB label format to swap the broken lines in long descriptions,added age verify popup to list of open popups so that safe drop screen does not show on top of it,fixed bug where enhanced loyalty would not print a receipt if there was no expiration date,changed receipt logic so enhanced loyalty does not show any balance buckets,added list of cashiers to Reg X/Z Tape,added verbiage to warn cashier when voiding mix/match items,added ability to customize next cash button caption,fixed bug where multiline messages were truncating when sending to corporate"
"bug fix if a receipt file had no header information it would prevent receipts from showing now it moves the bad files to the archive folder and logs it,added check for 0 dollar amount tender to the clsTenders AddTenderToSale so it does not pop the drawer,added check to login if log files get above 20mb it remane and move to archive folder,added detail logging to the Mercury & Datacap auth screens to help resolve an issue,added receipt window to the full receipt screen,** TODO figure out the taxing of mobile coupons"
v2.37.59 - was **5805
"bug fix new taxing method found it was not taxing buydowns so added that in (it never worked correctly before either),bug fix splash screen when I was checking for logfile size i was calling the posdetails twice instead of timeclock,bug fix pos setting screen heartland isc250 was added to the dropdown but was not added to the case statement to download data parms so added that,added messages for the exceptions & a case else message,added message of "pos | Success", " DataCap Parms have been downloaded successfully!"),added new IsThisProcessCurrentlyRunning the checks to see if the process trying to start is already running and if some it logs and does not continue,bug fix workorders screen the descrption was missing so added it back,bug fix credit card over tender was hard coded to pass false for was tender amount entered so changed it to variable. Defaults to tender_type=0 first then 50,60,70,80,removed logging for reset of the datacap device,added support for open departments in enhanced loyalty,added support for ICMP datacap device (requires latest DLL's from DataCap website),fixed bug where if item has 2 buydowns both descriptions show on receipt even though only one is applied,fixed scanning of old ohio driver's licenses,added cycle count / spot checks,added a new field Books on the Recon_ShiftEntry form"
"fixed bug with misctender setup with tender id of 0 was causing error posting ztotals added a new receiptitem LineIsTender when its a tender is set true clsregisterfunctions was looking for tt_none tender type which turned out to a 0 so it tried to proce"
"added support for enahnced loyalty single use for transaction coupons,changed BG color on CFD to black for alternate rows (it was gray and was harder to see),added ability to customize font size in CFD,added QOH to print label search screen *hidden if show qoh for price check is false,added QOH to print label screen *hidden if show qoh for price check is false,fixed bug in printed 1 UP WB label where the font was very light"
"added setting to print enhanced loyalty balances post sale"
"added option to run one machine unintegrated from credit cards while the other machines are integrated"
"fixed bug in integrated loyalty where coupon value was not being pulled from webservice"
"added support for loyalty only coupons using integrated coupons,added support for single use per account coupons using integrated loyalty,fixed bug when resuming a sale suspended with a house account"
"fixed foodstamp taxing issue after food stamp tender an item was added to the sale it would,fixed resume sale was not adding the customer back to the sale,fixed house account payments stopped working had to remoe the lineistender and set the tt_none =-1 in the clsDefinedRegisterTypes had to change all hard coded .TenderID =/<> 0 to clsDefinedClassTypes.TenderTypes.TT_None since I changed it to -1 I only s,* removed clsregisterfunctions was looking for tt_none tender type which turned out to a 0 so it tried to process that line as a sale now it uses the LineIsTender"
"fixed error message lnkDatacapParms removed TempGetDeviceInfo() because it was causing an error"
"changed find item to join against PRC_DATA to get price/cost,fixed possettings download data parm link change sucess message and remove messagebox for heartland ingenico 250,fixed resume sale of voided weighted barcodes could cause the line item to turn positive"
"fixed if require tender amount on and credit tender button (no processor) used without entering an amount it was adding the saleamount to the receipt then rejected next enter a tender amount it would double the credit card tender value moved the currentR,Richard - Added POS setting that gives the ability to print or not to print receipt when cashier either "Cancels Sale" or has a "No Sale""
"changed loyalty search by phone number to not drop dashes and dots"
"fixed non tax logic was not converted to the tax total amounts for each group,fixed non tax was being written to regsale rounded found the clsRegSale.InsertRegSale NON_TAX was declared as int changed to decimal ,fixed taxing buydown returns was adding the buydown tax twice,fixed house account lookup left loyalty lookup was not checking for active sale when a house account number was present,fixed adding kit not allowing it use multiplier,changed the changeqty/fullreceipt form so it uses the standard currentdialoglastresult as a response,fixed processcurrentlyrunning.addingplu was getting called twice so it was logging it,fixed processcurrentlyrunning.pricecheck was getting called twice so it was logging it,Richard - pay out descriptions not showing on Receipt,Richard - print check number on receipt,Richard - vendor part description field too small,Richard - added font size option to change the size of: subtotal, tax, total, and change due,Richard - updated the todo task to send an update to corporate via webservice.updated,Richard - added ability to change quantity on item on full receipt line,Ricahrd - house account receipts show company name instead of person's name,renee - fixed age verify flag not resetting when the clear button pressed if it was scan of loyalty or drivers license,renee - fixed regreconcile query to use the notes field not notes_O ,renee - fixed recon report will only print if final recon is checked daily & shift entry - shelby changed from variable to checkbox.checked"
"added support for prompting for item when scanning manuf coupons"
"fixed price type 6 items giving error plu null when trying to suspend added new itemtypes the price type 6 items are flagged as weightedbarcodes but they are not true weighted,fixed price type 6 items not voiding correctly"
"added error screen to ToDo list details,changed ToDo from POS to a button instead of checkbox when showing/hiding completed tasks"
"fixed price type 6 was not showing the multiplier in the qty line comment 5.00 @ 1.99 but the item count would be 25 when you used multiplier of 5,fixed added a possettings to SubtractPercentDiscAfterSystemDisc and now it allow you use percent and system discounts together,fixed going to subtotal screen word tendered was cut off,fixed age verify was not updating when DL was scanned,fixed customerdisplay font size defaulting to 24,fixed next dollar button not refreshing"
"fixed spot check & cycle count forms do not match the pos layout so they are disabled until they are fixed,fixed orders button was disabled until it we add it to the pos for orders"
"recompile for Cygnet"
"fixed bug where system discounts were always being written to pdetail to first item on sale"
"fixed bug for datacap debit cards partial auth now it does a return if it was a debit instead of void,fixed sale restriction using standard message instead of showerrorform"
"fixed bug in the new tax recalc I was adding the nontax amount to the saletotal and it was causing the saletotals to be off when recalculated,fixed bug when using manuf coupon and sale total was positive but the balance due was negative it would double the change due amount,fixed bug reprint receipts load files added more error checks on if no | then archive also if it does not have the correct number of | it will archive the file "
"fixed bug with launch module fingerprint reader and touchpoint devices,added support for free items using enhanced loyalty,renee - added textbox validation to recon shift/daily checks if entry is numeric"
"fixed bug with item return and mix match pricing query was looking up plunum for a prc name changed dataset and now it joins on plu and returns the correct amount,enhancement add gift card number to the message box when a gift card load failed,changed popup_Action_InventoryMenu resized the form and hide both cycle count and spot check buttons,moved popupsettingspassword to popup folder"
"added support for PCPayroll timeclock integrations (new tab in settings, if enabled it posts timeclock entries to PCPayroll site when they happen),added OK and Cancel buttons to drawerpassword popup"
"changed the validateisnumeric to a function and also added a return of true so it save records in both verifyshift & recon_shiftentry,added more is numeric to shift entry form for lotto stuff"
"enhancement prevent inactive items from showing on item search and working orders added a new setting,added alais logic to the finditem screen so it looks for unexpanded & expanded along with the alais,cycle/spot checks enabled again and the screens are a closer match now,added logic to print LoyaltyAccountName on loyalty coupons"
"fixed bug when performing shift recon and lottery was using multiple Z's,adde logic to use PayrollID instead of employee num for PC payroll integration (it's commented out pending response),added uplift logic (current disabled for release)"
"SRM changed pcpayroll to use payrollid instead of employeeid"
"version change for release,added setting to allow user to select whether or not to return with current system discounts when returning from receipt,hid check for coupons checkbox and assign it based on loyalty mode,Added a new field to the PosSettings table for IniEntryType updated all the clsPosSettings to insert the type field"
"locked down additional tabs in settings to non auth'd users,Changed the schema update logic to match director.,Added schema change 25 to convert CouponTenderMapping to varchar so it start with 0."
"fixed several typos"
"added setting to force auth on all timeclock entries,added timeout to timeclock screen that will close screen after 60 seconds,if force auth is false, added 3 minute auth token from login screen that when expired will prompt for reauth"
"Added a new field to the PosSettings table for IniEntryType updated all the clsPosSettings to insert the type field,Updated the schema change routine to match director,Fixed font size recon - verify_shifts,Renee fixed print recon button,Richard added onscreen keyboard to cycle counts,added GUI for coupon tender mapping still have the link hidden"
"bug fix when using the debit tender button it was not printing the second receipt."
"bug fix change qty screen always marked last item in the on the receipt as voided,enhancement allow negative Payin/outs,enhancement added coupon tender mapping"
"added support for multiple CFDs,added support for uplifts"
"added logic to set CFD for new format based on old settings"
"enhancement added manuf list to couponmanuf button allows them to force that manuf in the sale"
"fixed bug with enhanced loyalty and multiple coupon scans,finalized uplifts"
"added uplifts to commission report,added ability to find item by description starts with,fixed bug where loyalty icon was being cleared on view receipt,hide price type change & discounts manage labels in pricebook and made the buydowns manage label hot."
"fixed issue with PA license not finding the license number,added setting to allow user to choose OSK path,added setting to allow user to specify control center base URL"
"added logic to check for dept max pct discount amount"
"changed version to compile new exe for PA license,fixed bug where enhanced loyalty free item was not taking into account buydowns"
"added Zebra label CS Format A,added Zebra label CS Format B,fixed issue with enhanced loyalty free coupon and buydowns,added logic to force getting timeclock ID from corporate if there is not one locally and using PCPayroll,added support for checking alias when processing manuf coupon"
"added support for counting X's performed,added setting to enable multiple selections on sell item button,added remote printer module,changed resume sale to not show empty sales,fixed bug where resume sale did not allow NULL for customer ID,Service Ticket #75406 - Cashier Login prompt within POS needs fingerprint option ,Service Ticket #75370 - Percent Discount button shows wrong department ,Service Ticket #75801 - Added the sub AddNewUPCToLog to ScanStore_Home. So when a new UPC is added it adds the new upc,upc description and upc price to session log"
"Service Ticket #75807 - Added PLU_Desc to UpdatePLUPriceCostDeptAndActive update query,Service Ticket #77388 - added food spoilage button & logic"
"added setting to disable popping cash drawer on safe drops"
"zack - fixed user32.dll error on xp machines "
"fixed change qty not handling a department sale correctly,fixed linked plu not using the same inventory qty as the original item"
"added support for multiple prefixes on carton counts,Service Ticket #75176 - POS/Director Typos and visual issues"
"fixed plu starting with 5 rings up twice,changed the detail_type and salesflag for waste spoilage sales added detail_class of 20"
"added setting to not allow house account and system discounts"
"added invoice report"
"added tender validation this warns if a tender is out of range,added tender validation and if the button has muti tender but not supported it prevents the tender from being used,added the same tender validation to the button editor,added possetting do not split system discounts this uses the old logic and prints discounts once.,added the comment to the linked pick a pack items"
"added ability to add attachment to messages,added zebra shelf tag label type"
"added support for command line parameter AUTOUPDATE to update the DB schema silently"
"added logic to kill any previous running instances before starting,only show active items only worked by UPC so added to all the queries.,added a system hdr rcpt object that will total the discounts and change rcpt to use instead also changed pdetail inserts system discount and now if the DoNotSplitSystemDiscounts=true then it uses the sysdiscrpthdr otherwise it uses old logic also change,moved posting of system discounts & scanned coupons to functions "
"hide the option to do not split system discounts in DB for now,fixed gift card sale issues"
"fixed typo in OSK settings,added IsFinal logic to shoft recons,prevented uplifts from showing same campaign twice"
"added support for surcharge in receiving"
"fixed forqty not being set correctly for kititems,fixed issue sysdischdrforrcpt was not get clears out. "
"added support for ICMP - Heartland EMV"
"added support for Ingenico IPP 320 (EMV - Globalpay)"
"added support for registering device/monitor in control center,modified CFD to download data from control center and run locally instead of using URL,fixed leap year issue with age verify"
"Ticket #85592 - Remember settings for printing labels in POS Added the printer method to ini file.,Ticket #85140 - Items Showing in POS Pricebook Showing Price of 999.99 Updated the dataset queries to pull price from the PRC_Data table.,Ticket #86128 - Fixed issue with variance and total$ switching columes when exiting row.,Ticket #84847 - Fixed form Load event so that executes when the form loads which calls the load for the listbox.,Ticket #83053 - Restrict Lotto Sales to Cash. Finished Setup form and logic in the pos to restrict department sales to a tender. ,Ticket #78114 - Added option to disable buydowns/promos from price check screen,Ticket #83820 - Changed code where ever cmdPrint button equaled false instead only false if ckreconcilation is not checked. So can print reconcilation report.,Ticket #81754 - Printing To Do List in POS. Added logic to print the To Do Task,Ticket #77258 - Added ability to force drivers license scan"
"fixed memory leak in customer display,fixed issue with lottery recon no longer calculating on field exit,fixed under age if year of birth was a leap year,added option to hide promos and promos in pricecheck,changed now recon final is checked you cannot edit,added support for restricting department sales to a single tender,fixed gift card voids"
"changed kit button selection to not include price if 0"
"added ability to hide PLU num on sale item popup"
"added display ID to each monitors INI file to store last control center display ID used,changed get hardware routine to use network card MAC address instead of serial #,changed CC get web content logic to use last display time to determine if an update is necessary,added qty to kitchen printer chit and remote monitor"
"changed price check screen to not show buttons / details if force DL scan is true,added logic to show DL details when a DL is scanned before a sale begins,fixed bug where time on POS was not changing if message widget was disabled"
"Ticket #92672 - added logic to allow skipping lottery when using multiple Z's,modified settings UI to say enable shift lottery instead of force"
"Ticket #93344 - POS flag not showing correctly in dept details,Ticket #93540 - Add uplift discounts to POS"
"compiled for release"
"Ticket #89554 - Temp Price change enhancement added button property force login & added new screen that allows comments (only records to syslog <> "") and other options,Ticket #89781 - Hide kit items <> 0,bug fix restrict sales form dept name was not checking for dbnull"
"Ticket #95877 - Split message attachments into their own table"
"Ticket #46456 - Added logic to check employee active status when logging in (was already checking cashier active status),Ticket #49760 - Disabled cancel button on starting till when force still till is true"
"ehancement request add more information to the house account receipt"
"Began cloud loyalty API integration,Fixed bug where attachments weren't opening"
"Ticket #98062 - Changed all Daily Recon logic to use correct employee num variable when creating records"
"Ticket #99204 - Added syslog entry when underage sale is attempted,Ticket #99205 - Persist Age Entered When Resuming Sale"
"Added new fields to the house account receipt.,Ticket #98512 - Sales Tax report not matching department sales totals Updated food stamp purchases to insert the amount to the non-tax sale amount.,Ticket #83691 - Messages printing to receipt printer. Updated the popup to give user the option to either print on the receipt printer or other network printer. Created new report for printing to other printer."
"Ticket #98744 - Added support for TN license last names,Ticket #98352 - Added support for LA license last names"
"Ticket #97968 - Unique Cashier Per Z Check - Deb Added new "Unique Reg Z Cashier" option in setting that prevents other cashiers from using POS when active.,Ticket #69718 - Added ability to view house account sales history from POS"
"Ticket #99184 - Force void when carton count limiter is reached"
"Ticket #69718 - Fixed bug with changing house accounts during sale"
"Ticket #99745 - Modified carton count to use pt of carton field for non linked items,Ticket #98886 - Fixed bug with returning manufacturer coupons"
"Ticket #93187 - Daily Recon Detail report Date range. Fixed issue with food stamp daily recon.,Ticket #98875 - Added support for scale to handle weighted items"
"Ticket #93187 - Daily Recon Detail report Date range. Fixed issue with food stamp daily recon.,Ticket #98875 - Added support for scale to handle weighted items"
"Ticket #100240 - Fixed bug with scanning item during safe drop prompt"
"Ticket #100409 - Fixed issue with cashier info changing when using price change verify cashier"
"Ticket #101031 - CFD Content From Control Center Prompts For Overwrite,Ticket #101077 - Change Uplift Discounting To Discount Cheapest Item First,Ticket #100525 - Enhancement Request - Have Register Z/Shift Reconciliation Option to Show Only Recon Buckets Updated the Reg Z report with option to display recon buckets in place of the tenders.,Ticket #99844 - POS losing panels Updated the panel load to retrieve the archived panels if there is a failure., Added support for 3 new Vantiv/Mercury credit card devices Ingenico IPP 320 (EMV - Vantiv) Ingenico IPP 350 (EMV - Vantiv) Equinox L5300 (EMV - Vantiv) Also added a new panel that hides all the buttons on top of the settings screen with a label loadi,Ticket #98655 - POS: Time Clock: View Details: Print, request for Accounting format Added option to print in Accounting format."
"Ticket #99689 - Added support for system discounts to use trigger list before applying,Add ability to add customers sub accounts to house account,Add new option to sell to sub accounts.,Ticket #100996 - Zebra Label Request revamp Created new table, dataset, and updated form to use the new method of Zebra formats."
"Ticket #99624 - Added initial time sync to ensure that the POS clock changes in sync with system clock"
"Ticket #101994 - Update Uplifts For Min Sell Qty and Auto Win Fields,Ticket #101590 - Vendor part search in POS - show child item in search results Updated the search popup for vendor part searches, to include parent/child items."
"Added upcoming schedule to cashier home with ability to print,Added schedule details popup with ability to print full schedule / my schedule,Fixed bug with uplifts auto win,Changed control center calls to suppress if device ID is emptry"
"Ticket #101447 - Added option to sell at parent price / parent qty, when purchasing over parent qty of subunits.,Ticket #98389 - Removed the Where Clause to gwt all the records in the Lottery Safe,Ticket #101737 - New added DeptLoyaltyCPNDS to project,CC INtegration - Added message boxes to the 3 new vantiv devices warning about the latest version of netepay must be greater than v1.16.,Ticket #100887 - Allow cost plu pricing of 0 % for house account. Added a receipt variable to of HouseAccountCostPlus and when checking to see if needs cost plus it uses this instead of margin variable,Ticket #85275 - Add customer sub accounts to all customer search screens and writes the subaccount to the database. Added a new dataset and changed all queries to union on the custsubacct table."
"Ticket #100887 - Allow cost plu pricing of 0 % for house account,Ticket #85275 - Add customer sub accounts to all customer search screens and writes the subaccount to the database,Add the ability to add sub accounts in the maintenance screen,Ticket #100876 - Added message to download data parms link for the new vantiv devices ,Ticket #95897 - Scanned coupons does not work with plu aliases ,Ticket #103195 - Zebra barcode label missing and save checkbox use full upc also.,Ticekt #101776 - Remove items details from the second CC receipt ,Added options to hide the following header, item details, footer, verify age, barcode and logo"
"Ticket #103195 - Zebra barcode the label was not print so added logic to carriage returns like the old code was doing "
"Ticket #103179 - FoodStamp eligible amount does not get changed on temp price changes ,Zebra labels changed logic it was using from vbcrtlftxt to @@vbcrlf@@ it was already using this"
"Ticket #104270 - Fixed House Accounts showing on reg z ,Ticket #104223 - Bug fix viewing messages on CashierHome would error out,Ticket #102696 - Manufacturer Coupons Not Actually Being Taxed When Option Is Set"
"Ticket #103169 - Bug Uplifts not extracting zip file added logging/message if 7z file is not found,Ticket #103526 - Bug Qty Promos/Buydowns was removed in 2.0 and now it handles them correctly,Ticket #103401 - Uplifts logging - log when an uplift is "won" but didn't prompt"
"Ticket #103515 - Enhancement Request - Lowering Timeout Time for Loyalty Card add new option in settings,Ticket #100991 - Enhancement Request - re-organize POS settings screen add 2 new panels that are hidden for payout/in texts"
"Ticket #98651 - Enhancement Request - Added option do not allow item with temp price change to be used by system discounts,Ticket #103515 - Bug Fix it was not loading the settings correctly"
"Fixed bug with touchpoint resetting cashier info from POS"
"Ticket #105272 - Fixed issue with Dymo label seleection,Ticket #101447 - Discount on buying Subunit at Linked Qty Updated the setting screen to display if discount is active.,Ticket #101449 - Enh Req - POS Banner for reminders to Cashiers Added feature that displays Announcements from Corp and news from FastraxPOS.,Ticket #105274 - Fixed invalid column errorRemoved Z_DebitCards_O field from query"
"Ticket #105580 - Loyalty Account Notes Field not populating - hid fields as they only apply to cloud loyalty"
"Ticket #105695 - When autologoff cashier and force timeclock are both true, unclocked in cashier can log into POS. Added logic to prevent this"
"bug if tax store coupons=false and you can at the prompt to choose item then it would still accept the coupon.,added when using tender buttons with company prefix this is passed to choose coupon item form and limits item,added a new method to passin values to other classes,Ticket #105224 - Gift Card Tender cancel sale/clear tender not crediting the account - cancel sale works clear tenders added both gift card and credit card credit,Ticket #101770 - Suspend Sale Remember Age option - Added new option to keep age on suspended sales"
"Ticket #105531 - Buy X Get Y Free discounts with a trigger list are wonky"
"Ticket #105582 - Track Employee Who Adds Loyalty Account - Will - Corporate,Ticket #104852 - Change to the Discount button - If a item selected by click on a ckbox. Then clicking the Discount button discount is applied to only the items selected.,Ticket #105821 - Testing Announcements Feature. Updated to display only the active news and announcements.,Ticket #105578 - Tracking Loyalty Entries By Cashier - Will - Corporate Added option to clear customer.,Ticket #105915 - Debit Cards cancel sale not crediting properly"
"Ticket #104852 - Bug Fix percent discount all button not working and selecting multiply items only discounts highlighted item, Ticket #105578 - Bug Fix clear button not resetting the loyalty label to customer,Fixed bug with FTX News pointed to internal address"
"Ticket #105578 - Bug Fix clear button not resetting the loyalty label to customer found other issue it was clearing the label but still recording this to the db.,Added clear customer button to house account form and changed house account button to show this form when customer is on the sale.,fix for reconcile issue with invalid column,fixed BxGy free on trigger list where trigger list was included in item count"
"Ticket #98271 - Integrate Cloud Loyalty Into POS - Modified coupons API call do to API changes"
"Modified item search to include linked items when searching by vendor part,Added check for accept checks back,changed pricecheck screen item description label to support multi-line descriptions"
"Added check in house account lookup and loyalty account num<>"" it exits instead of showing house account lookup"
"Ticket #107332 - Added logic to prevent enhnaced loyalty redeemed coupons for more than elgible items,Modified Cloud API to support changes to add/edit customer"
"Ticket #107404 - Wildcard POS Search. Added option to search "Everywhere" in find item popup"
"Ticket #109355 - Happy Hour system discount and Pik-a-pak pricing. Diabled 0 dollar check when validating discounts,Ticket #109341 - Payin Payout Reg Z - Ron Update the payin/payout screen, limiting the description to 30 characters."
"Ticket #109923 - Add support for Ingenico IPP 320 (EMV - Heartland),Ticekt #110232 - House Account Charge error writing to regsale cannot convert "" to int"
"Ticket #98271 - Integrate Cloud Loyalty Into POS. Modified UI so that special characters are not allowed to be typed instead of removing them on save in customer editor - Fixed bug where scan ID was not being populated"
"Ticket #110959 - Kit items and suspended sales - added logic to override price when resuming suspended kit item sale, Added schema changes for fuel"
"Ticket #110983 - System discount percent off + buydown. Modified system discount logic so that retail each used for calculations is post buydown"
"Fixed bug when using calcluate pct discount after system discounts would allow the sale to go negative"
"Ticket #111075 - POS Crashes every time the sale button is used - fixed issue with multiple selection enabled but only single item present,Ticket #111424 - POS - Fixed issue with enhanced loyalty redeem button not showing,Ticket #110617 - QoH field in POS is showing cost. Updated the find item popup, inserting correct value in right order.,Ticket #110639 - Investigating Transfer Issues - Ken - Cigaret Shopper corp Updated the Adjustment Header Table and Adjustment Log by adding an additional field that has the User name.,Fixed a couple of issues with loading PMB stuff,added timer to reset processcurrently running,Added PMB card stuff to SuspendASale & resumeasale.,Fixed found that gift card returns was not being handled correct by SuspendASale/resumeasale."
"Ticket #110617 - QoH field in POS is showing cost. Fixed typo in code.,Ticket #111607 - Trigger Qty Discounts. Fixed logic when calculating BxGy free using trigger lists with a QTY multiplier"
"Added suppport for EMV_VX805_ELAVON."
"Ticket #106784 - Moved house accounts to corporate - all HA activity has been moved to corp webservice if HasCorp is true,Added PMB disclaimer,Modified Loyalty Cloud Coupon printing - Moved header lines underneath the dashes conditionally,Ticket #114136 - Loyalty Enhancement Request - Updated the balance types to have the exclude selected balance types from receipt.,Fixed issues with PMB DL scan ,Fixed issues with possettings CC signature and yes/no popups,Added receipt item to support passing the drivers name on scanned dl for PMB,Added validation for PMB settings,Modified Redeem points font sizing in modal and text structure,Cloud Loyalty - Added address line 2, referral code to the customer form. , Cloud Loyalty - Modified validation and auto-validated phone number and other fields on blur,Cloud Loyalty - Added coupon viewing with filter items (from Cloud Loyalty),Cloud Loyalty - Modified timestamp for uplift comparison to UTC (DateTime.UtcNow) in Forms/Login.vb,Ticket #113944 - POS error from missing column - fixed schema , Ticket #114141 - Carton Count Limiter Doesn't Work For Cans/Rolls - Modified logic to take into account links that are not 10 (tmpCartonCount = (100 / tmpReceiptItem.UnitsInParent) * .01),Ticket #113509 - Enhanced Loyalty lookups are getting a timeout error - setting was using seconds instead of milliseconds,Ticket #113547 - WV License combining first and middle name - Modified logic to parse any first names that have a space in them keeping only the first part - this should solve the issue and only cause grief for those with a space in their first names - pr,Ticket #113389 - Age verification - Modified all POS logic to use more accurate date diff verification to take into account leap year,Ticket #111515 - Drivers License Import For PA - Found and fixed logic,Ticket #113241 - Error trying to open employees from POS - Fixed schema issue"
"Ticket #115577 - Modify POS To Only Refresh Changed Uplifts - Refactored all control center communications; Modified logic to use last_update fields in API; Added settings to control update frequency in minutes and log last update time for both signage an"
"Ticket #74919 - New NC DL data is not scanning correctly into POS - S07 - Charlene - Added support for new format,Ticket #115656 - System Discounts not stacking, 1 Loyalty 1 not Loyalty - changed query to sort by includeinretailreport before priority,Ticket #117372 - Option to auto-add store number to end of invoice number - added setting and logic,Added relevant schema changes from Director,Ticket #105529 - Store coupon as negative department - Added logic to allow enhanced campaign redeemed coupons to be reported as discounts,Ticket #112379 - [Enh Req] Can POS show the birthdate for minimum age on the Main Panel - Added min age birthdays for the purchase of cigs and alcohol to the register screen.,Ticket #77570 - Enhancement Request - For Labels with Aliases and Descriptions - Modified to allow discounts and buydowns to deduct from printed price,Addded logging when registering CC device,Ticket #112517 - auto calculate cc shift recon - Tony - Added setting to auto populate if using datacap"
"Ticket #117753 - Bug Fix Fractional Buydowns was not ringing the same with 2@ so added rounding to the buydown amount"
"Modified commissions to support PCT of retail,Ticket #113944 - Added UpdateZDailyReconciledFlag query"
"Ticket #119235 - Require Description On Temp Price Change - Added logic to require description on temp price changes"
"Ticket #119022 - Clear Tender did not void/refund partial credit card authorizations - Added new item to receipt/credit card item to determine if the item is CC Processed before it passed on the credit card number<>"""
"Ticket #90807 - Shelf label printing case price not single price - Changed queries used in this (which also handled price check) to sort by price,Ticket #95471 - Unhandled exception on POS - retest,Ticket #115034 - Item with zero qty on receipt - Added logic to prevent adding 0 (and less than 0) qty to sell from pricecheck screen"
"Ticket #119693 - CFD Receipt Lines Can't Be See - Changed grid row forecolors back to black, Ticket #119305 - POS can't print 13-digit barcode labels - added check if length > 12 don't drop digits,Ticket #119681 - House Account / Cust Dept Discount - added qty multiplier on HA discounts when getting you saved amount"
"Ticket #101737 - Moved the Loyalty Coupon setting to Recon tab.ticket,Ticket #113494 - Added _IsFinal flag to handle when records are finalized,Ticket #113381 - Added code to delete multiple message,Ticket #120017 - Cloud loyalty printing long, blank receipt after non-loyalty sale - Found and fixed issue - Justin added some code earlier to not cut the receipt after each coupon and the code didn't account for there not being any coupons so it always f"
"Ticket #116629 - Tender Minimum isn't working - Added settings under credit cards that are global for all credit card tenders (integrated and unintegrated)"
"#11929 - News timeout when internet is down - Modified to run as background task and only check every 12 hours"
"Ticket #42184 - Gift card returns don't adjust gift card balance - Added logic to the receipt return to handle Auto Tip & Gift Card Sale,Ticket #72095 - House Account Invoice Not Showing All Taxes - Changed the report so if the dollar amount is <>0 and the tax name ="" sets to No Tax Name,During my test found the customer information no longer showed up so had to change the house account report query to us CustomerGUID in the join,icket #75908 - Print customer's name on receipt when its a house account - Added now prints at the bottom of the receipt when the sale is over,Ticket #88077 - House account return is returning the wrong amount -Fixed "
"Ticket #96385 - Issues with Item Sell Button - This has been resolved in the register side, made changes to designer side to show only one result per item,Ticket #95529 - (minor) Waste button issue - Changed logic to not prompt for age or uplift on waste items,Ticket #93858 - Visual Cleanup - Hid keyboardshortcut textbox in settings,Ticket #120425 - Add lookup by scan id to cloud loyalty - Added logic"
"Ticket #115034 - Item with zero qty on receipt - Added logic to prevent adding 0 (and less than 0) qty to sell from find item screen "
"Ticket #118058 - Move use last full UPC to DB setting,Ticket #104974 - Do Not Track Inventory on an Item - Added logic everywhere (director, queue, poc and webservice),Ticket #110004 - Make change button - added setting to prompt for notes on no sale,Ticket #121133 - Fixed bug where object not set error appears with printer but no cash drawer"
" Ticket #121515 - can't return a particular item - Found and fixed logic with setting return flag from coupon lookup"
"Ticket #120164 - Issues Price Overriding Open Department Sales - Found and fixed logic when adding open dept to sale invqty property was being set to 0,Ticket #98271 - Integrate Cloud Loyalty Into POS - Changed lookup from scans (card or license) to use new API calls for muliple card support. Added UI to change card #s when using cloud loyalty"
"Ticket #121118 - Ingencio ISC250 for TSYS needs to be added to POS - Added "
"Ticket #122183 - (Prerelease Testing) POS Removes Employee Permissions - Added support for 2 fields in UI and datasets,Ticket #122166 - (Prerelease Testing) POS Settings Depts Use Loyalty Coupons - Modified UI,Ticket #122168 - (Prerelease Testing) Changing Item Price/Cost In POS No Change History - Added plu_changes records when cost or retail is changed,Ticket #122193 - (Prerelease Testing) Typos / Visual - Fixed typos,Ticket #122192 - (Prerelease Testing) Saving Employee In POS Password Issu - Added POS password textbox and logic,Ticket #122164 - (Prerelease Testing) House Account House Number Labeling Issue - Modified to use customerid instead of GUID,Ticket #122163 - Add Dates To Coupon Chits - Added Date,Ticket #122161 - Lockdown Open Ended Redeems - Added logic,Ticket #122154 - (Enh Loyalty) "Redeem Loyalty" screen show dollars instead of points - Modified UI and logic to prompt cashier for dollars instead of points,Ticket #118019 - Enhancement Request: Manager X Report - Kenna - Discount Tobacco of Farmington - Modified logic so that when running register X, it obeys the blind setting on the button while the Z obeys either the button or the global setting (Reg Z Is ,Ingencio ISC250 for TSYS needs to be added to POS - Added "
"Ticket #108500 - Added support to manage lottery safe,Ticket #113494 - Skip lottery set s the ZLottery flag"
"Ticket #122197 - (Prerelease Testing) Commission Sales Report Math Issues - Modified logic to round commissions to 2 decimal places upon calculations"
"Ticket #122393 - Loyalty Redeem Barcode Not Printing On Star Printers - Added padding Star printers need to print barcode,Ticket #122260 - (Prerelease Testing) Integrated Loyalty Returns - Added logic to handle returns for integrated loyalty and deduct points"
"#122163 - (Enh loyalty) add date to coupons and balance chit - Added name and date to balance print"
"Ticket #122820 - (Enh Loyalty) Chit Modifications - Added points earned logic, added name to all, added time to all"
"Ticket #122897 - (Enh Loyalty) Add Disclaimer Text Lines To Bottom Of Coupon - added logic to support printing disclaimer lines,Ticket #122911 - (Enh Loyalty) Capture Customer When Returning Via Receipt - added logic to get customer from receipt and add them to sale when returning via receipt,Ticket #122884 - (Enh Loyalty) Add blacklist to open redeem coupon filters - Added support for blacklist in coupon redeption"
"Ticket #123315 - (Prerelease Testing) Mix/Match Returns - Added support for returning mix/match items with their proper discount,Ticket #123311 - Specialty Pricing Return Issue - Resolved with logic from Ticket #123315"
"Ticket #123473 - (Prerelease Testing) System Discount Receipt Text Not On Receipt - Modified to use receipt text as name on bottom of receipt ,Ticket #123452 - (Pre-release Testing) Max Change not working - Added logic to handle max change amount; also changed gift cards and house account charges to not allow any over tendering,Ticket #123550 - Sale with all items voided still shows amount owed - found and fixed logic (turned off checking carton count while cycling through voids),Ticket #123612 - (Enhanced Loyalty) Reprinting Open Redeem Coupon Doesn't Show Value - Modified reprint coupon to identify open redeem coupons and follow same path as initial redemption so the coupon will look the same,Ticket #123611 - (Enhanced Loyalty) Balance earned persists between customers - Found and fixed issue with variable not being cleared in all instances"
"Ticket #123703 - (Enhanced Loyalty) Add logic to prevent usage other than earning points when customer manually"
"Ticket #123678 - (Prerelease Testing) Entering Vendor Parts On POS Breaks Ordering - Added min order qty and manual order to ui and datasets"
"Modified verbiage in message shown when redemption is not allowed for manual lookups when using enhanced loyalty"
"Ticket #123722 - Added support for iSC250 - Global Pay"
"Ticket #124449 - (Prerelease Testing) Department Min/Max Amount Doesn't Work - Added back in Min/Max logic for open dept sales,Ticket #125177 - house acct payment - Modified logic to get correct display account number,Ticket #125164 - ToDo is creating Unfinished Spots Checks with definitions - Modified todo grid to handle spot checks"
"Ticket #105710 - Refund to Credit Card is stuck in an error found the issue is when voiding my record number using vantiv the amount cannot contain the comma. ,Ticket #122542 - Enh Req - Add "No Sale" notes to receipt and Neg Cashier report - Added notes to receipt.,Ticket #122548 - Added code for expired driver license.,Ticket #123479 - Added code to set the first and last name to all upper case when leave field."
"Ticket #125414 - button permission - Added logic to validate button on press for now - long term we will hide"
"Ticket #126146 - Modify Cloud Loyalty To Handle State WHen Licensed Scanned - handled the state in customer details when creating/editing customer via driver's license scan since cloud loyalty now uses a dropdown list instead of textbox for state"
"Ticket #123489 - Pre-Release Testing: Announcements check interval - Added new setting for interval to check for new news.,Ticket #126147 - Item rang up as 2xUPC doesn't allow single returns - Added popup when return qty > 1 prompting cashier for return amount (defaulting to all),Ticket #118347 - Enhancement Request: Cycle Count Definitions in POS - Added module,Ticket #126240 - Modify customer display to validate local files when using control center - Added logic to check for index.html, if not found check for, if found try to extract and use it. If not force refresh. If extraction fails, force refr"
"Ticket #127157 - fixed bug on returns for pick a pack items,Ticket #127158 - fixed bug in returns it stopped adding the buydowns,Ticket #127165 - fixed bug daily recons getting set to complete"
"Ticket #127484 - Bug fix if you insert buydown from POS it does not show up in Director - Added active=0 to insert statement.,Bug fix found another spot where printcurrentreceipt was being called that was not hiding the items detail on the second "
"Ticket #127540 - credit card settings in POS - Found and fixe dlogic that was defaulting it to true,Ticket #127484 - Buydown Bug when adding in POS - Added buydown group and retail report fields to insert"
"Ticket #128010 - can't close out sale - Fixed bug with voids causing POS to throw error message erroneously,Ticket #127711 - Temp Price Change - show buydown in price"
"Ticket #128072 - POS error adding tender to sale - Found and fixed logic issue (same as void item)"
"Ticket #128337 - Unhandled Exception on BackgroundWorker in POS - 16, 21, 119 - Added check that CFD was using URL before executing any CC code"
"Ticket #128398 - Restrict Tenders Set Up - Modified UI label. Also changed this forms (and all others found) button colors to not go solid black on mouse over/down,Ticket #128395 - Modified logic when returning from receipt to always use discounts from pdetail data and never recalc based on current discounts. The setting "Returns Use Current Discounts" will only apply to non-receipt returns"
"Ticket #128424 - Pre-release testing House Account Dept lockout - Modified logic to use correct when running w/o corporate - When running with a corporate, added webservice call to get the deptlockout list from webservice (requires FTCorpWebservice v1.149,Ticket #128426 - Taxing Issue With Manual $ Discounts - Modified dollar discount logic to function like percent discounts (where user selects item(s) to apply discount to),Ticket #128444 - Returns Not Taking Into Account Uplift Discount - Revamped return from receipt logic to handle these discounts"
"Ticket #127122 and Ticket #125067 - Dynamic Age Verification For Year 2XXX/Age verification with 19XX - Revamped Age Verify screen to allow entry of 20xx years,Ticket #127651 - Loyalty Customer receipts in consistent on naming scheme - Added last name to variable after adding customer,Ticket #126915 - Enh Req - Full-screen Under Age warning when the age is already known - Added message and syslog entry like age verify screen,Ticket #128554 - Loyalty Points Issue On Sales - Gordon / Marissa - Modified logic to properly handle system discount points in loyalty"
"Ticket #128969 - Add Support For Non PDF Message Attachments - Added logic to handle filename,Ticket #129759 - Added sanity checks for all control center calls"
"Modified Age Verify UI to require 4 digit year entry and made year buttons inverse colors in comparison to other buttons,Ticket #129767 - (minor) Sell item button bug - Disabled multi select in return mode,Ticket #129770 - Fixed bug with license scan only passing in 2 digit year"
"Ticket #129821 - Problem with Enhanced Loyalty - Modified coupon logo printing to handle bitmap errors"
"Ticket #127715 - reverse break downs support for POS - Added setting and logic to "Break Up" inventory,Ticket #130602 - Secondary Display Text Is Light Again - Modified UI"
"Ticket #131230 - Identical CFD's in POS - Added logic so that if same display name is detected twice it appends the second one with the display number making it unique"
"Ticket #131009 - Derek's uplift problems - Removed logic that verified CC login was valid email address"
"Ticket #131233 - choose salesman - Modified uplifts to use salesperson instead of cashier"
"Ticket #132600 - Return To Main Screen POS Checkbox - Modified logic to return to subtotal screen if setting is disabled, Ticket #132268 - Sale not showing in customer's sales history - Modified query to return all applicable data,Added support for ReceiptLineItemGUID in enhanced loyalty log"
"Ticket #131354 - Can't check house account balances in POS - Added balance to menu screen,Ticket #133280 - Hospitality Mode Testing - Fixed issue with duplicates in grid; renamed header,Ticket #133309 - Return ringing up less than actual sale - Added logic to not process buydowns when returning from receipt"
"Ticket #128615 - Enhancement Request for Underage Warning Screen - Changed UI colors and hid close button for 2 seconds when coming from underage,Ticket #132768 - Break Up Button - Added setting to breakup on breakdown button,Ticket #133309 - Return ringing up less than actual sale - Modified return from receipt logic to include buydown in taxes when applicable,Ticket #133378 - POS/Exporter Check If Other Instance Is Running - Modified POS to check for existince of file OpenReceipt.txt in app.path and if exists and there is already another POS running, close itself so existing instance is kept open,Ticket #133858 - Extra items on purchase - Changed to show error message to user and continue posting sale,Ticket #134106 - percent off system discounts with pik a pak items - Added logic to handle PCT discounts on pik pak items,Ticket #133849 - Lottery Safe Issues in POS - Refatored manage safe logic & UI"
"Ticket #134306 - house account not writing to database - Modified query to use customer GUID instead of ID"
"Ticket #134040 - Unable to view loyalty customer points - Added all integrated balances to balance grid popup,Ticket #135607 - Lottery recon issue - Added logic to handle splitting shift and lottery recons between programs"
"Release Compile"
"Ticket #135896 - Cross-thread operation not valid lblleft_annoucemencount accessed from a thread - Modified background processor to not touch UI and moved UI update to timer process"
"Ticket #136255 - Force DL Scan not does not work on return by recipt numer turned the scanner back on before it adds plu or dept"
"Ticket #139181 - tender totals - Modified Z logic to not reversed scanned coupons,Ticket #140169 - x for y dollar food stamp - Found and fixed the issue (discounts weren't being rounded),Added support for Heartland credit cards"
"Ticket #141859 - Added support for grandfathered age verification,Ticket #141860 - Director allowing future time clock entries that cause the cashier to no longer be able to clock in - Added logic to handle future entries in status check"
"Implemented cloud loyalty add/edit customer requirement,Implelemted cloud loyalty app scan"
"Moved control center monitor calls to login screen and changed frequency"
"Cleaned up logic when checking for control center monitor updates"
"Cleaned up logic when priting cloud loyalty points balance"
"Cleaned up logic when switching control center monitors"
"Cleaned up cut commands when using cloud loyalty "
"Ticket #143964 - Cannot resume suspended sale (Voicemail) - Found and fixed issue,Ticket #144037 - Error when ringing up second item requiring age verification - Added logic to handle grandfather policy when age already verified on sale"
"Added INI location ID queried once on login, from INI file or from CC API"
"Added support for blank monitor serial number in control center"
"Ticket #149950 - DataCap params "download was successfully" - Fixed typo,Ticket #149393 - Weighted Pricing Calculating Incorrectly - Modified price calculation precision,Ticket #148790 - Sale had Loyalty discount without Loyalty customer - Added logic to clear discount when on subtotal screen,Ticket #145497 - Json Error Adding Monitor to Control Center - Added additional parsing,Ticket #145562 - POS Uplifts downloaded checks for folder but not contents - Modified folder check to check for files too;Added additional logging if there are no uplifts on the server and logic to clear them locally,Ticket #144991 - Daily Reconcile Bug In POS - Updated logic to update the cash deposit difference field,Ticket #141543 - Register setting covers up another,Ticket #149873 - Adding support for CC devices with Rapid Connect,Ticket #140010 - POS Retains Tax Exempt Status - Found and Fixed logic,Ticket #139990 - cc receipts - Added option to suppress CC line,Ticket #144764 - Printing Labels in POS Not Printing Entire UPC - Updated POS to use the full UPC number when option is selected."
"Changed EMV_VX805_GLOBAL to EMV_VX805_GLOBALPAY for DataCap devices"
"Ticket #142019 - Unable to Login to Register - Added register # to query,Ticket #139581 - Open Price Items Not Storing Price in Suspended Sales - Added logic to handle them,Ticket #137773 - New POS charges for free lighter - reworked logic to handle scenario,Ticket #141405 - No Sale receipt prints with Z-tape attached - Found and fixed variable logic"
"Ticket #151568 - Daily Recon Display Issues - Fixed the display issues,Ticket #148635 - House Account Invoice Header - Added a new form to update the store information and a new link on the register settings panel to update store information,Ticket #66569 - POS - Manual Entry for Credit Cards - Added new register settings and prompt button to the form to support this,Ticket #148499 - Limit loyalty system discount to once per day - Added logic to check webservice and locally before applying discount,Ticket #137728 - Prompt on daily and lottery recons that is final is not checked - Added prompt popup that confirms if the user wishes to finalize the recon,Ticket #151410 - Delete Messages Permission Not Working - Added permission logic"
"Ticket #153863 - Online Pending Transfer Tweaks - Added logic to apply at both from and to stores,Fixed a couple of bugs in datacap param download & added a new credit card reboot time option if the device is an ingenico,Changed the webservice timeout of FindLoyaltyCustomer to correctly calculate,Added initial schema, settings and placeholders for CC pre-auth,Cleaned up Heartland connection error code to only try twice and log each one,Ticket #123476 - Enhancement request Price Check Parent & Subunit - Added link label with option to switch to parent/child. Also cleaned up price check logic to allow price checking of multi PLU sale button items,Ticket #77697 - Reorders 52-High Incorrect - Changed logic to calculate based on parent and child,Ticket #150294 - POS/Director discrepancies - Added a few of the more pressing ones to POS (searching vendor parts, vendor ID in DD list, do not order flag, buydown as promos), Ticket #152963 - To Do Store Notes - Added a Store Notes textbox to ToDo Manual popup.,Ticket #142935 - enhanced loyalty "info campaign" type - Created new type of campaign and coupon that is used for ads or announcements.,Ticket #152150 - Assistance with RJR Report - added logic to get PLU number from webservice to tie coupon to and added additional logic when adding coupon to make sure the association happened and prompt if it didn't,Ticket #152026 - Fastrax POS Log - Refactored local ad logic to load all images up at login and properly dispose at swap;Changed picturebox to use clone of object's image since we are now disposing of it when we toggle,Ticket #150616 - Issues with loyalty coupons - Updated logic to only show unexpired coupons in count sorted by oldest eligible first,Ticket #152155 - Price check coming up as a sale - Found and fixed logic when processing coupon to check for pricecheck mode,Added PMB buttons and logic for closing billpay without card and getting billpay tab with card,Ticket #151626 - "Capture Signature" setting changing - Added check if form was initially loading and if so, didn't try to auto-set,Ticket #139438 - Totals are different from Price check - Modified price check tax calculations to calc buydown taxes like primary tax calculations (separately then add them to total),Ticket #143130 - Return on weighted item sales instead of returns - Found and fixed validation logic that required numeric entries on returns,Ticket #141274 - Scanner bringing in first and middle name - Adding logic to handle when middlename is present,Ticket #144482 - Able to Assign Purchase Unit to UPC in POS, when Purchase Unit is Already Assigned to Another UPC - Added sanity check for purchase and child links,Ticket #143504 - Tracking Commission Sale Seems Incorrect - Added logic to reset employee after switch for receipts already initialized,Ticket #144401 - Inactive Cashier showing up in POS - Added checkbox to toggle active visibility (defaults to only active),Ticket #136678 - Special Characters no longer allowed - Updated logic to only limit input when in cloud loyalty mode,Ticket #150952 - QoH not refreshing on order when received at store - Updated working orders to refresh QOH on load. Also added support for kits,Ticket #145102 - Able to Change Vendors for a Part in POS - Made vendor readonly in edit mode,Added display uplift setting change, so it sends updated value to the server. Also a first run variable added will run this per screen on load of POS (until setting POSMonitorLoadConfig = 1)"
"Ticket #154721 - Lottery Recon Report Bug - Refreshed safe grid after activation from #154717 seems to have resolved,Ticket #154717 - Lottery Recon Safe Bug - Added logic to refresh safe grid when manipulating activations,Ticket #154719 - Lottery Recon Games Section Bug - Modified logic to use grid column names instead of id #,Ticket #154801 - Lottery Recon - "Recon is final" checkbox not working - Refactored all is final logic for shift recon to check both shift and lottery status',Ticket #127713 - charge tax on free item - Added logic to handle taxable flag on discounts,Ticket #153863 - Online Pending Transfer Tweaks - Change webservice call to dataset and updated logic to create and send dataset;Updated logic to allow item manipulation and request action when "to" store,Ticket #66477 - Driver's License Scan On Check Verification - Kirk / Trey - Corporate added support the scanning of dl when miscinput is open.,Ticket #154699 - Break "Up" Inventory button causing errors - Added proper handling of success response message,Ticket #153248 - Quantity not matching when clicking on arrow in POS - Updated popup to display the correct qty on sales link items.,Ticket #153266 - Pre-Auth Support - Finalized PreAuths;Added ability to void open pre auths;Added logic to handle partial auths (voiding and notifying);Added age information to openpreauth table to restore when printing final receipt;Added pre auth inform,Ticket #154306 - Button bug in POS-Rex - fixed if button number greater than > 66 and it was saving buttons without button types and they are visible on use so it removes those buttons now.,Ticket #152958 - To Do POS Visual Issue - Fixed 4 screens"
"Ticket #150294 - POS/Director discrepancies master ticket - Change promo logic to resolve display issue,Ticket #127713 - charge tax on free item (system discounts) - Added logic to get discount details from pdetail when setting UseCurrentDiscounts = False and push tax details in receipt item for calculation,Ticket #154850 - Unable To Add Lottery Game to Safe - Added check for 0 qty and fixed spelling error"
"Ticket #153863 - Online Pending Transfer Tweaks - Disabled apply button after click if good apply at to store,Ticket #155433 - Error when saving POS settings - Found and fixed code Justin added to send update info to control center. Since no token is present (not logged in) it can't, so I changed error handling to log only,Ticket #155431 - System Discount Receipt Returns - Updated logic so if returning from receipt it never uses current discounts (always what was on receipt - like we did before). Manual item returns use current discounts setting,Ticket #154850 - Unable To Add Lottery Game to Safe - Refined query check to exclude user count"
"Ticket #144997 - System Discounts are raising prices on Price Exception items -Added logic to not apply discount if it will increase the price,Ticket #141093 - Loyalty look up default to last name - Modified the loyalty customer search to remember the last used search option.,Fixed issue when using local ad list and multiple monitors,Added credit card fee setting and logic,Ticket #156445- POS setting for max number of skipped safe drop prompts - Added the setting to POS."
"Ticket #154398 - Fixed typo in dept fee numeric check,Ticket #154700 - Dymo Label Printing With Aliases - Added option to print PLU or Alias number to label."
"Ticket #157509 - Percent off coupon bug - Found and fixed issue with validating results from webservice"
"Ticket #153863 - Online Pending Transfer Tweaks"
"Ticket #157864 - Employee Schedule Changes - Added breaks to employee schedule print and grid ,Ticket #144684 - POS Price book allows creation on one-way links - added logic to clear the sub or purchase unit on change.,Ticket #154398 - Enhancement - Non-Cash Tender Fee - Fixed issue with % fee,Ticket #156171 - Enh Req - POS Credit Card permissions - added textbox and checkbox to settings and logic to datacap auth,Ticket #154866 - Enh Req - Disabling "Manual" button during credit card entry - added checkbox to settings and logic to datacap auth,Ticket #157229 - Added lookup type (upc with link); Wired up scan event to check for this screen and populate it then search if scan occurs while on item search screen"
"Fixed issue with cloud loyalty not cutting receipt properly"
"Ticket #158986 - Discounts data conversion error - modified query to join on dept_num + ' - ' + dept_name instead of trying to parse dept_num to avoid conflicts with plu's that have a dash in them,Ticket #158988 - Safe Drops and Pay Outs not cutting receipt - Found and fixed logic that forced cut on non sales receipts"
"Ticket #156733 - NAK Error On POS Easily Replicated - Added check for NAK error code and changed error message text,Ticket #158735 - "Use Full PLU Num" box - Modified logic to get/set from POSSettings,Ticket #158395 - Ability for a Scheduled Z Out - Wrapped up all logic;Added second time to create available Z window since some stores close after midnight so we don't want to prompt in middle of day;Added form with 60 second countdown to cancel,Ticket #158669 - House account issue - Added logic to disable house account dept level discounts when returning from receipt since we already include them in return value,Ticket #159316 - Force cashier to enter notes when cancelling & voiding - Modified UI, Added setting and logic to prompt if enabled. Logging to comment1 like NOSALE notes do,Ticket #152537 - Occasionally getting a second receipt file on some transactions for the next receipt number - If nothing is on the sale and RefreshReceiptWindow is called with SaleIsOver:=True and there are no items on the current receipt which calls Log"
"Ticket #158669 - House account issue - Added logic to automatically add customer to sale when returning from receipt"
"Ticket #157484 - Checks to require manager approval after set amount - Updated the tender buttons, to allow the user to set a max amount. Any amount over this setting requires a manager approval"
"Compile For Release"
"Version change for testing version"
"Lottery Reconciliation - Updated the POS to allow recon admin to edit finalized recons.,Price Change report - corrected an issue that could cause this report to show twice as many records for each price change,House Account Lookup - corrected an issue that caused the House Account at the top of the list to get selected automatically in some instances"
"Enahnced Loyalty - added ability to put alpha characters in the Loyalty ID field,Prompt For salesman - corrected an issue that prevented salesman prompts in some cases,Item Scanning - corrected an issue that would allow items to be scanned while a sale was being closed,Coupon Barcodes - corrected an issue that prevented GS-1 coupons from ringing up properly"
"Added Support For Return Worksheets,Disclaimers - corrected an issue that prevented disclaimers from printing correctly,Enhanced Loyalty - corrected an issue with rounding on coupons that give a percent off,Register - added popup to alert the cashier if they are selling something that has less than zero quantity on hand"
"Added logic to prevent user from selecting same discount item twice in one sale"
"Enhanced Loyalty - added a setting to disable manual account lookups,Lottery Reconciliation - corrected an issue that caused lottery game counts to show incorrect values if a reconciliation was closed and reopened"
"Commission on Returns - Modified logic to get/store employee id of original sale to use for receipt based returns,Returns by Receipt - corrected an issue that caused returns by receipt to ignore buydowns in some instances"
"labels printing wrong price - Updated logic to account for discounts of '1 Item for Y Dollars' type"
"Return Worksheets - added total piece count to worksheet,Return Worksheets - added a dropdown when adding an item to select whether the item is a partial or full item,Return Worksheets - added a flag to show if an item was added from the Pos,Return Worksheets - added a setting to disable the "Convert to Invoice" and/or "Convert to Order" buttons"
"Return Worksheets - added a setting to require warehouse approval for returns worksheets,Open Department Sales - fixed issue with cost not being set correctly when POS flag is negative,POS Price Change Report - Modified price change report to take into account Part of Carton Buydowns"
"Juul sale limits - added Juul sale limits into POS (including the requirement to scan a license for age verification),Time Clock - updated the option to print time clock history. Changed from a static 7/14/30 day history to a start date and stop date,Item Sale Limits - corrected issue with item sale limits having same item in multiple lists,Drivers License Scanning - Added logic to support Arkansas' unexpiring licenses,Show License Details After Scan - Added setting to require license validation after scan,Return Worksheets - added flag to show when a partial item is being returned for credit"
"Returns - corrected an issue that prevented scanning a license for age verification when manually returning an item,Offline Mode - corrected an issue that prevented use of the POS in offline mode if "Force Timeclock before POS" was enabled"
"Time Clock - corrected an issue that prevented a cashier's time clock history from showing,Return Worksheets - addded a dropdown for preset return reasons,Price Check - corrected an issue when doing a price check with a house account selected that caused the displayed price to be incorrect"
"Return worksheets - Corrected an issue that prevented new returns from being added to a new unsent worksheet"
"Return Worksheets - added sellable/non-sellable status"
"Tenders - added the ability to scan a drivers license when paying by check to populate the customer's license number"
"Return Worksheets - updated worksheets to prompt the user to append or replace when a line is edited"
"Return Worksheets - added a flag to the worksheets that allow the user to specify that a returned item is damaged"
" Loyalty - corrected an issue that caused POS to attempt a loyalty lookup on license scans when loyalty type was set to "None""
"JUUL sale limits - corrected an issue with monthly sales limits,Return Worksheets - disabled editing item quantities when the option to force scanning is enabled,Return Worksheets - added configurable preset return reasons that can be added to return worksheets"
"Register - added an option to roll up duplicate items into one line item on receipts"
"Return Worksheets - corrected an issue where "Approval Notes" were not being sent back to the store level after warehouse approval,EBT integration - added support for EBT processing through datacap"
"Return Worksheets - added ability to specify a restock fee for items on worksheets, Return Worksheets - added a verification step to worksheets. managers are required to verify the worksheet before converting it to an order/invoice,Return Worksheets - added options to add a new line when editing an item,Return Worksheets - added "From POS" box to indicate if an item was added through a POS return or manually added on the worksheet,System Discounts - added support for lifetime purchase limits for discounts,Cycle Counts - added support for a new defnition type based on negative transactions (voids, cancels, and returns),Return Worksheets - added an option to enable/disable the "Return to Vendor" and "Return to Warehouse" options"
"Return Worksheets - added ability for the user to specify whether an item is eligible for credit on returns,Return Worksheets - added requirement for each item to be scanned when added to a worksheet"
"License Verification - corrected an issue where the POS was asking the user to validate a license even if the customer was under age"
"Return Worksheets - added requirement for the manager to scan each item when verifying the worksheet,Return Worksheets - updated worksheets to roll up identical items as they are added from the Pos"
"Loyalty - corrected an issue where the POS would attempt a loyalty lookup when scanning a license even when the Loyalty type was set to "None",Credit Card Processing - added Ingenico isc250 (EMV - Rapid Connect) as a device type,Loyal & Save - corrected an issue where an auto-logout during an active sale would erroneously prompt for loyalty redeems when the POS was opened again,Credit Processing - corrected an issue ,Loyal & Save - corrected an issue that allowed multiple redeems on a single transaction, but didn't subtract points from the customer properly for any redeems after the first"
"Degbug information for EBT with vx805"
"Added logic to separate EMV device from non emv device when using EBT"
"Juul Sale Limits - exposed setting to toggle Juul limits"
"Time Clock - corrected an issue that prevented an employee from clocking in if someone else was logged in to the Pos,Recon Permissions - corrected an issue that would allow an employee with the "Manager" permission to edit finalized recons even if they aren't a "Recon Admin",Register - corrected an issue where items with item-level POS flags would cause an error when scanned"
" Receiving - Added logic to prevent using only spaces as invoice number,EBT - add ability to check balance on EBT cards - Added button type (EBT Balance) and logic to get EBT card balance,Lottery Reconciliation - corrected an issue that caused the Activations tab to be blank when reconciling lottery"
"Reports - added a report to show out of stock items after receiving"
"House Account Payments - added support for using "Misc Tender" buttons when taking a house account payment,Debit - corrected an issue with using the debit button when not using any credit card integration"
"Loyalty ID lookup - resolved an issue where scanning a UPC that started with the same numbers as configured loyalty ID numbers would cause an error"
" POS Panels - corrected an issue that prevented looking up panels if an older panel had been deleted"
"Receipts - corrected an error message that would display if there were fewer than 10 receipts to reprint when the "Reprint Receipts" button was pressed"
"Lottery Reconciliation - corrected an issue where changing the ending numbers of the recon would affect the starting numbers of the next recon started even if the changed recon was not saved, Shift Reconciliation - corrected an issue that prevented shift recons from printing in POS"
" Enhanced Loyalty - corrected an issue that would cause a coupon to redeem incorrectly in some instances,Credit Processing - Enabled Debit card processing in Heartland,JUUL Restrictions - Added support for new PLUs - 819913011412, 819913011719, 819913012488, 819913011689"
"Uplifts - corrected a rare issue that could cause an uplift to trigger for the wrong items,Uplifts - Added option to set display resolution to use when displaying the digital receipt"
"Return Worksheets - added the ability to create partial vendor parts on the fly when returning a child item to the warehouse,Suspended Sales - added the ability to remember the suspended sale's name when resuming and re-suspending,Time Clock - added a setting to use a default type for POS clock outs - this prevents the POS from prompting for punch types,"Combine Identical Items" - corrected an issue with this setting when items with sales links are sold"
"Promotions - corrected an issue that prevented buydown sales from recording properly if the item was also on a promotion,Label Printing - added a setting that allows POS to remember the last quantity of labels printed,POS Settings - disabled the ability to use "Combine Like Items" in conjunction with "Discount Child When Parent Qty Sold" due to an issue caused by using both settings together"
"Support for LNS pending customers - added prompt in POS to add any customer info that LNS requires (email, phone #, etc.)"
" Combine Identical Items Setting - corrected an issue where the item count would show the wrong number when combining items sold via a sales link,Time Clock - corrected an issue that caused POS to never prompt for type, and give an error if the user clocked out without a default type set"
"Tenders - corrected an issue that caused a blank popup message when canceling a check tender,Time Clock - corrected an issue that caused a user to be clocked out even if they tried to cancel the clock out when choosing a clock out type"
"Void Receipts - corrected an issue that caused the incorrect void reason to show if multiple items were voided on the same transaction"
"Receipts - corrected an issue that caused sales to erroneously show up as voids in the Negative Cashier Report, House Accounts - corrected an issue that caused a house account balance to adjust when tendering out using a tender type of 20,Weighted Pricing - corrected an issue that caused average cost to record incorrectly when ringing up a weighted item,Orders - corrected an issue that allowed "Do Not Order" vendor parts to be added to an order"
"JUUL License Scan Requirements - added an option to override the license scan requirement if the customer brings in valid ID that can't be scanned per JUUL's request"
"Returns Worksheets - corrected an issue that prevented receiving when the invoice was converted from a worksheet and contained child items,Label Printing - corrected an issue with "Part of Carton" buydowns that caused incorrect prices to print on child units (when "Include Buydowns" was checked)"
" JUUL Limits - Modified JUUL limits to 1 device and 4 PODs per transaction as per JUUL's updated requirements,Sales Links - corrected an issue where editing the quantity of an item on a sale didn't properly update the quantity of sales-linked items in some cases, DL Verification - altered the verification prompt to hide the customer's address"
"Return Worksheets - corrected an issue that caused the wrong costs/vendor part numbers to populate orders when created from a return worksheet,Daily Reconciliation - corrected an issue that prevented the percent discount amounts from saving properly,Lottery Reconciliation - added a prompt for the user to select whether to update end counts when reopening a recon,Daily Reconciliation - corrected an issue that caused reconciliation to hang if the Z counter was more than 6 digits,Daily Reconciliation - corrected an issue that allowed editing a finalized daily recon without recon admin permissions"
"Return Worksheets - Corrected an issue that caused some parts created by the worksheets to have the wrong costs in some cases"
"Return Worksheets - corrected an issue that prevented worksheets from properly sending to the warehouse in some cases"
"Return Worksheets - corrected a slowdown when scanning an item to add to a worksheet"
"Return Worksheets - corrected an error message when returning to warehouse was enabled, but require verification was disabled"
"Return Worksheets - corrected an issue that caused Orders created by the worksheets module to have the "approved" quantities rather than the "Verified" quantities"
"Ticket #218343 - Add Tax Amount To DataCap Integration - Added tax amount to datacap integration,Ticket #209406 - POS Time Entry Types - Added setting to prompt for out type and wired up appropriate logic,Ticket #209677 - Double entries on receipt for bottle deposit - Added logic to refresh item count after combined sale with linked PLU,Ticket #212740 - Negative Cashier Report inflated by a couple of issues - Removed voids from combined items from being written to pdetail, Ticket #218365 - Uplifts refreshing in POS when POS isn't registered - Added logic to disable uplifts if device id is blank,Ticket #218366 - Uplifts prompting, but not "winning" properly - Refactored classes and logic to separate out the trigger qty used by uplift guid,Ticket #217751 - Cannot Ring By Qty after Scanning Coupon - Found and fixed issue with text not being cleared"
"Added datacap device reset on closing form from cancel,Ticket #217588 - could not perform breakdown - Changed breakdown logic to not be case sensitive"
"Intial Test Compile"
"Label Printing - corrected an issue that caused label prices not to properly take part of carton into account when printing labels for child items,House Accounts - added a setting on House Accounts to allow specific accounts to override the carton count limits,System Discounts - corrected an issues that caused discounts filtered by manufacturer not to trigger,Sales Links - added the ability to specify how many of a linked item should be sold when the primary item is added to a sale,Astro Loyalty - added integration with Astro loyalty "
"Return Worksheets - added ability to send an order through EDI immediately after converting it from a worksheet, Return Worksheets - added a setting to change the caption on the "Worksheets" button,Price Check - updated price check screen to show all applicable discounts and the post-discount price for each"
"Lottery Recon - corrected an issue when re-opening a recon that caused the variances not to calculate correctly on the worksheet, On Screen Keyboard - corrected an issue with the onscreen keyboard that prevented the backspace button from working correctly"
"Cleaned up fuel pump stacking interface,Credit Card Processing - added the ability to specify a second credit card device and choose one when selecting a credit card tender"
"Created new setting, EnableModifiers, to allow use of them without full hospitality mode,Added fuel dispenser history and ability to reprint fuel receipt,Added ability to email receipts from the "Print Receipt" screen,Credit Card Fee - updated the percent credit fee to only apply to the balance that is being charged,POS Logs - Changed log files to create a new log daily and delete all logs older than 180 days"
"POS Panels - added "Multiple Sale" button type. This allows the creation of buttons with hard-coded sale multipliers,Loyalty Customers - changed name fields to disallow numbers and special characters,Settings - disabled the "Default Time Clock Type" setting if "Force Lunch" is enabled,Enhanced Loyalty - added settings to force phone number and email when adding a customer"
"Linking Enhanced Loyalty Lookups to PinPad - Added setting and logic to get loyalty phone number from pin pad via datacap,Convert Orders to Invoices From POS - Updated the New Invoice Popup to convert orders to invoices."
"Receipt and CFD Discrepancy - Updated subtotal logic to take into account buydown taxes and display correctly,Forcing JUUL Age Requirement Regardless of the POS Flag - Added hidden DB setting (JUULAgeRequired) that gets/sets the age for JUUL items,Juul UPC Not triggering ID Prompt - Added UPCs to list of JUUL items and moved itemlists to separate DLL,Added CC phone number lookup to cloud loyalty,FasTrax Freezing and Force Closing when applying adjustment - Added message after adjustments applied,Loyalty lookup with onscreen keyboard - Added setting to save last search option,Discount Triggering More than once, even though occurence limit is set to once per sale - Wrapped up refactoring BxGy free when using trigger list,Convert Orders to Invoices From POS - Fixed issue where the PO Number wasn't being added,Error when trying to tender Debit for HeartSIP - Added logic to restrict returns via debit with Heartland SIP,Error when scanning a loyalty card - Added error message when adding a card if not good add. No problems looking up using LNS000010000T5 on staging site,Fixed issue with Heartland manual cards that have AVS in response throwing exception,Divide by Zero error POS - Updated discounts logic to resolve issue"
"Compile for release"
"Corrected an issue that caused all cards to run as credit under HeartSIP,Changed all Crystal Report references to not be version specific to help isolate issue report viewer issue"
" Manufacturer coupons - corrected an issue that allowed manufacturer coupons to over tender even when the tender was set to disallow over tendering,JUUL manager override - added a number pad for birthdate entry"
"Messages - corrected an issue that prevented messages from opening in some instances,Excise Taxes - added support for charging excise taxes on retail rather than cost"
"Pricebook Management - corrected an issue that prevented inventory tracking of newly added items in Pos"
" Messages - added cashier name to the message that is sent to corporate when a scanned item is not found in the system,CC Receipts - corrected an issue that caused Debit card receipts not to follow the setting for the number of credit card receipts to print"
"CC processing - corrected an issue that prevented HeartSIP pads from resetting after a partial authorization,Reconciliation - corrected an issue that allowed a user to create a daily recon when their user permissions were set to disallow daily recon,System Discounts - corrected an issue that allowed "Buy X Get Y Free" discounts to give too many free items when using a trigger list"
" Loyalty - added support for adding customers from an uplift prompt,System Discounts - added support for weekly limits on loyalty system discounts"
"Invoices - added support for Invoice Excise taxes when receiving through Pos,POS Panels - corrected an issue when creating a new "Dollar Discount" button that caused an error message when entering a dollar amount on the button"
"Astro Loyalty - corrected an issue that prevented astro balances from showing in POS in some instances"
"System Discounts - corrected an issue with discount weekly limits that caused the limits to trigger too soon.,DL Scanning - corrected an issue that prevented some licenses from populating the State when adding a new loyalty customer, Ticket #236797 - Adding New Customer with LNS Won't Save - Enabled error form when adding cloud customer,Ticket #235811 - Items not calculating cost correctly on PIkapack - Found and fixed issue with pik-pak non inventoried items not flipping variable on adjusted qty,Reconciliation - created an addtional recon bucket (Lottery Redeem),CC processing - added an option to disallow partial authorizations on Credit Cards"
"Fixed issue with weekly limiters using for qty instead of at qty"
" Ticket #234855 - Extra Flat Tax on Specific Items - Added support for flat tax on POS flags,Ticket #234752 - Random coupon showing in Pdetails - Removed coupon from pdetail list if validation failed after acceptance"
"Ticket #237268 - Average Cost Problem - Changed updates to flip exported flag to 0,Ticket #236138 - Florida Tax Table Taxes Requirement - Added support for importing tier taxes and exposed tax type and all 8 fields"
"Ticket #236797 - Adding New Customer with LNS Won't Save - Enabled error form when adding cloud customer,Fixed issue with flat tax and empty POS flag, Loyalty Customers can now submit just their Phone or Email when clsRegister::LoyaltyEnforceStrictValidation is false,Ticket #235811 - Items not calculating cost correctly on PIkapack - Found and fixed issue with pik-pak non inventoried items not flipping variable on adjusted qty,Ticket #237263 - Bypassing the do you accept this amount prompt - Added setting to disable prompt,Ticket #237281 - Missing Email Keyboard Field in Loyalty - Added support for email address in custom keyboard"
"Ticket #237626 - DL Scan not populating information correctly into Loyalty forms - Found and fixed issue with parsing"
"Ticket #236138 - Fixed precision issue"
"return module - Fixed EDI issue"
"Compile for next release"
"Invoices - corrected an issue that caused invoices to be blank when converted from an order,Cycle Counts - added support for "Cycle Count Read-Only" permission,Enhanced Loyalty - added the ability to use an unused coupon from the "Customer Coupons" screen,Scan Store - corrected an issue that prevented this module from adding Adjustment records when changing quantity on hand"
"Integrated Loyalty - added an option to disable printing balances on loyalty receipts, Label Printing - added a prompt when printing a label for a Pik-a-Pak priced item to allow the user to choose which price to print,System Discounts - added support for stackable discounts,Receiving - added quantity on hand to the invoice report,Orders - added support for creating/editing orders in POS,Timeclock - added a setting to force the use of biometric logins for timeclock,Registers - corrected an issue that prevented the "# Credit Card Receipts" from applyting to debit card transactions"
"Linked Items - corrected an issue that caused linked items to be added to a return twice in some instances,Price Override - added support for preset Price Override descriptions,Price Check - added department information to Price Checks,Sell Item Multiplier - corrected an issue when selling multiples of an item using a POS button that prevented the multiplier from applying to all selected items,Adjustments - added a notes field to adjustments in POS, House Accounts - added support for optionally requiring passwords to ring up House Accounts,POS - added an option to require a manager login to close POS,Register - added support for preset descriptions on No Sales, Cancels and Voids,Reconciliation - corrected an issue that prevented dailty reconciliations from being removed at corporate when they were removed at the store,Reconciliation - added an option to auto-populate Credit and Debit on reconciliations,Register Z - added a prompt when running a register Z with no transactions"
"Fixed - disabling system discount when using a house account UpLifts still come up offering the system discount - Added Check for Disabled Discount,Reconciliation - added logging for any changes made after a reconciliation is initially saved, Starting Till - added setting to hardcode the starting till amount for reconciliation purposes,Register - added an option to print receipts when there is a "You Saved" amount,Register - Added support for tracking whether items were scanned or manually added to a sale"
"Returns Worksheets - added a notification popup when a returns worksheet has been returned from the warehouse,Reconciliation - added a requirement that reconciliations be saved before printing,Enhanced Loyalty - added support for additional lines on loyalty coupons,Open Dept Sales - added an option to prompt for description on Open Dept sales"
"Cancel Sales - Added an option to cancel out of entering notes on a cancel sale (this prevents the sale from being canceled), License Scanning - added support for tracking whether a license was scanned or the birthdate manually entered on a sale,Reconciliation - corrected an issue that allowed some system fields to be edited on reconciliations in some cases"
"Flat Taxes - added support for showing flat taxes on the register Z when no other taxes are applied to that tax bucket,Scan Store - added support for a new employee permission to allow/disallow access to the Scan Store feature,Astro Loyalty - corrected an issue that would allow a customer to erroneously get multiple rewards on the same transaction,System Discounts - corrected an issue that prevented a loyalty customer from getting a discount more than once a day when the daily limit was set higher"
"Register Sanity Check - Added IP address check when starting POS to verify multiple registers aren't using the same register number,Reconciliation - Added recon bucket for Debit Cards,Register Z - added a setting to launch reconciliation immediately after a Z is run,Enhanced Loyalty - corrected an issue that caused too much of a refund to be given when an item was returned that was originally purchased with a loyalty coupon,System Discounts - corrected an issue that caused an error message with some setups of triggered discounts,Astro Loyalty - added a message when creating a customer with an email/phone number that already exists on Astro's site, corrected an issue with the receipt logo path not visible"
"[version change for release]"
"corrected an issue with the "On Reg Z Show Recon" setting that prevented changes to the setting from saving correctly,Taxes - corrected an issue that caused the POS to charge too much tax in some very rare instances"
"Uplifts - corrected an issue that caused uplifts to fail to refresh in some rare cases,House Account Charges - added a message to alert the user if they are trying to partially tender with a House Charge,POS Panels - corrected an issue with the "Dollar Discount" button that was causing an error message on setup,Drivers License Scanning - corrected an issue that would allow age verification off an expired ID, Restrict Sales Tenders - added support for restricting a department to one of several tenders (previously, restricting tenders limited a department to only 1 tender),Astro Integration - added support for deducting points from a customer's account on a return (requires receipt number to be used for the return),Fuel - Added Fuel Admin Console and Diagnostics To POS,Credit Card settings - corrected an issue that caused CC settings to clear when "This Register is untintegrated" was checked."
"Orders - corrected an issue that caused order quantities to be cleared out in some instances,Out Of Stock Warning - added support for some items to be exempted from the out of stock warning,Cycle Counts - added support for customer filters in cycle counts,Receiving - Added support for Invoice Edit Cost Permission For Invoices"
"Loyal N Save - added "Loyalty Full Lookup" permission to enable users to look up customers without using phone numbers,Shift Reconciliation - added support for printed shift recons to abide by the "Shift Recons Are Blind" setting,Login - corrected an issue that allowed a user to type letters into the login prompt,Loyalty - correcte an error message that was appearing when looking up a customer with an unrecognized gender,Temp Price Change - corrected an issue that prevented typing in a description for temp price changes"
"[version change for release]"
"Credit Card - Added logic to throw error when Heartland response invoice number doesn't match requested invoice number"
"Daily Recon - Corrected report to show manager starting till amount., Price Override - Corrected override pop up to accept input for onscreen keyboard.,Credit Card Settings - Added support to prompt for swipe when using Heartland"
"Loyalty - Added loyalty lookup when verifying age via driver's license."
"Taxes - Corrected tax calculation for buydown tax amounts."
"Manual Discounts - Updated sales data sent to Control Center.,Waste - Added function to waste any items that are sales linked."
"Fuel - Updated logic to fuel pumps when closing and reopening register."
"Fuel - Added administrative options in pump details to resend commands and manually claim or payoff and history of commands sent to pump."
"Fuel - Added setting to retry sending fuel actions up to three times after a sale is posted."
"Fuel - Added option to refresh on a timer rather than on events at the pump."
"Flat Tax - Corrected issue with House Account being tax exempt when a flat tax is present. "
" Fuel - Updated administrative logic to execute timers."
"Fuel - Added support for auto payoffs on Fuel sales."
"Fuel - Fixed issue with postpay sales pulling CRIND open sales when checking status."
"Fuel - Resolved secondary registers trying to process Fuel sales."
"Fuel - Added logic to manually subscribe to Fuel events if subscription notification isn't received within 3 seconds."
"Fuel - Added logic to handle $0 payable fuel sales with auto prepay enabled."
"Astro Loyalty - Updated astro API to include client ID when logging in."
"Fuel - Added logic to only allow refunds and payoffs once when autopayoff is enabled."
"Reconciliation - Added error message if cash deposit is negative to all deposit worksheets."
"Reconciliation - Added negative check for check deposit, forced to save with manager parameters."
"Fuel - Added setting to DisableDispensingStatus to increase performance."
"Fuel - Added request for pump refresh when prepay is paid off for multi register location.,Fuel - Added confirmation response to secondary registers with Allied DIS transaction data processing."
"Fuel - Added logic to handle fuel sale stacking locally when autopayoff is true."
"Employee Groups - Updated logic in permissions.,Loyalty - Added condition to disable 99 dollar price amount for cloud loyalty."
"Fuel - Added logic to check pump status before performing Z."
"Employee Groups - Changed logic to get cashier permission from group."
"Fixed exception when opening POS with drawer must be closed setting in certain scenarios"
"Fuel - Added new fuel logging and communication methods."
"Receipts - Added logic to handle less than 10 receipts"
"Version change for release,Fuel - Schema update for fuel communication changes.,Fuel - Updated Fuel Prepay returns to use product department instead of prepay department.,Loyalty - Updated logic for required phone numbers on customers.,License - Added logic to create a temp license for 14 days when unable to communicate with server.,House Accounts - Updated logic to correct issue with maximum discounts for a house account per month."
"Receipts - Updated logic to handle less than 10 receipts.,Return Worksheet - Updated the selecedt worksheet to display the date instead of the GUID.,Juul - Updated manager override so it will switch fields when entering dates."
"Button Customization - Updated logic to default to medium and load saved details.,House Accounts - Updated Receipt Report.,Added TLS 1.2 support for downloading archive, affecting Windows 7 / Vista machines with .NET 4.5.2.,Fuel - Added force refresh of displays from CC at startup.,House Accounts - Added Department Level Discount Max Per Month.,Sales Links- Created new popup on price check screen that displays all the linked items and a total price after them all.,Invoices - Added ability to set invoices as negative invoices.,Fuel -Refactored fuel communications to use MSMQ instead of directly talking to Allied."
"Fuel - Added non persistent MSMQ for fuel communications."
"Fuel - Added second multicast address for fuel communications"
"POS - Resolved issue with item multiplier not showing on the register.,Loyalty - Updated how value of loyalty points records in database."
" Fuel - Updated prepay variance receipts to show prepay amount and fuel details; Updated prepay receipts to show fuel details. -,Fuel - Modified MSMQ to not create queue.,Fuel -Fixed issue with refunding prepay giving erroneous error message.,Modified FTP routine to also handle Active FTP communications so that we don't need to rely on ChilKat DLL."
"Excise Tax - Defaulted updating costs to true when saving invoices. ,POS Invoices - Updated POS reports to latest Crystal Reports version."
"POS Invoices - Added support for invoice misc fees in POS."
"House Accounts - Cleaned up house account lookup error message and added additional logic checks."
"House Accounts - Added sanity checks for each value."
"House Accounts - Updated webservice to handle house accounts."
"Lottery - Updated logic to add shift totals together.,Loyalty - Updated logic for onscreen keyboard."
"Uplifts - Moved the uplift timer from the register to the Login screen."
"Reconciliations - Update logic when deleting daily recon to also delete at corp. As well as update ability for recon admin to delete completed daily recon."
" Fuel - Added fuel status change log and logic when processing transaction data."
"Customer Display - Updated customer display logic to use cfsharp browser to handle query strings for resolution swaps (requires CFSharp DLLs)."
"Fuel - Changed fuel communication to be token based.,Astro - Added default Astro Client ID and disabled user from changing it.,Cloud Loyalty - Removed Username from object when creating cloud loyalty customer.,Customer Display - Fixed issue with loading CFD."
"Fuel - Added logic to allow all registers to finalize fuel sales.,Fuel - Added option to manually restart fuel threads."
" Fuel - Found and fixed logic with MSMQ timeout and openfuel sale without transaction ID."
"Fuel - Changed fuel comm logic to use single queue."
"Loyalty - Added setting to exclude loyalty coupons from spent amount."
"Fuel - Made all fuel pump actions button visible."
"Fuel - Removed reference to Redist cache and moved logic to DB table (FuelMessageLog)."
"Credit Cards - Added support for DataCap IP address for wifi/iSMP4 devices."
"Fuel - Added logic to clear .01 issue for ailing pumps allowing customer to dispense .01 more than prepaid for."
"Daily Reconciliation - Updated logic to resolve duplicate GUID issue.,Auto Starting Till - Enabled ability to cancel out of required starting till."
"Loyalty - Added logic to handle saving return customers prompting for email."
"EBT - Updated DataCap EBT logic to pull device ID from DLL and added setting for it."
"Fuel - Fixed issue with secondary registers closing prepay fuel sales completely."
"Fuel - Fixed new issue with secondary registers closing prepay fuel sales completely."
"Datacap - Added datacap IP Port for wifi/iSMP4 devices."
"Fixed connection string in regsale for pushing offline mode data."
"Added SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 for legacy windows support."
" Pinpads - Added secondary IP address setting to differentiate between pinpads."
"Credit Card Fee - Added Debit type tender to also collect credit card fee.,Buydown - Updated logic for when there is more than one buydown where at least one uses part of carton,Lottery - Fixed issue with rounding amount to 2 decimal places preventing completion of sale.,Shift Reconiliation - Updated filter to show store coupons correctly.,Return Module - Added totes count to return module.,Coupon - Updated logic when processing Juul coupon to resolve issue.,POS Permissions - Update logic in POS to exclude changing permissions of cashiers or creating new cashiers.,Lottery Reconciliation - Updated logic to get correct starting number when activating a new lottery game.,Return Worksheets - Updated logic to resolve issue with worksheet not showing item packages.,Restrict Sales Tender - Updated logic to resolve errors.,Online Lotto Sales - Updated logic for open department sales using a loyalty coupon.,Partial Authentication Transactions - Changed the scren color from Red to Orange.,Offline Mode - Updated logic to bypass schema update if in Offline Mode."
"Starting Till - Changed logic to close POS when cancelling.,Return Module - Update Worksheet to make the items grid visible,Loyalty - Added support for special chars and spaces in non-cloud loyalty."
"Debit - Added setting to disable credit types."